

单词 Avram
释义 Avram ˈeivrəm COCA⁴⁴⁰⁸³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Ora tells Avram the story of her life.
奥拉告诉埃弗拉姆她的故事。 ecocn

The Chelsea defender condemned the club for the “ cruel” sacking of Avram Grant as manager, two days after their Champions League final defeat to Manchester United on penalties.
前不久,切尔西在于曼联的冠军联赛决赛中点球告负,两天后该名切尔西后卫谴责俱乐部将前教练阿夫拉姆·格兰特一脚踢飞的动作太过“残忍”。 yeeyan

The novel then moves forward to2000. The setting is a long walk that Ora and Avram take through northern Israel.
故事的场景接着移到了2000年,背景是奥拉和埃弗拉姆徒步穿越以色列北部地区。 ecocn

The setting is a long walk that Ora and Avram take through northern Israel.
背景是奥拉和埃弗拉姆徒步穿越以色列北部。 ecocn

What they need: To keep hold of Scott Parker must be a priority, although whether the club's board will trust Avram Grant with the funds to add to his squad must be in question.
需要:必须要留住帕克,但是俱乐部董事会是否愿意给予大笔资金来供格兰特使用则是个大问号。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ If Avram wants to go, it will be his decision. But I haven't got a problem with Avram, ” Redknapp said.
“如果戈兰特要走,那时他自己的决定。但我与他之间并没有什么问题。”,雷德纳普说。 qieerxi

“ Avram Grant is no longer the manager of West Ham United,” a statement said.
俱乐部发表声明说:“格兰特不再担任西汉姆主帅。” yeeyan

“ Avram did a great job, but they still decided to sack him,” Carvalho said.
“阿夫拉姆同志干的还不错,可惜还是被炒了鱿鱼”,卡瓦略说。 yeeyan

Chelsea have appointed Avram Grant as their new director of football.
切尔西已经委任阿夫兰姆-格兰特为他们的新任足球主管。 www.chelsea.net.cn

Chelsea manager Avram Grant admits he is a fan of strike duo Nicolas Anelka and Dimitar Berbatov.
切尔西主帅格兰特承认他是阿内尔卡和贝尔巴托夫这对“搭档”的粉丝。 www.chelsea.net.cn

Following West Ham's relegation to the Championship under Avram Grant last month Parker was expected to lead an exodus of the club's better players.
上月在格兰特的带领下西汉姆被降入了英冠,帕克被认为是该俱乐部中少有的怀才者。 blog.sina.com.cn

I am really looking forward to working with Avram and Chelsea's style of football really suits my game.
我非常期盼着与阿夫拉姆一起工作,同时切尔西的风格也十分适合我的特点。 www.chelsea.net.cn

Jose Mourinho has welcomed Avram Grant to Chelsea but told him not to interfere in his affairs.
何塞-穆里尼奥对阿夫拉姆格兰特来到切尔西表示欢迎,但是同事也警告他不要干预他对球队的管理。 iciba

Mourinho has publicly stood by Clarke, despite Abramovich's attempt to bring in Portsmouth coach Avram Grant to work alongside him.
尽管阿布可能会让朴茨茅斯的教练阿伍海姆-格兰特辅佐穆里尼奥,但穆帅已经公开表示支持卡拉克。 qieerxi

Roman has appointed Avram as the replacement for mighty Mourinho.
罗曼已经指定阿弗拉姆接替伟大的穆里尼奥。 iciba

The West Ham manager Avram Grant, though, maintains he has no issue with Holloway's line-up.
西汉姆主教练格兰特则表示他认为霍罗威的首发阵容没有问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

The44-year-old parted company with Chelsea in the early hours of Thursday and has been succeeded by Avram Grant at Stamford Bridge.
这位44岁的教练周四早些时候在斯坦福桥与切尔西分手,并由艾弗拉姆•格兰特继任。 www.inter1908.net

Avram Grant, Mourinho's successor at Chelsea, has claimed the Portuguese is at fault for the Blues' stuttering title campaign, as he prepares for a mass overhaul of his squad in the summer.
格兰特是穆里尼奥的继任者,前者表示因为葡萄牙人的错误才使蓝军难以获得联赛冠军,而且他也准备在夏季对原有的阵容来个大换血。 qieerxi

AVRAM GRANT insists Chelsea would have won the title if he had taken over sooner from Jose Mourinho.
格兰特坚持声称,如果他能再早一点从穆帅手里结果教鞭,那切尔西就不会失去冠军。 qieerxi

Avram Grant's men are unbeaten in their last four Barclays Premier League matches, their longest undefeated run since April2009.
格兰特的球队近四场英超联赛保持不败,这是他们自2009年4月以来最长的不败纪录了。 yeeyan

Avram has never recovered from imprisonment and torture in the Yom Kippur war.
埃弗拉姆在赎罪日战争中受到关押和折磨,症状再不能消除了。 ecocn

Avram, I have a perfect match for your son, a wonderful girl.
艾弗拉姆,我给你儿子找了一个非常好的对象,相当好的一个姑娘。 yeeyan




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