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词汇 remained
释义 re·main·ed 英rɪ'meɪn美rɪ'meɪn COCA²⁵⁸⁷BNC¹³⁷⁹Economist¹⁸⁷²
vi. 留下,逗留

stay or be left behind after others have gone, been lost, etc.

vi. 剩下,余留

be still present after a part has gone or has been taken away

vi. 仍然是,依旧是

continue to be in an unchanged state

vi. 留待

continue in some place or condition

stay the same; remain in a certain state;

The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it

rest assured

stay alone

He remained unmoved by her tears

The bad weather continued for another week

continue in a place, position, or situation;

After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser

Stay with me, please

despite student protests, he remained Dean for another year

She continued as deputy mayor for another year

be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.;

There remains the question of who pulled the trigger

Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war

stay behind;

The smell stayed in the room

The hostility remained long after they made up


❌ They never remained satisfiedly with their success.

✔️ They never remained satisfied with their success.



❌ He continued to remains the principal of the school.

✔️ He remains the principal of the school.



❌ History had remained us a lot of problems, some of which cannot be solved in a day or two.

✔️ History had left us a lot of problems, some of which cannot be solved in a day or two.


remain, stay


stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留; 而remain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。例如:

He was staying at his father's.他在父亲家里暂住。remain,linger,stay





14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的remain;最初源自拉丁语的remanere:re 回 +manere 放,置),意为保留
用作动词 (v.
~+名词remain a bachelor还是单身remain a complete mystery一直是个谜remain a fisherman仍是个渔民remain a little money只剩一点点钱remain a little water只剩一点水remain a question还是一个问题remain a shining example永远是闪光的榜样remain good friends仍然是好朋友remain principles保持原则remain the chief means还是主要方式~+形容词remain active仍然活跃remain closed仍然未开放remain confused迷惑不解remain constant保持不变remain expressionless毫无表情remain hungry只好饿着remain linked还连在一起remain long保持得很久remain modest保持谦虚remain motionless仍然不动remain prudent保持谨慎remain silent保持沉默remain unchanged依然不变remain unconvinced仍然不相信remain unfinished仍然未完成remain unknown依旧不详remain unsettled仍然未解决副词+~always remain仍然保持hardly remain没剩下little remain没剩下~+副词remain deeply深怀remain constantly经常逗留remain courageously英勇地呆在remain determinedly决心留下remain generally remain通常呆在remain hopefully有希望留下remain impassively冷淡地留下remain inflexibly肯定呆在…remain motionlessly不动地呆着remain peacefully静静地呆着remain tensely紧张地呆在remain wilfully任性地留在remain in呆在家里remain on保持不变,维持下去remain out呆在户外remain up过了就寝时间还不睡~+介词remain as director继续担任厂长remain below 10℃保持在摄氏10度以下remain by the sick child's side守在生病孩子身边remain in sb's memory活在某人的记忆里remain of剩下…,留下…remain on guard保持警惕remain under仍处于…下remain under the care of一直受到…的照顾remain with最后取决于,最终属于
remain away v.+adv.

缺席 be absent

remain awayMany of his former supporters disapproved of his latest opinions, and remained away from the meeting when he came to give a speech.他过去的许多支持者不赞成他最近的观点,当他来发表演讲时,他们都不出席会议。
remain behind¹ v.+adv.

在某人〔某物〕后面保持一段距离 stay at a distance behind sb/sth

remain behindIt's safest to remain a good distance behind, in case the car in front suddenly stops.最安全的方法就是和前面的车保持适当的距离,以免它突然停车。
remain behind² v.+prep.

在某人〔某物〕后面保持一段距离 stay at a distance behind sb/sth

remain behind sb/sthAfter remaining behind the leading runner for most of the race,Jim suddenly passed him and won.赛跑中的大部分时间里,吉姆跑在领跑的运动员之后,后来突然超过去,获得了胜利。
remain in¹ v.+adv.

呆在屋里 stay indoor

remain inIf your cold's no better, you should remain in tomorrow, and not go out till the weather improves or you are feeling better.如果你的感冒没好,明天你应该呆在屋里,到天气变好后或你感觉好一些时再出去。
remain in² v.+prep.

停留在… continue to be present in a place

remain in sthOne went to Manchester, while the other remained in London.一位到曼彻斯特去了,而另一位留在伦敦。
Only a few customers now remained in the bookshop.这时,书店里只剩下几个顾客了。
They remained in the room for a long time. It was nearly sunset when they left.他们在屋里停了很长时间,直到太阳落山才走。
He remained in love with her.他仍然爱着她。
During this long time he had always remained in my thoughts.在这漫长的日子里,我无时无刻不在想念他。
Many moving stories of that time remain deep in people's hearts to this day.那时许多感人肺腑的故事至今深深地留在人们的记忆里。
The treaty shall remain in force for a period of ten years.这项条约有效期为十年。
remain of v.+prep.

…留下 be left from sth bigger or more complete

remain of sthWhat will remain of the old city if the new road is built through the centre?如果修建一条横穿市中心的路,旧城还能剩下什么?
All that remains of the city is ruins.全城一片废墟。
Did anything remain of the wreckage?残骸中有任何东西留下吗?
Nothing remained of our house after the bombing raid.那次轰炸之后,我们的房子荡然无存。
remain on¹ v.+adv.

继续 continue

remain onThe lights remained on in his room.他房间里的灯依旧亮着。
remain on² v.+prep.

继续保持 keep sth or doing sth

remain out v.+adv.

呆在户外 stay outdoor

remain outThe children remained out because of the good weather.由于天气好,孩子们都在外面没回来。
remain together v.+adv.

保持在一起 continue to be in time or place

remain togetherYou singers must remain together or you will spoil the music.你们这些歌手必须同声演唱,否则会把曲子搞乱。
When the mist comes down, we must remain together or we'll get lost.下雾时我们必须呆在一起,否则会失散的。
remain under¹ v.+adv.

停留在水面以下 continue to be beneath sth (such as a surface of water)

remain underIf the swimmer remains under for more than a minute, pull him out, he may be drowning.如果游泳者在水底下超过一分钟,要把他拖出来,他可能会被淹死的。
remain under² v.+prep.

保持在…下面; 由…照顾 continue to be beneath sth; take care of sb

remain under sthThe child remained under the table in a temper until his father came home.这孩子在他父亲回家之前一直气呼呼地呆在桌子底下。
There she remained under the care of Aunt Liu.在那里她一直受到刘大娘的照顾。
remain up v.+adv.

继续处于一个适当位置 continue to be in the proper position

remain upMy trousers won't remain up,I've lost so much weight.我的裤子系不住了,我瘦了很多。
Price of meat have remained up even though the farmers are receiving less money from their cattle.尽管农夫们从畜牧业中获得的钱少了,但肉的价格却未降低。
Her spirits remained up in spite of her disappointment.尽管她很失望,但她的情绪依然高昂。近义词 lastrestwaitabidestandcontinue反义词 goleavedepart
S+~+AThey went, but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。
We all wish you to remain for dinner.我们都希望你能留下来吃饭。
Do you wish to remain with me?你想和我一起留下来吗?
She remained at home to look after the children when her husband went out.丈夫外出时,她留在家里照顾孩子。
The leadership instructed us to remain where we were.领导指示我们呆在原地不动。
Of her three sons only one now remains.The rest were killed in battle.她的三个儿子,现在只剩下一个还活着,其余的都战死沙场了。
Though the sore being healed, yet a scar may remain.伤口虽然痊愈,却可能留下伤疤。
If you take three from ten, seven remains.10减3之后,还剩下7。
Only the walls of the building remained after the fire.火灾之后那栋房子只剩下了墙壁。
Little of the original architecture remains.原来的建筑现在留存的已经很少了。
It's late autumn now, few leaves remain on the tree.晚秋了,树上没剩下几片树叶。
A few apples remained on the tree.树上还剩有几个苹果。
This remained over from yesterday's dinner.这是昨天吃饭剩的。
The children ate until no food remained on the table.孩子们一直吃个不停,直到把桌上的东西吃个精光才肯罢休。
The doctor remained by the sick child's side all night.这位医生在病孩子身边守了一夜。
She improved, but she remained in the hospital for another week.她病情好转,但在医院又呆了一星期。
You can't let the room remain like this.你不能把房间老是弄成这样。
It remains below 13℃ for about five months of the year.一年约有五个月它的温度保持在摄氏13度以下。
We have been friendly to each other, we must always remain so.我们一向友好相处,我们应永远这样。
Victory remains with us.胜利属于我们。
The decision remains with the Government.决定权在于政府。S+~+ n -AI remained three days in Shanghai.我在上海逗留了3天。S+~+to- vHe'll remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。
It remained for Mr. Parkhill to break through the impasse.只有等待帕克希尔先生来打破僵局了。
A number of problems remain to be solved.有很多问题尚待解决。
Many questions have to be settled and much remains to be done in our educational work.我们的教育工作有许多问题要解决,有许多事情要做。
One last point remained to be cleared up.最后还有一点要澄清。the fact ~s/ed+that-clauseI'm sorry you're tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧!
The fact remains that we are still lagging behind the other classes in maths.事实是我们在数学方面仍然比别的班落后。There+~+AThere remained in the village only women and children.村子里只剩下妇女和儿童。
There remained just a little money.What was to be done?只剩一点点钱了,怎么办呢?
There remains a still more difficult task for us.还有一项更艰苦的工作需要我们做。
There remained just a little water. Please go and fetch some.只剩一点水了,请去打点来。
S+~+as n.He was and still remains our respected teacher.他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。
They remained good friends.他们仍然是好朋友。
He will always remain a shining example for us all.他永远是我们学习的光辉榜样。
Whether it is true remains a question.到底是真是假还是一个问题。
This remains one of our principles.这仍然是我们的一个原则。
The strange visit remained a complete mystery.那次奇怪的访问一直是一个谜。
Language was, is and will remain the chief means of exchange of ideas.语言,过去是,现在是,将来还是交流思想的主要工具。
They all wanted him to remain as director.他们都要他继续担任厂长。S+~+ adj.I urged him to rest, but he remained motionless.我叫他休息,可他仍然不动。
His face remained expressionless.他的脸上仍然毫无表情。
In spite of the danger they remained calm.尽管有危险,但他们一直保持冷静。
We must always remain modest and prudent.我们要经常保持谦虚谨慎。
He remained firm in the face of the enemy.他在敌人面前始终很坚定。
How can we remain silent on this question?对于这个问题我们怎么能保持沉默呢?
The temperature of the human body remains nearly constant.人的体温几乎保持不变。
If you begin the day with a cold bath, it's easier to remain cool.如果你一天开始就洗个冷水澡,你就可以使自己保持凉爽。
He closed his eyes but his mouth remained open.他闭上眼,但嘴依然张开着。
The shops remain open until late every evening.每天晚上商店要营业到很晚才关门。
Our door remains open at all times for our friends.我们的大门对朋友永远是敞开的。
The soldier owed his courage to his ability to remain cool in the face of danger.这位战士把勇气归功于在危险面前保持镇定的能力。
The true author of the book remains unknown.那本书的真正作者依旧不详。
If you won't eat, you'll just have to remain hungry.如果你不吃东西,那就只好饿着吧。
He remained single all his life.他独身一生。
His knowledge of French remained very weak, because he was not good at learning languages.他的法语仍然很差,因为他不善于学语言。
But the gap between promise and reality remained wide.愿望跟现实的差距相隔遥远。
Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market.商品价格平稳,市场货源充足。
The wind remained low but the cold was intense.风仍然不大,但寒气十分逼人。
He remained ignorant of the serious situation.他对这严峻的形势一无所知。
If I can only remain ahead for a few more yards,I can win this race.只要我能保持领先几码,我就能赢得这次比赛。
Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she has improved a lot recently, and now finds it easier to remain ahead.简过去在学业上有不少困难,但是最近已大有进步,现在她觉得在班上名列前茅了。
You have to work hard to remain ahead of your competitors in business, or you can easily lose your leading position.你必须努力工作以保持领先于其他竞争者,否则,你就会轻易地失去这种地位。S+~+ v -edThey never remained satisfied with their successes.他们从不满足于自己的成绩。
Although in hospital, his heart remained linked with the masses.虽然他住院了,他的心还和群众在一起。
But fundamentally the situation remained unchanged.但局势基本上没有什么变化。
But supposing they remain unconvinced?但他们如果仍然不相信,怎么办?
The boundary questions still remain unsettled.边界问题仍然没有解决。
The book, however, remains unfinished.但这本书一直没有完成。
The window remained closed.窗户仍是关着的。
I remained confused about the difference between these expressions.我仍然对这些表达法之间的区别迷惑不解。
The package remains untouched by anyone.没人碰这包裹。S+~+ v -ingHe remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt.他悬在空中,被安全带救了。
She remained sitting when they came in.他们进来时她仍然坐着。
He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。
She remained standing where she was for some time, after he left.他走之后,她还在原地站了好半天。S+~+as-clauseLet things remain as they have been in the past.让事情照旧吧!
She remains as she was.她还是像从前那样。其他v -ing as Attrib.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。


remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。








He remained faithful to his wife all his life.For a long time he remained a bachelor.

将I remain用在书信来往中,在客套话之前时,应注意:不可用于第一次写信中,最好用Iam。remain后面的yours是表语,虽中间无须加逗号,但人们仍习惯用。I remain的用法如今已经不普遍使用了。在商业信函中,表示客套一般用I We beg to remain。

用作动词We must learn to conserve whatremains.我们必须学会保存那些剩余的资源。
I didn'tremainlong in the city.我没在那个城市逗留很长时间。
Though the sore being healed, yet a scar mayremain.伤口虽然痊愈, 却可能留下伤疤。
The present international situationremainstense and turbulent.当前的国际局势依然紧张动荡。
Most of the unearthed relicsremainintact.大多数出土文物仍保持完好无损。用作名词After maintenance the mainremainsand remainders are left on the domain.维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。
They have found prehistoricremains.他们发现了史前遗迹。
Theremainsof the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸是很不牢固的,搬动时需要特别小心。verb.stay, wait
同义词 continue,endure,go on,hover,last,linger,live,persist,prevail,stand,stop,survive,waitabide,bide,bivouac,bunk,cling,delay,dwell,freeze,halt,hang,inhabit,lodge,nest,outlast,outlive,pause,perch,reside,rest,roost,sojourn,squat,tarry,visitbe left,hang out,hold over,hold the fort,keep on,make camp,put on hold,remain standing,sit out,sit through,sit tight,stay behind,stay in,stay over,stay put,stick around
反义词 cease,die,discontinue,go,leave,lie,carry on,depart,hurry,moveforge Although we remained friends through the ongoing arguments about money and emotional slights, getting back together did not seem to be an option.
在一直不断的金钱和感情争吵之中,我们仍然保持着朋友关系,但重回到一起似乎已不再可能。 yeeyan

The powder remained the primary agent for bleaching cloth and paper into the 1920s.
持续到1920年代,这种漂白粉仍然是布料和纸张的主要漂白剂。 yeeyan

The snag is that unprofitable companies, which should have been squeezed out by competition, have remained alive because it is so hard to fire workers.
但是主要障碍是那些赔钱的公司,由于很难解雇工人,这些公司没有被挤出竞争,仍然存活在经济活动中。 ecocn

Then, in1755, Samuel Johnson published what many consider to be the first dictionary, which remained the standard text for150 years.
到了1755年。 塞缪尔.约翰森出版了通常所认为的第一部字典,这部字典将其权威性保持了150年。 yeeyan

Although I quit the society of the changelings long ago, I have remained, in a sense, in those dark woods, hiding my true identity from those I love.
虽然我许久之前就离开了换生灵的社会,但在某种意义上,仍然停留在那片黑森林中,对那些我爱的人隐瞒我真实的身份。 ebigear

Corn and wheat yields in most of North America remained about the same.
北美大部分地区的玉米和小麦产量基本保持不变。 ebigear

Even if the contents of the message remained elusive for decades, we would know that there was someone “ intelligent” at the other end.
即使那样的信息内涵几十年都依然保持难以捉摸,我们仍将会知道在另外一头存在着“智能的”生命。 yeeyan

For example, coverage of harm reduction programmes remained limited in2009.
例如,在2009年,减少危害规划的覆盖面仍然有限。 who

He said: “ From the perspective of demand, although export and consumption growth both declined, investment growth remained quite high”.
他说:“从需求角度来看,尽管中国出口和消费增长都下降了,投资增长依然很快。” yeeyan

He remained a mouse in public affairs.

He remained disadapted to their customs and habits.

Her father, however, remained aboard and was among those who drowned when the giant ship finally went down in the early hours of next day.
然而,她的父亲仍然在船上,第二天凌晨这艘巨大的游轮终于沉没,她的父亲成了众多溺水者中的一个。 yeeyan

Her parents and husband dutifully went to work each day but remained idle because there is no commerce in the town.
她的父母以及丈夫每天都尽心尽责地去工作,但依然无所事事,因为镇上没什么商务。 ecocn

I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memory she had become and remained all these years.
我想要她离我远一些,远到她没法继续与我维系这层关系,因为她变成了纯粹的记忆,而且这么多年就是这样保持着。 yeeyan

If, despite that, it remained hidden until now, who knows what other species of human might also be out there?
尽管如此,如果直到现在仍有隐藏之物,有谁知道是否另一个人类种群也能在此地被发现呢? ecocn

If pressure conditions remained high in the well, however, experts said the test could continue for as long as necessary to gather more data from the well.
但是专家说,如果油井内的压力状况依然很高,可能在必要时段继续进行压力测试,以便获取这口油井的更多数据资料。 voanews

In this example, the application remained unchanged.
在这个示例中,应用程序保持不变。 ibm

Of course, security remained an overarching concern for all administrators.
当然,安全仍然是所有管理员关注的焦点。 ibm

Power and cellphones remained down for much of the region.
很多地区的电力和手机信号依然中断。 yeeyan

President Johnson called out the National Guard to restore order, but the atmosphere remained tense.
约翰逊总统派出国民警卫队来恢复秩序,但气氛仍然十分紧张。 yeeyan

She rammed the door for a long time but it remained closed.

She remained behind the leading students for the first two years and surpassed them in the last year.

That country remained neutral in the war.
那个国家在那场战争中保持中立。 hjenglish

There remained, however, the inconvenient fact that some of those calling for stronger regulation have a track record that gives them a lot of credibility.
不过,仍存在一些不太方便的事实,那就是一些呼吁加强监管的人士有着良好纪录,获得大量的信任。 yeeyan

This could be why the pandemic has spread fast but remained mild in many people, though not all.
这就是为什么大流行在迅速传播而在很多人,即使不是全部,它仍然是轻微的原因。 yeeyan




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