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词汇 Renaissance
释义 ren·ais·sance 英ˌrenɪˈsɑːns, -ˈzɑːns, ˈrenɪˌsɑːns, -ˌzɑːns, rɪˈneɪsəns美ˌrɛnɪˈsɑns, -ˈzɑns, ˈrɛnɪˌsɑns, -ˌzɑns, rɪˈnesənsAHDrĕn'ĭ-sänsʹ, -zänsʹ, rĕnʹĭ-säns', -zäns', rĭ-nāʹsəns ★★☆☆☆高六研IMST6四八COCA¹⁷²⁷⁴BNC⁵⁷⁶⁹iWeb⁷⁰⁵⁰Economist¹²⁷²⁰


the period in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries,when the art,literature,and ideas of ancient Greece were discovered again and widely studied

the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuriesthe revival of learning and culture来自古法语renaissance,重生,再生。来自拉丁语renasci,重生,再生。来自re-,再,重新,nasci,生育,出生。来自原始印欧语gene,生育,词源同natal, nascent, gene。引申词义文艺复兴。 renaissance来自古法语renaissance,重生,再生。来自拉丁语renasci,重生,再生。来自re-,再,重新,nasci,生育,出生。来自原始印欧语gene,生育,词源同natal, nascent, gene。引申词义文艺复兴。 re来自拉丁语re,关于,就有关事项。来自res的离格。来自res,事情,事物,词源同real。re-向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调,来自拉丁语re,向后,往回,相对,相反,再。作为强调有时仅表强调。 gene来自gen-,生育,词源同generate。用于科学术语。 natal来自拉丁语natus,出生,词源同native, gene。 nascent来自拉丁语nasci,出生。来自原始印欧语gen,生育,词源同gene, natal, native。 gene来自gen-,生育,词源同generate。用于科学术语。Renaissance man多才多艺的人…
re再次+naiss词根gn-的表始动词形式nasc-在法语中的演变结果+ance名词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing→再次出生⇒文艺复兴。非常记忆renai热奶〖拼音〗+ss〖象55〗+ance暗厕〖拼音〗⇒复兴时期人们把热奶倒进55个黑暗厕所GRE难词记忆renaissance → re=again 再+naiss=to beborn 出生+ance→再次出生→再生词根记忆re重新+naiss=nasc 出生+ance→获得新生→复兴,新生词根记忆re重新+naiss看作nas,出生+ance→再生,复兴re重新+naiss出生+ance⇒新生→文艺复兴近义词 rebirth新生
用作名词n.It belongs to the Renaissance architecture.它属于文艺复兴时期的建筑风格。
用作名词Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓。
Florence is the shrine of the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨是〈文艺复兴的〉圣地。
These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance.这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the Italian Renaissance.利奥纳多·达·芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位知名画家。
Folk music is currently enjoying arenaissance.民间音乐现在又时兴起来了。
The “nuclearrenaissance” is a myth.“核电复兴”只是一个神话。noun.rebirth
同义词 rejuvenation,renewal,resurgence,revitalization,revivalawakening,invigoration,regeneration,renascencenew dawn,reawakening
反义词 destruction
reactivationnoun revival
rebirthnoun revival
recoverynoun the process of regaining health
recuperationnoun recovery
renascencenoun revival
repossessionnoun recovery
betterment,comeback,convalescence,cure,healing,improvement,reawakening,rebirth,recoup,recuperation,regeneration,rehabilitation,reinvigoration,rejuvenation,renaissance,renascence,renewal,resurgence,resurrection,resuscitation,retrieval,revival,revivification At the end of the year, our family accepted an invitation from Phil and Linda Lader to attend their New Year’s weekend gathering in Hilton Head, South Carolina, called Renaissance Weekend.
这年年底,我们一家人接受了菲尔和琳达.拉德夫妇发出的邀请,参加他们在南卡罗来纳州希尔顿海德的新年周末聚会,也被称为“复兴周末”。 yeeyan

It's a river that, I think, all classical writers, and a lot of Renaissance writers, are very comfortable placing in the underworld.

This was the time of the early Renaissance and the beginning of the age of exploration in Europe.
郑和开拓了一条新路。这时,也是欧洲早期文艺复兴和探索时代的开始。 cri

“ We want to play a role in the renaissance of Africa, ” he said.
他说;“我们希望在非洲复兴的大业中发挥作用。” yeeyan

“ When China is going through an educational renaissance, when India is churning out science graduates, any complacency now would be fatal for our prosperity, ” he said at the Free School Norwich.
他在诺维治免费学校说:“中国正在经历教育的复兴,而印度教育出大量的学习科学的毕业生,自满的情绪对我国的繁荣是致命的威胁。” yeeyan

And there are the successors to the great city-states of the Renaissance— places like London and Singapore. What unites them all are ties defined by affinity, not geography.
而伟大的文艺复兴城邦的继承者——像伦敦和新加坡等地,使他们结为一体的是文化亲和力纽带而非地缘关系。 yeeyan

BCG predicts a“ manufacturing renaissance” in America. There are reasons to be sceptical.
波士顿咨询集团预测到美国将会有一次“制造业复兴”。 ecocn

Contrary to those who believe that only the federal government can ensure children's education, I predict a renaissance in education when parents are put back in charge.
与那些相信唯有联邦政府才能确保孩子教育质量的人完全相反,我预言当父母重新得到控制权时会出现教育的复兴。 yeeyan

For local industrialists, among the proudest Indians, the buying binge indicates a renaissance, and not only in business.
对于最感自豪的印度企业家来说,这种“收购狂欢”预示了一种不仅仅发生在商界的复兴。 ecocn

I called that man to say thank you. Then my family and I went to Renaissance Weekend and into the new year.
我给他打电话表达谢意,我和家人去参加了“复兴周末”,进入了全新的一年。 yeeyan

In the end, the most likely option for nuclear energy is neither renaissance nor retreat, but continued slow growth, with heated arguments on all sides.
归根结底,对于核能来说,最可能的一项选择既不是复兴也不是畏惧,而是在支持和反对声中继续缓慢增长。 yeeyan

Instead, another fear, of climate change, looked like it might be driving a “ nuclear renaissance” as states sought carbon-free energy sources.
反之,人们转为对气候变化的恐惧,美国在寻求无碳能源的资源,看起来像是将导向“核复兴”。 yeeyan

Jumping out of a moving plane is not as revolutionary as it was600 years ago, when Renaissance inventors started experimenting with the parachute.
从一个移动中的飞机中跳出来可不像600年前文艺复兴发明家们开始测试降落伞那样具有革命意义。 i21st

Ministers talk of a renaissance of nuclear power, involving the construction of up to eight new reactors over the coming decade, coupled with a huge expansion in renewable energy.
部长们在谈论复兴核电,包括在未来十年内建设多达八个新的核反应堆,以及大规模扩张可再生能源的运用。 ecocn

Ours can be a time of a new renaissance of values, of justice, of freedom from want and from fear.
我们的时代可以成为一个从匮乏和恐惧走向价值、公正、自由的新的复兴时代。 worldbank

Railways have enjoyed a renaissance over the past decade. Passenger numbers have surged and are now at their highest since the second world war.
铁路部门在过去十年当中经历了一次复兴,旅客人数迅速上升,现在已经达到二战以来的最高值。 ecocn

Some people think that renting will enjoy a renaissance as a result of the crisis, but few expect a wholesale, permanent shift in attitudes.
某些人士认为房屋租赁业将因危机而出现复兴,但很少有人指望态度会出现大规模的永久变化。 ecocn

The brainchild of Millard Fuller, a friend of ours from Renaissance Weekend, Habitat uses volunteers to build houses for and with poor people, who then pay for the cost of the materials.
这个组织是我们“复兴周末”活动的朋友米勒德.富勒的创意,参加的志愿者为穷人或者与穷人一起修建房屋,而材料费由穷人自己出。 yeeyan

This is a renaissance.
这是一场复兴。 yeeyan

This may be one of the reasons why, after centuries of neglect, Bronzino is now having a renaissance of his own.
这也许正是布龙奇诺这个被遗忘了好几百年的名字能在今天获得自身复兴的原因之一吧。 ecocn

This may be too constraining for Poland, which sees its first- ever presidency as a step in the renaissance of a martyred nation.
对波兰来说,这也许太难了,因为它将这有史以来的第一次任期看作这个苦难民族在复兴之路上行进的一步。 ecocn

This philosophy already appears to be paying large dividends as RDF is undergoing a minor renaissance of activity and discussion.
由于 RDF正在经历活动和讨论方面的局部复兴,因而这项原则看上去已经大大受益。 ibm

We passed up Renaissance Weekend again that year so that our family could spend the last New Years at Camp David.
那一年,我们又没去参加“复兴周末”活动,因为我们一家人要在戴维营度过我任内的最后一个新年。 yeeyan

We in the West have a narrative that involves the development of individual reason and conscience during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, and then the subsequent flourishing of capitalism.
生活在西方的我们在讲述历史时,经常会谈及文艺复兴与启蒙运动时期个人理性与良知的发展,以及随后出现的资本主义的兴盛场景。 yeeyan

What accounts for this renaissance?
这样的复兴说明了什么呢? yeeyan




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