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词汇 remand
释义 re·mand 英rɪˈmænd美rɪˈmændAHDrĭ-măndʹ ★☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴¹⁷⁰⁰BNC¹⁸²⁹⁷iWeb¹⁹⁰⁹⁸
the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial or the continuation of the trial
refer a matter or legal case to another committee or authority or court for decisionlock up or confine, in or as in a jail;

The suspects were imprisoned without trial

the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

re-,向后,往回,-mand,命令,词源同 command,mandate.即命令送回,引申词义还押,候审。remand home少年犯拘留所…remand centre英青少年拘留所…
reagain,再次+mand命令,委托→再次委托⇒还押近义词 jug水壶lag落后jail监牢gaol监狱remit汇出prison监狱immure监禁custody拘留imprison监禁put away收拾send back送回incarcerate监禁release on bail保释imprisonmentU监禁put behind bars关押监禁

用作名词He is currently being held onremand.他正被还押候审。
They have signed an appeal for the reform of theremandsystem.他们在要求对还押制度进行改革的呼吁书上签了字。用作动词He isremandedon his own recognizance of $4,000.在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押以后再出庭。
I am avoided breath overdraw consumed 60000 yuan, did notremandin time.我免息透支消费了60000元,没有及时归还。
He isremandedon his own recognizance of$4,000.在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押。as in.imprisonment
同义词 captivity,confinement,custody,incarceration,isolationbondage,durance,duress,quarantine,restraint,thraldom,thralldomimmuration
反义词 freedom,liberation,libertydischarge,liberating,releaseas in.delay
同义词 adjourn,bar,block,defer,detain,hamper,hold,impede,keep,obstruct,postpone,prevent,prolong,put off,restrict,shelve,stall,stay,suspend,withholdarrest,check,choke,clog,confine,curb,dawdle,deter,dilly-dally,discourage,drag,encumber,filibuster,inhibit,interfere,intermit,lag,linger,loiter,procrastinate,prorogue,protract,repress,retard,slacken,table,tarry,temporizebide time,gain time,hold over,keep back,lay over,stave off
反义词 abandon,advance,aid,allow,assist,carry out,continue,do,encourage,expedite,forward,free,further,go,help,let go,open,permit,promote,release,support,complete,finish,hurry,leave,liberate,push,rush,unblockdispatch,hasten,speedas in.imprison
同义词 apprehend,commit,detain,hold,incarcerate,jail,lock upcage,check,circumscribe,closet,constrain,curb,ice,immure,impound,intern,keep,limit,nab,occlude,pen,restrain,stockade,trammelbastille,bottle up,fence in,hold captive,hold hostage,hold in custody,keep captive,keep in custody,lock in,put away,put behind bars,rail in,send to prison,send up,shut in,take prisoner
反义词 cease,free,let go,liberate,release,stop,aid,allow,assist,help,permit
delayverb cause stop in action
adjourn,arrest,bar,bide time,block,check,choke,clog,confine,curb,dawdle,defer,detain,deter,dilly-dally,discourage,drag,encumber,filibuster,gain time,hamper,hold,hold over,impede,inhibit,interfere,intermit,keep,keep back,lag,lay over,linger,loiter,obstruct,postpone,prevent,procrastinate,prolong,prorogue,protract,put off,repress,restrict,retard,shelve,slacken,stall,stave off,stay,suspend,table,tarry,temporize,withhold
delaysverb cause stop in action
adjourns,arrests,bars,bide time,blocks,checks,chokes,clogs,confines,curbs,dawdles,defers,detains,deters,dilly-dallies,discourages,drags,encumbers,filibusters,gains time,hampers,holds,holds over,impedes,inhibits,interferes,intermits,keeps,keeps back,lags,lies over,lingers,loiters,obstructs,postpones,prevents,procrastinates,prolongs,prorogues,protracts,puts off,remands,represses,restricts,retards,shelves,slackens,stalls,staves off,stays,suspends,tables,tarries,temporizes,withholds
imprisonverb confine;put in jail
apprehend,bastille,bottle up,cage,check,circumscribe,closet,commit,constrain,curb,detain,fence in,hold,hold captive,hold hostage,hold in custody,ice,immure,impound,incarcerate,intern,jail,keep,keep captive,keep in custody,limit,lock in,lock up,nab,occlude,pen,put away,put behind bars,rail in,remand,restrain,send to prison,send up,shut in,stockade,take prisoner,trammel
imprisonmentnoun forcible detention
bondage,captivity,confinement,custody,durance,duress,immuration,incarceration,isolation,quarantine,remand,restraint,thraldom,thralldom A constant runaway is given over to the care of the state and finds herself in a remand centre for girls.

The relation between the remand for new trial and the principle of no appeal resulting in additional punishment is seldom discussed before.
发回重审和上诉不加刑原则的关系问题很少有人论及。 cnki

A BLOODY incident involving Bulgarian twin brothers in Larnaca led to an eight-day remand of one and the hospitalisation of the other for stab wounds yesterday.
一个流血事件涉及拉纳卡保加利亚孪生兄弟导致了一个为期八天的还押和其他被刺伤住院的昨天。 sdsky

Adult females serve their sentences at Tai Lam Centre for Women, which also caters for remand prisoners.
成年女犯在大榄女惩教所服刑。该惩教所也收容还押犯。 hotdic

As Nicky recovered in hospital, Nick was on remand, charged with attempted murder.
当妮基在医院里康复休养时,尼克在押候审,被控蓄意谋杀。 yeeyan

Ascertain the home's pattern of small town with new remand and climate.
结合居民新的居住要求和天气情况,确定小城镇家居功能模式。 qk114

At the first remand hearing, on4 January, police said they planned to press for life sentences for the men.
在1月4日的第一次庭审会上,警方称他们计划要求对这些人进行终身监禁。 yeeyan

But New York’s authorities have not shirked from arresting the head of one of the world’s leading international bodies, nor from demanding that he be kept in jail on remand.
但纽约当局在逮捕某个世界级重大国际机构的首脑时没有退缩,也没在还押候审后需要继续监禁他的时候软蛋。 ecocn

But New York's authorities have not shirked from arresting the head of one of the world's leading international bodies, nor from demanding that he be kept in jail on remand.

Firstly, the study points out the design flaw, lack of a remand procedure, in appeal procedure in WTO Dipute Settlement.
首先,指出当前争端解决程序中重审程序缺失的缺陷,并分析了由此导致上诉机构在审理案件中的困难。 fabiao

He was held on remand, charged with causing malicious damage to property.
他因恶意破坏财产而被关押候审。 iciba

He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.
等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。 iciba

He absconded from a remand home.

It may remand a case to the public security organ for supplementary investigation, if the main facts of the crime are not clear or the evidence is insufficient.
对于主要犯罪事实不清、证据不足的,可以退回公安机关补充侦查。 chinalawinfo

Mr Bout was moved from a relatively lax remand prison to Bangkok's more secure central jail.
布特先生被泰国从看管较松的看守所转到了曼谷控制严密的中央监狱。 ecocn

Position from the cover of view, there are welcoming the first chapter and chapter feet remand.
从所盖的位置来看,有迎首章和押脚章。 cutpic

Some of the changes in the revised plan make sense, including more sparing use of remand, more frequent resort to well- enforced community sentences and more opportunities for paid work in prison.
修订计划中的一些改变很有意义,包括更慎重地使用候审、更多的求助于执行力良好的社区刑罚和在监狱提供更多的有偿工作。 ecocn

The judge has the power to remand young offenders to the special home until their case be heard.
法官有权把青少年犯关押在青少年拘留所直到听证会开始。 websaru

The number of inmates on remand has doubled and now accounts for a third of the prison population.
目前,还押囚犯增加了一倍,约占所有囚犯的1/3。 ecocn

The suspect did not attend this afternoon's remand hearing at the regional Morwell magistrates court, although he was in the court building at the time.
该嫌犯没有参加今天下午在莫威尔地区地方法院举行的重审,尽管他本人当时在莫威尔地方法院。 yeeyan

The usual remand rate in magistrates’ courts, where riot- related cases are being heard, is 10%.
而一般来说,地方法院暴乱相关案件的听证会正在此处进行的拘留率只有10%。 ecocn

This remand we do well the research work of the second placement.
这就要求我们做好新闻第二落点的研究工作。 cnki

Under these circumstances, we vacate the judgment and remand the case to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
根据上述情况,本院撤销原判,将案件发回哥伦比亚特区巡回审判辖区美国上诉法院审理。 yeeyan




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