

单词 remitting
释义 re·mit·ting 英'riːmɪt美'riːmɪt COCA¹⁵³⁶⁹⁷BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with;

they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life

law the act of remitting especially the referral of a law case to another court
send money in payment;

remit $25

hold back to a later time;

let's postpone the exam

release from claims, debts, or taxes;

The taxes were remitted

refer a matter or legal case to another committee or authority or court for decisionforgive;

God will remit their sins

make slack as by lessening tension or firmnessdiminish or abate;

The pain finally remitted

remitting bank汇出行,寄单行…remit a debt免债,免偿债务…remit to发回重新处理…remit account划帐remit money划拨款项
近义词 or或者job工作send发送scope机会abate缓和table桌子defer推迟loosen松开sphere范围remand送还concern关心brief短暂的pass on传递put off不安dispatch派遣submit使服从prorogue休会set back推迟put over驶过postpone延期alleviate减轻forward向前的slacken使松弛remission宽恕send back送回hold over延期forwards向前地shelve放在架子上responsibility责任remitmentremit的名词形式…sphere of activity活动范围,重力范围…

用作及物动词Heremittedsome money to his mother.他给他母亲寄了一些钱。
You will have toremitthis problem to a higher authority.你得把这个问题提交给上一级。
God would notremityour sins.上帝不会宽恕你的罪恶。
The taxes have beenremitted.税已豁免。用作不及物动词Enclosed is our bill; pleaseremit.随函寄上账单,请寄款。
Her pain began toremit.她的疼痛开始缓和了。
Their enthusiasm began toremit.他们的热情开始减退。as in.giving
同义词 offeringallowing,awarding,bequeathingcedingconferring,contributing,conveying,dispensing,distributing,donating,endowing,expending,furnishing,granting,imparting,permitting,presenting,supplying,transferring,yieldingdoling out,handing out,passing out
反义词 appropriating,getting,taking
givingnoun bestowing
allowing,awarding,bequeathingcedingconferring,contributing,conveying,dispensing,distributing,doling out,donating,endowing,expending,furnishing,granting,handing out,imparting,offering,passing out,permitting,presenting,supplying,transferring,yielding As that number has grown, so others have fallen: the fee for remitting money has dropped from an average of9.2% in 1999 to 3% in January2007, according to Bancomer, a Mexican bank.
汇款额的增长引起了其他数字下降:1999年,汇款费用平均是汇款额的9.2%, 而2007年1月,降到了3%,墨西哥一家名为 Bancomer的银行说。 ecocn

Doctors found four years ago that she had Relapsing- Remitting MS.
她于四年前被诊断出患有复发缓解型多发性硬化症。 remword

On receipt of such advice the remitting bank must give appropriate instruction as to the further handling of the documents.
收到上述通知后,托收行必须就单据的进一步处理作出适当的指示。 blog.sina.com.cn

The author thinks the audit hypothesis is composed of the hypotheses of liability remitting, confirmation, efficient control and time and space.
提出审计假设主要由责任解除假设、可验证性假设、有效控制假设、时空假设构成。 cnki

The buyer's capital will be tied up from the time of remitting it until the goods arrive and are sold.
从汇款时起直到货物到达和销售掉,买方会积压资金。 jukuu

The remitting bank change its position from an agent to a financing party.
汇款行改变他的性质,从中介变成融资的角色。 nciku

“ For the migrant, the act of remitting is the goal,” says Ratha.
“对移民来说,汇款行为就是目的,” Ratha说。 worldbank

Any costs incurred in remitting the retirement income withdrawal will be at the expense of the Policy Owner and will be deducted from the remitted amount.
退休入息提款所衍生的任何收费,将为保单持有人的支出,并会从退休入息提款金额中扣减。 richspy.com

Because his feeling of impending crisis guide he looks for between the tradition and the contemporary of remitting and matching point.
因为他的危机意识引导他去寻求在传统和当代之间的汇合点。 grandfather-art.com

I'd like to check whether500 pounds remitting from London has arrived.
我想查看由伦敦汇来的500英镑是否到了。 englishint

It often begins to affect them within ten years of receiving their first medical diagnosis of Relapsing- Remitting MS.
通常在复发缓解型多发性硬化症第一次诊疗之后,不出十年就会发展成这种类型。 remword

People should check the account numbers carefully before remitting money to the areas and choose the ones recommended by mainstream media or get verified account numbers from the counter.
群众向灾区汇款时,一定要仔细核实捐款账号,尽量使用主流媒体公布的账号,或在银行柜面获取经核实的账号。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Please notify us in time after remitting money, tell your member's name about it, the bank and amount of money gathered together.
请你汇款后及时通知我们,告之您的会员名,所汇银行及金额。 zfb225.hz21.host724.cn

Relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS that is presumed to have an autoimmune cause.
复发缓和多发性硬化是一种炎性中枢系统脱髓鞘疾病,推测由自身免疫引起。 dxy

The most common is called Relapsing- Remitting.
最常见的一种是“复发缓解型”。 remword

The most common type is relapsing- remitting MS, in which patients experience attacks of symptoms such as muscle weakness and spasms followed by periods of symptom- free remission.
最常见的类型是“复发-缓解型多发性硬化”,即病人在症状发作后,如肌无力和肌痉挛,有一段症状完全缓解的期间。 essaystar

The most common type of MS is called relapsing- remitting MS where patients get muscle weakness and spasms after periods with no symptoms.
最常见的类型称为“复发-缓解型多发性硬化”,即病人肌无力和肌痉挛发作,有症状完全缓解的间期。 dxy

These days, with a relapsing remitting illness, it is difficult to know where to start with getting back on the path to work.
这些天来,病情有所缓解,可是却很难想象应该从哪里开始着手回去工作。 yeeyan

They can reduce the incidence of relapse or extend time between relapses in the relapsing- remitting form of MS but symptoms are not changed by the drugs.
它们能够降低医学倒退的发生率或者延缓倒退-抵消相转换的医学形式,但是,药物并不能够改变这些症候。 yeeyan

This form of the disease affects about fifty percent of those with the Relapsing- Remitting form of MS.
大约百分之五十的复发缓解型多发性硬化症病例都会发展成这种类型。 remword

Remitting in and out of qualified foreign investors causes foreign exchange funds to float in large scale, it might bring about supply-demand changes of funds in foreign exchange market.
合格境外机构投资者汇入、汇出本金或收益而引致的外汇资金的大规模流动,将引起外汇市场资金供求对比关系的变化。 cnki




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