

单词 remind
释义 re·mind 英rɪˈmaɪnd美rɪˈmaɪndAHDrĭ-mīndʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛4八COCA¹⁷⁴³BNC⁵⁴⁴³iWeb²¹⁰⁰Economist⁷⁰⁹⁰

vt. 使想起

tell or cause sb to remember a fact, or to do sth

put in the mind of someone;

Remind me to call Mother

assist somebody acting or reciting by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned

❌ These pictures remind me to think of my happy childhood.

✔️ These pictures remind me of my happy childhood.

remind已经含有cause sb to think of的意思,后面不能再加think。


❌ I am glad you reminded me this matter.

✔️ I am glad you reminded me of this matter.


❌ He reminds me so much his father.

✔️ He reminds me so much of his father.

表示“提醒某人有关某事”“使某人想起某事”时,不能用remind sb sth 结构,但可用remind sb of sth 这一结构。


❌ The secretary reminded me of phoning my wife.

✔️ The secretary reminded me to phone my wife.


❌ Please remind me of taking my medicine tomorrow.

✔️ Please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.


❌ Please remind me of posting the letters.

✔️ Please remind me to post the letters.

“提醒某人做某事”,应该说remind sb to- v ,用动词不定式充当宾语补足语,而remind sb of v -ing表示“使某人想起做过某事”。


❌ He reminded that I must attend a meeting at four o'clock.

✔️ He reminded me that I must attend a meeting at four o'clock.


remind sb to-v, remind sb of v-ing

remind接双宾语时其直接宾语可以是动词不定式,也可以是介词短语“of+ v -ing ”。它们之间的区别是:前者指将来发生的事情,而后者则指过去发生过的事情。试比较以下两个句子:

He reminded me to answer the letter.他提醒我回这封信。
He reminded me of my answering the letter.他提醒我已经回过这封信了。remind, mind, recall, recollect, remember




I can still recall your saying to me that you were going to be a lawyer.我还记得清你对我说过你要当律师的事。
I don't recall where to meet her.我不能记起在哪儿见过她。
I don't recall how to do it.我不能记忆起怎样做那事。


Now,I remember.We met for the first time in the Dabie Mountains.哦,我想起来了。我们第一次是在大别山见面的。
I have never had this kind of experience since I can remember.自我记事以来,我从来没有这样的经历。
She caught herself remembering how things were there twenty years before.她不由自主地回想起20年前那里的情景。

4.remind指通过媒介或激发力而“想起”。 例如:

The picture reminded him of his home and family in Taiwan.这幅画使他想起了在台湾的故乡和亲人。
The time of year reminds me how the months have gone.每年这个时候都使我想起那些月份是怎么过去的。


She sat there quietly and began to recollect their happy holidays.她静静地坐在那儿,开始回忆起他们愉快的假日。memorize,remember,recall,recollect,remind







词根词缀: re-再 + mind -ment- 记忆 → 使再想起
用作动词 v.
~+副词remind constantly常常想起remind grimly恐怖地想起remind laughingly可笑地想起remind painfully痛苦地想起remind personally私下想起remind pleasantly愉快地想起remind relentlessly无情地想起remind spitefully恶意地想起remind tenderly敏感地想起remind vividly清楚地想起~+介词remind about就…提醒remind of就…提醒,使想起…remind sb of his promise提醒某人勿忘记自己的诺言
remind about v.+prep.

就…提醒某人( make sure that sb does not forget sth)

remind sb about sthWill you remind me about that appointment?请提醒我那约会好吗?
Don't forget to remind her about the dinner party.记住提醒她不要忘了宴会。
His wife often had to remind him about his classes, even his meals.他妻子经常得提醒他一下该去上课了,甚至该吃饭了。
remind of v.+prep.

使某人想起… cause sb to have a memory of sb/sth by seeing the same

非常记忆re再次〖词缀〗+mind回忆〖熟词〗⇒再次回忆,终于想起来了蒋争熟词记忆re-再mind注意→“使再注意”⇒提醒;使想起re重新+mind头脑,思想→重新浮现在脑海中⇒提醒,使记起re再次+mind=-ment表结果思考⇒提醒自己词根记忆re+mind=-ment表结果=再次思考=提醒来自re+mind注意→使注意→提醒,使想起近义词 joghintmindprodadvisepromptrecallrememberrecollectbring back
S+~+ n./pron.If my father forgets it,I hope you would remind him.如果我父亲忘了的话,希望你能提醒他一下。
When I reminded her, she nodded her head.我提醒她时,她点了点头。
Please remind me in case I should forget.如果我忘了,请你提醒我一下。
The lady didn't like to be reminded.那位太太不喜欢人们提醒她。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vBe sure to remind her to come back early.一定要提醒她早点回来。
He reminded himself to thank her for the present.他提醒自己要感谢她送的礼物。
He reminded me to lock up the house when I go out.他提醒我外出时把屋子锁起来。S+~+ n./pron. +wh-to- vThese notes will remind you what to say.这些笔记可以帮你记起要说哪些话。
These notes will remind you how to present your ideas.这些笔记可以帮你记起怎样讲清楚你的意思。
He reminded me when to go.他提醒我是不是我该走了。S+~+ n./pron. +that-clauseShe reminded me that I hadn't written to Mother.她提醒我还没有给母亲写信。
That suddenly reminded her that she had promised to ring them up.这突然使她想起她说过要给他们打电话的。
Please remind him that we are leaving at six tomorrow morning.请提醒他我们明晨6时出发。
I must remind him that time is money.我必须提醒他时间就是金钱。
That reminds me that I have a meeting to attend this evening.这使我想起今晚我还有一个会要参加。
May I remind you that time will soon be up?我可以提醒你时间快到了吗?
The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.看到时钟使我想起我迟到了。
We reminded them that the meeting had been postponed.我们提醒他们会议已经延期。
I always remind myself that time and tide wait for no man.我总是提醒自己岁月不待人。
He reminded her that they had resolved to stick together.他提醒她说,他们曾经决定过彼此要在一起,不要单独行动。
They reminded me that one can be strong only when united with the collective.他们使我想到,只有和集体结合才有力量。
Travellers are reminded that inoculation against yellow fever is advisable.提醒旅游者接种预防黄热病的疫苗是明智的。S+~+ n./pron. +wh-clauseThis reminds me what we did together during our holidays.这使我想起我们在假日里一起做的事。
The time of year reminds me how the months have gone.每年这个时候都使我想起那些月份是怎么过去的。
Tom reminded me when I must go.汤姆提醒我是不是我该走了。Premindern.提醒的人暗示Premindfula.提醒的记得的


remind的基本意思是指通过一定的媒介或激发而慢慢想起某事做过或应做某事。这事可以是全然忘却的,也可以是一时想不起来的; 这媒介则是引起人们回忆的外界人或事物。


remind常和介词of连用,表示“提醒注意未来的事”或“使想起过去的事”的内容, of的宾语可以是名词、动名词,也可以是疑问词引导的从句。

remind作“提醒”解时与remind about同义,其主语只能是人,作“使想起”解时主语通常是事物。


He reminded me to write the letter.他提醒我写信。

remind…of…表示“某物或某人使我们想起过去,或是想起忘掉的事情”,of后加名词或动名词。She reminded me of writing the letter.她使我想起写过那封信。

The smell of hay always reminds me of our old house in the country.甘草的味道总是令我想起了我们在乡村的老房子。

remind的宾语后能接that或how引导的从句。He reminded me that I ought to do it at once.他提醒我应该现在就去做这件事。

He reminded me how careful I ought to be in doing it.他提醒我在做这事的时候应如何小心。

结构A remind B,C指“A在外貌上像C,因此使B见到A就想起C”。这个用法也适用于比喻中。You remind me Marry.你和玛丽很像,见到你让我想起了她。

He reminded me of a monkey.他很像猴子,使我见了他就想起猴子。


用作及物动词This storyremindsme of my childhood.这个故事让我想起了我的童年。
I feel it is absolutely necessary for me toremindhim of the meeting today.我觉得绝对有必要提醒他今天要开会。verb.awaken memories of something
同义词 admonish,advise,caution,emphasize,mention,note,point out,prod,prompt,recall,remember,stress,suggest,warnbethink,cite,hint,imply,intimate,recollect,reminisce,retain,retrospect,revivebring back to,bring to mind,call attention,call to mind,call up,give a cue,jog one's memory,make one remember,make one think,put in mind,refresh memory,stir up
反义词 forget,ignore
hintverb suggest;indicate
acquaint,adumbrate,advise,allude to,angle,apprise,bring up,broach,coax,connote,cue,drop,expose,fish,foreshadow,give an inkling,impart,imply,infer,inform,insinuate,intimate,jog memory,leak,let it be known,let out of bag,make,mention,point,prefigure,press,prompt,put flea in ear,recall,refer to,say in passing,shadow,signify,solicit,spring,tip off,tip one's hand,touch on,whisper,wink
hintsverb suggest;indicate
acquaints,adumbrates,advises,allude to,angles,apprises,brings up,broaches,coaxes,connotes,cues,drops,exposes,fishes,foreshadows,gives an inkling,imparts,implies,infers,informs,insinuates,intimates,jog memory,leaks,lets it be knows,lets out of bag,makes,mentions,points,prefigures,presses,prompts,puts flea in ear,recalls,refers to,reminds,says in passes,shadows,signifies,solicits,springs,tip one's hand,tips off,touches on,whispers,winks
intimateverb suggest;tip off
affirm,air,allude,announce,assert,aver,avouch,communicate,connote,declare,drop a hint,expose,express,hint,impart,imply,indicate,infer,insinuate,leak,let cat out of bag,let it be known,make known,make noise,profess,remind,spill the beans,spring,state,utter,vent,voice,warn
jogverb activate, push
joggedverb activate, push
joggingverb activate, push
ambling,cantering,dashing,dogtroting,loping,pacing,sprinting,trotting In case I forget, please remind me about it.

An effective persuasive speech includes a summary of the evidence presented. This will remind your audience of why they should agree with you.
一篇有效的说服性演讲包括一个对所举证据的总结,这会提醒你的听众他们为什么要赞同你。 edu.sina.com.cn

And I want to remind you of our goal.

As their boss, why not just remind them?
作为他们的上司,何不直接提醒他们呢? fortunechina

But remind you, there are some forbidden activities.
但是提醒你,有一些禁止的事情。 hxen

Even in this time— because of this time — our moment was possible. Sometimes, I have to remind myself.
但是就在我这样的一生中,这一个瞬间发生了——有时我不得不这样提醒自己。 yeeyan

Every time I think about you, I have to remind myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would.
每一次想你,我都得提醒我自己,如果你想和我聊天的话,你早就开口了。 kekenet

I got you this card to remind you of your birthday.
我买这张卡片,是要提醒你,你的生日到了。 edu.sina.com.cn

I have to remind you that our terms are CIF Hamburg.
我不得不提醒你我们的条款是汉堡的到岸价格。 ebigear

I remind them to ask me about my allergy to latex.
我提醒他们问我关于我对树胶有无过敏性的反映。 yeeyan

If there is at least something that you love about your job then you should remind yourself about it as often as possible.
如果你的工作中还有一些部分让你喜爱,那么就尽可能多的提醒自己这些部分。 yeeyan

If you land an interview, they will remind you to mind your body language, ask good questions, and convey confidence and enthusiasm.
如果你获得一次面试机会,他们会提醒你注意肢体语言、问好的问题然后传递出自信和热情。 neworiental

In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.

In this article, I talk about how you should go beyond a simple productivity tool to remind you what you need to do.
在本文中,我将探讨如何能超越简单的生产力工具,不再依赖它来提醒您需要做哪些事情。 ibm

It is your higher or true self, your divinity trying to remind you of who you are.
它是你的高我或真我,你的神圣本质尝试提醒你记起你的本来面目。 blog.sina.com.cn

Let me remind you what these building blocks are.

May we once more remind you that the contract should be cancelled by one month notice.
请允许我们再次提醒您,双方应在取消合同一个月前进行通知。 ebigear

Of course I remember. Need you remind me?
我当然记得了。你有必要提醒我吗? ebigear

She seemed to realize how peculiar it was to have to remind Patty who her mother was.
她似乎也意识到了这个情景有多么怪异:她得提醒帕蒂她的妈妈是谁。 yeeyan

The fact is, to note what you have to do is to remind you to do it at the right time.
事实上,记录下你将要做什么是为了提醒你在合适的时间去完成它。 yeeyan

These achievements show the power of determination and global solidarity, but they also remind us of the challenges.
这些成就显示了决心和全球团结的力量,但它们还提醒我们关注种种挑战。 who

Use it to remind yourself of why you want to stop, whenever you feel like smoking.
每当你想要吸烟的时候就用这张小纸片提醒你自己为什么不能吸。 yeeyan

Remind her to come earlier tomorrow morning.

Remind yourself that most of what you dread never comes to pass, and we allow what is good to be ruined by what was or what might be.
提醒你自己大多数你害怕的事情永远不会发生,我们允许现在是好的但是过去曾被毁坏过或是将来要被毁坏的东西。 yeeyan

Remind yourself at the time of how it makes you feel and what about it you want to treasure.
提醒你自己记住那一瞬间你的感受以及你最希望珍藏起来以供回味的部分。 yeeyan




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