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词汇 Rembrandt
释义 Rem·brandt 'rembrænt 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.伦伯朗van Rijn Ryn;1609-1669;荷兰画家⁵⁰

influential Dutch artist 1606-1669
Rembrandtis a deservedly famous artist.伦勃朗是个当之无愧的名画家。
For years the picture passed as a genuineRembrandt.几年来此画被看做是林布兰的真迹。
The painting is the work of a pupil ofRembrandt.这幅画是伦勃朗的一位弟子的作品。
That's not an originalRembrandt, it's an imitation.这不是伦勃朗的真品,是赝品。 In his early teens he spent a year writing a biography of Rembrandt which he illustrated with his own copies of the works mentioned.
十几岁时,他用了一年时间写出伦勃朗的传记,临摹书中提及的作品当插图。 ecocn

In the end the picture fits a type. It’s a conventional burgher portrait of a specific person in a specific setting, of a kind Rembrandt had painted, to his considerable profit, many times.
这幅画是一个类型:作为伦勃朗赚钱的手段,他曾多次炮制的,把一个特定的人摆放到一个特定的设置中的画法。 yeeyan

It’s difficult to overestimate just how radically Rembrandt revised the image of Christ.
伦勃朗究竟多大程度上彻底改变了基督的容貌,我们难以做出过高评价。 yeeyan

Still, if you start off by liking Rembrandt, as I do, there is much to discover.
要是你像我似的开始喜欢上伦布兰特,就会发现那儿还有许多待发现了解之处。 ecocn

The Swedish police do not arrest the men right away. They want to catch them selling Wittman the stolen Rembrandt.
瑞典警方没有立刻抓捕他们,而是希望当盗贼将伦勃朗的画卖给惠特曼时,当场拘捕。 yeeyan

With phone numbers in hand, Wittman and his Swedish counterpart, Detective Magnus Osvald of the Stockholm police, concoct a sting operation to bring the Rembrandt back.
拿着电话号码,惠特曼和他的瑞典同事斯德哥尔摩警方侦探马格努斯·奥斯瓦尔德编造了一个圈套,将伦勃朗画索回。 yeeyan

“ Chu takes the transparency of Rembrandt, the speed of calligraphy, and makes references to Chinese history, ” says Koutouzis, who helped manage the porcelain project for Chu.
帮助朱老管理陶瓷项目的库都基说:“朱老采用了伦伯朗的透明画法,运用了书法的速度并参考了中国的历史。” yeeyan

“ It’s like asking me why I think Rembrandt is a good painter, ” he replied.
“你干嘛不问我为何觉得伦勃朗是个不错的画家?”他这样回答我。 yeeyan

Dressed in a dark- brown coat, with a black beret pushed insouciantly off his frizzy chestnut hair, Rembrandt stares out at us with an expression that is both vulnerable and steely.
身着深褐色外套,头戴黑色贝雷帽,栗色的卷曲短发不经意地推向脑后,伦勃朗注视着我们,表情脆弱而刚毅。 yeeyan

I don’t know, but with Rembrandt it’s not the same.
我不知道,但是我知道我对伦勃朗的感受是非常不同的。 yeeyan

If other artists believed it was just a matter of time before the Dutch market recovered, my guess is that Rembrandt did not.
可能其他艺术家认为荷兰的经济恢复只是个时间问题,但我猜想伦勃朗不是这么想的。 yeeyan

It was a fertile time for art Rembrandt, Vermeer and literature Racine, Moliere, Milton, Pascal and unfortunately, bad philosophy Hobbes, Locke.
同时,当时也是艺术伦布兰特,弗米尔和文学拉辛、莫里哀、米尔顿、帕斯卡的多产期,而不幸的是,哲学霍布斯、洛克并不发达。 kekenet

Just ask him what it's like to hold a Rembrandt.
现在来问问他,手持伦勃朗名画的感觉。 yeeyan

Living in near- poverty, public reputation shot, with nothing to gain or lose, Rembrandt was painting in a fresh way because he was painting mostly for himself.
接近赤贫的生活,名誉受损,他已经无所畏惧。伦勃朗开始以崭新的方法创作,因为他是在为自己作画了。 yeeyan

Losing the Renoirs was a shock, but the Rembrandt has been a national treasure since its arrival in 1956.
失去了雷诺阿名画已经令人震惊,伦勃朗的自画像更是自1956年以来就被视为国宝。 yeeyan

Sir Monty has written a popular appreciation of Rembrandt which Howard Belsey, himself an art historian, though of a more highbrow bent, has denounced for its retrogressive stance.
蒙蒂爵士写过一篇很受欢迎的赞美伦布兰特的文章,而身为艺术史学家的霍华德·贝尔西,虽然艺术品位自视甚高,却公开谴责这篇文章立场倒退。 yeeyan

Some people consider Rembrandt a sentimentalist, but he can be as tough as nails, as he is in this picture.
一些人认为伦勃朗是个伤感主义者,其实他像他的画一样坚强。 yeeyan

This year, Amsterdam is celebrating the400th anniversary of Rembrandt’s birth, and it is hard to escape his shadow.
当然,在此产生这类遐想并非出于自发,因为今年,在阿姆斯特丹举行了伦布兰特的400周年纪念日,因此很难脱离他的光环。 ecocn

Using bolt cutters, they quickly pluck a Rembrandt from the wall and stuff it into a bag.
他们使用断线钳,迅速从墙上取下一副伦勃朗画像,塞进袋子。 yeeyan

When task force agents interrogate one of the thieves nabbed with the Renoir, he tells them the whereabouts of the other, far more valuable painting snatched from the National museum: the Rembrandt.
当任务小组特工审讯雷诺阿案中抓获的窃贼时,其中一人告诉他们,某处藏有从国家博物馆抢走的更值钱的画作:伦勃朗自画像。 yeeyan

Rembrandt began to work as a professional portraitist about1631.
伦勃朗成为一名职业画家的时间约是1631年。 yeeyan

Rembrandt is a deservedly famous artist.
伦勃朗是个当之无愧的名画家。 jukuu

Rembrandt is a renowned artist, but the women in the cartoon are not discussing his artistic ability; they’re critiquing his appearance.
林布兰是一名有名的画家,但在卡通里女人并没有讨论他的艺术才能;她们讨论他的长相。 yeeyan




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