

单词 remould
释义 remould 英ˌriː'məʊld美ˌriː'moʊld ☆☆☆☆☆高BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt.改铸²⁹;重塑⁵⁰;再补胎面=retread; remold.三单remoulds过去分词remoulded现在分词remoulding
cast again;

The bell cracked and had to be recast

give new treads to a tirere-,再,重新,mould,模型,模子。re-后-mould⇒vt.改铸²⁹近义词 remold改造recast改动retread再补胎面
用作及物动词Therefore I said that the Asian University mustremouldoneself.因此我说,亚洲大学必须重塑自身。 By study of relationship of structural analysis and mineralization- alteration has been set up remould metallogenic system of strata control- shear and tension structure- hydrothermal convection.
具体阐述了各构造作用阶段与矿化蚀变之间的关系,建立了地层建造-剪切与张裂构造-热液渗流的成矿系统。 cnki

It has been an important and urgent task to remould mechanism of governmental integration effectively.
切实有效地进行政府整合机制重塑已经成为一项重要而紧迫的任务。 cnki

The consensus from the beginning was that only1% of humans had it, but the chaos they caused was so far-reaching, it could actually remould society.
广泛形成的共识是一开始就只有1%的人类有此症状。但他们对社会所造成深远影响可以使整个社会改变结构。 yeeyan

These groups not only help young wrong-doers to remould their thinking, but also try to find jobs and spouses for them on their release.

To enhance teaching quality is not only an issue to remould brand image of adult education college, but also a key to increase employment rate of graduates and to improve employment level of graduate.
强化教学质量管理,不仅仅是重塑成人高校品牌的问题,也是提高成人高校毕业生就业率,改善毕业生就业质量的一个关键问题。 cnki

To remould one's world outlook involves arduous struggle.
改造世界观需要进行艰苦的斗争。 hotdic

A summer is the whole memory of a fish. They thoroughly remould themselves in summer and their fates change accordingly.
一个夏天就是一种鱼的全部记忆,它们在夏天里脱胎换骨,连同自己的命运一起重新改变。 shanghart

At the cyberspace middleman they through the medium of subject-object- rization: at the cyberspace middleman they remould ego without intermission to confirm that subject;
在网络空间中人们通过主体客体化:在网络空间中人们不断重塑自我,确认主体; fabiao

Companion spirit way smooth muscle abnormality constringency friendly way high reaction, also aggravate gradually of the spirit way remould.
伴气道平滑肌异常收缩和气道高反应性,并有逐渐加重的气道重塑。 fabiao

Cut the ties, the liberal-left believes, and you can stamp your brand while stamping out stubborn resistance and remould a nation as your own utopian idyll.
自由主义的左派认为,切断了与历史的联系你就可以踩上你的印记同时也踩灭了顽强的抵抗并将国家重塑为属于自己的乌托邦田园。 yeeyan

The Marxism belief crisis is the current ideology domain most sensitive question, but will remould the Marxism belief is current and the future China advanced cultural reconstruction core and the key.
马克思主义信仰危机是当前意识形态领域最敏感的题目,而重塑马克思主义信仰是当前和未来中国先进文化建设的核心和关键。 qk114

The Alexander comparison is really not as far- fetched as it might seem: he really is trying to remould the world according to his vision.
将自己比作亚历山大其实并没有那么夸张:他确实像通过自己的视野来改变这个世界。 yeeyan

This paper compares and analyses some profits of adopting magnetic sleeve to remould these motors and generators.
本文就磁性套筒用于电动机和发电机改造前后进行了对比分析。 cnki




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