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词汇 Remote antiquity
释义 Remote antiquity riˈməutænˈtɪkwɪti: 短语⁶⁴⁵⁶²
In the end it is concluded that Chinese comity and Confucianism is origin in Chinese remote antiquity jade culture through the analysis of regulations of jade use in Shanli three etiquettes.
再通过对“三礼”中关于用玉的论述和规定的辨析,最后认为中国远古玉文化之源是华夏礼仪和中华儒学。 cnki

The comparatively specific consanguinity in the Chinese remote antiquity came into being in the New Stone Age and then relatively intact family systems had formed just before the dawn of civilization.
中国远古时代较为清晰的血缘关系发生于新石器时代,至文明前夜已形成了较为完备的家族体系。 lsfyw

The legends carried in ancient myths and books as well as in the folkways and customs of later generations all attest that water was the symbol of life in remote antiquity.
上古神话,典籍记载的传说,后世的民风习俗等都证明了水在远古是生命的象征。 cnki

This paper has reviewed and analyzed the aesthetic culture of the five ages: remote antiquity, Shang Dynasty, the Dynasty of Xi- Zhou, the age of Chun- Qiu, and the age of Zhan-Guo.
本文将先秦时期分作远古、商代、西周、春秋、战国五个阶段,分别对这五个阶段的服饰审美文化发展进行了考察和分析。 cnki

Animals and plants of remote antiquity turned to fossils.
远古的动植物变成了化石。 yeshj

Chapter one : the divinatory symbols of Bi in Book of Changes described a vivid picture of remote antiquity wedding.
第一章:透过《贲卦》卦爻辞的描述,一副远古的婚礼图生动地展现在我们面前。 fabiao

China is the birthplace of world's culture in remote antiquity.
中国是世界远古文化的发祥地。 cnki

Chinese myths of remote antiquity continue to circulate, giving people courage and providing them with enlightenment to help them turn their dreams into reality.
中国远古神话在民间流传很广,它给人以鼓舞和启发,促使人们把神奇的幻想变为现实。 hwjyw

Combining archeological material and historical record, this paper analyses the humane environment and evolution features in Guo-guo area from remote antiquity to western Zhou times.
结合考古资料与文献记载,分析了远古至西周时期虢国地区历史人文环境的演进及其特点。 cnki

However, in the remote antiquity, it took long periods before young couple got married.

In Dalian, some historical events occurred and there was widespread and profound relationship with Northeast History, not only in remote antiquity, ancient time but also modern time.
无论是远古、古代、还是近现代,一些重大的历史事件均发生在这一地区,并与东北各历史时期有着广泛而深刻的联系。 cnki

In remote antiquity, trees of Picea, Abies and Larix were the principle compositions of the mixed broadleafconifer forests in Tianmu mountain area.
在远古时期,云杉、冷杉和落叶松是天目山区针阔混交林的主要组成树种。 cnki

In remote antiquity, there was no god in people seys; there was only adoration of genitals and ancestors.
远古人心目中没有神,只有对生殖和祖先的崇拜。 cnki

Its history dates back to remote antiquity.
它的历史可以追溯到远古时代。 cctv

Its origin dates back to remote antiquity.
它起源于远古时期。 huixue

Its origin can be traced back to remote antiquity.

Myths about the sexes of the sun and the moon show the matrimonial progresses and reforms in the remote antiquity, the human beliefs and the common customs.
日月神性别关系的神话寓意远古时期内婚制下的进步与改革,反映着人类的信仰和世俗; cnki

Since remote antiquity, the Silk Road, which went across Asia, Africa and Europe these three continents, afforded several ancient civilizations by the identity of trade path.
横贯亚、非、欧大陆的“丝绸之路”自远古以来就以贸易商道的身份承载着多种古代文明。 sinoss

Since remote antiquity, each nation has located thoughts and emotions as functions of different organs, which, as embodied in its language and literature, constitutes a rich cultural heritage.
东西方不同民族都从远古以来就赋予人体生理器官以不同的功能,它们积淀在语言和文学中,构成各自的一笔丰富文化遗产。 cnki

The first great transformation of human thought was to go from primitive thought in remote antiquity to modern civilization, that is, from thinking in terms of images to thinking in concepts.
人类思维的第一次大变革是从远古的原始思维走向现代文明思维,即从形象思维走向概念思维。 cnki

There existed clandestine investigation technology in remote antiquity.
我国远古时期就有秘密侦查技术。 cnki




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