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词汇 rely
释义 re·ly 英rɪˈlaɪ美rɪˈlaɪAHDrĭ-līʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46八COCA²²³³BNC³⁹⁵¹iWeb¹⁸⁹¹Economist¹⁷³⁸

vi. 信任,信赖

trust especially that sth will happen or sb will do sth; have confidence in

vi. 依赖,依靠

depend on; be materially supported by

have confidence or faith in;

We can trust in God

Rely on your friends

bank on your good education

I swear by my grandmother's recipes

rely, bank, depend, reckon, trust


rely一般指根据以往的经验而指望某人不会辜负希望或期待某事不落空; trust强调毫无保留地确信某人或某事在任何情况下都可靠,这种信任感不是来自经验或证据,而是凭直觉或感情,因此有可能落空; depend专指由于自身能力不足或缺乏自信心而依赖别人给予帮助或支持,同时主观认为这种依赖不会遭到拒绝; reckon指对人或物寄托主观的期待或指望,暗示怀有比depend更强的自信心; bank主要用于口语中,喻义强烈的信赖,就像充分相信银行一样。

rely on, depend on


1.depend on强调从这个人或这件事中很可能得到支持或帮助,而rely on强调凭以往的经验来判断是否可以相信或依赖。例如:

The success of the meeting depends largely on whether the chairman is efficient.这个会议的成功很大程度上是依靠了 主席的能力。
They cannot be relied on to offer much support.他们不指望得到更多的支持。

2.depend on着重指客观事实,诸如能力、财力等不得不“依靠”或“指望”; rely on常侧重从人品、感情方面“依赖”“信赖”。例如:

My wife and children depend on me.我的妻子和孩子都得依靠我。
One can always rely on him to be polite and do the right thing.人们都相信他会彬彬有礼,行事得体。believe,trust,confide,rely










来自古法语relier,绑紧,依附。来自拉丁语religare,绑紧,系牢。来自re-,表强调,ligare,系,绑,词源同ligament, religion。引申词义信任,依赖。拼写比较deny, obey。 re来自拉丁语re,关于,就有关事项。来自res的离格。来自res,事情,事物,词源同real。re-向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调,来自拉丁语re,向后,往回,相对,相反,再。作为强调有时仅表强调。 ligament来自拉丁语ligare,绑定,连结,词源同liable, oblige。引申词义韧带。 religion来自拉丁语religare,绑定。来自re-,表强调,-ligare,绑定,捆绑,词源同ligature, oblige。用于比喻义人和神之间的纽带,后用于指宗教,教派等。 denyde-,向下,离开,-ny,同-neg,否认,词源同no, negate。即否认。拼写比较defy。 obey来自拉丁语obedire,听从,顺从。来自ob-,向前,-ed,听,词源同audit, audience, obedient。
用作动词 v.
~+副词rely absolutely绝对地依赖rely affectionately充满深情地依赖rely calmly平静地依赖rely chiefly主要依靠rely faithfully忠实地依赖rely heavily大大地依赖rely humbly恭顺地依靠rely mainly主要依靠rely safely放心地依靠rely trustfully值得信赖地依靠~+介词rely on〔upon〕依靠,依仗rely on one's assistance依靠帮助rely on one's own effort依靠自己的努力rely on one's parents for help依靠父母的帮助rely on the strength of依靠…的力量rely on the weather依赖天气
rely on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

信赖,依赖 depend upon with confidence; look for help

rely on sb/sthYou can rely upon Jacelin.你可以信赖杰斯林。
You can always rely on Jim, he won't fail you.你可以永远信任吉姆,他不会让你失望的。
You can rely on me for help.你可指望我来帮忙。
You may rely upon my early arrival.你放心好了,我会早到的。
You may rely upon his words absolutely, for he always speaks the truth.你可以绝对信赖他的话,因为他总是说老实话。
You can't rely on the weather.天气是靠不住的。
You should rely on your own efforts.你应该靠自己的努力。
I relied on the map but it was wrong.我依靠这张地图,但它是错的。
I'd like to come with you but that's not a promise, don't rely on it.我愿意和你一起去,但这不是允诺,别指望我一定去。
The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.这个城镇全靠季节性的旅游业提供就业机会。
Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on mainland.香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于大陆。
This young man cannot be relied on.这个年轻人不可靠。
He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.他已表明,在紧要关头他是可以信赖的。
He can always be relied upon for help.他的帮助总是靠得住的。
We know such people are not to be relied upon.我们知道这种人是靠不住的。
This story cannot be relied upon.这话可靠不住。rely on sb/sb's/sth v-ingDon't rely on going abroad for our holiday, we may not be able to afford it.不要指望去国外度假,我们可能负担不起费用。
Don't rely on going to Japan.别指望你能去日本。
We rely on his finishing the work today.我们信赖他今天能完工。
Don't rely on me going to Japan.别指望我去日本。rely on〔upon〕 sb to-vI rely upon you to finish the work on time.我相信你会准时完成这项工作的。
They relied on us to do our best. We mustn't let them down.他们期待我们会作出最大的努力。我们不能辜负他们的期望。
We can rely on our children to do such work.这样的工作我们可以放心地让孩子们去做。
They cannot be relied on to offer much support or advice.不能指望他们提供很多支持和意见。钱博士re加强语气+ly=lig,结合→结合在一起,不可分离⇒依赖
词根lig-捆绑,结合来自拉丁语。常见变体形式:leag- /ly-/loy-。
故事记忆生活别把人 Rely依靠自己的信念 Comply遵守喜欢的职位 Apply申请自由自在如 Butterfly蝴蝶联想记忆re一再+ly音似:lie“撒谎”→一再撒谎的人完全不值得信赖→信赖联想记忆re一再+ly音似:“lie”撒谎→又撒谎了,不值得信赖→信赖…联想记忆re一再+ly音似:“lie”撒谎→又撒谎了,不值得信赖⇒信赖…联想记忆re一再+ly音似“lie”撒谎→又撒谎了,不值得信赖非常记忆re热+ly老爷⇒怕热的老爷依赖我近义词 bank银行trust信任count计算swear咒骂depend依赖bank on指望confide吐露on在 … 之上believe相信count on依靠depend on依赖be sure of确信have faith in相信be dependent on取决于have confidence in信任 …be certain about 确信无疑对 … …




用作不及物动词They have torelyon the river for their water.他们用水只好依靠这条河。
A man shouldrelyupon his own power.人类应该依靠自身的力量。
You can'trelyon his assistance.你不能指望他能帮助你。
We arerelyingon your decision.我们相信你的判断。
Irelyon getting my money back in due time.我相信到期时可以收回我的钱。verb.have confidence in
同义词 await,bank,bet,build,calculate,commit,confide,count,depend,entrust,expect,hope,lean,look,reckon,trustbe confident of,be sure of,believe in,bet bottom dollar on,gamble on,have faith in,lay money on,ride on coattails,swear by
反义词 disbelieve,disregard,ignore,keep,straightenbe independent,distrust,doubt
entrustverb give custody, authority to
allocate,allot,assign,authorize,bank,bend an ear,charge,commend,commit,confer,confide,consign,count,delegate,deliver,depend,deposit with,hand over,impose,invest,leave with,reckon,relegate,trust,turn over
entrustingverb give custody, authority to
allocating,allotting,assigning,authorizing,banking,bending an ear,charging,commending,committing,conferring,confiding,consigning,counting,delegating,delivering,depending,deposit with,handing over,imposing,investing,leaving with,reckoning,relegating,relying,trusting,turning over
hopeverb long for, dream about
anticipate,aspire,assume,await,be sure of,believe,cherish,contemplate,count on,deem likely,depend on,desire,expect,feel confident,foresee,hang in,have faith,hold,keep fingers crossed,knock on wood,look at sunny side,look forward to,pray,presume,promise oneself,rely,suppose,surmise,suspect,sweat,sweat it,sweat it out,take heart,think to,trust,watch for,wish
hopedverb long for, dream about
anticipated,aspired,assumed,awaited,believed,cherished,contemplated,counted on,deemed likely,depended on,desired,expected,felt confident,foresaw,had faith,held,hung in,kept fingers crossed,knocked on wood,looked at sunny side,looked forward to,prayed,presumed,promised oneself,relied,supposed,surmised,suspected,sweated,sweated it,sweated it out,thought to,took heart,trusted,was sure of,watched for,wished
hopesverb long for, dream about
anticipates,aspires,assumes,awaits,believes,cherishes,contemplates,counts on,deems likely,depends on,desires,expects,feels confident,foresees,hangs in,has faith,holds,is sure of,keeps fingers crosses,knocks on wood,looks at sunny side,looks forward to,prays,presumes,promises oneself,relies,supposes,surmises,suspects,sweats,sweats it,sweats it out,takes heart,thinks to,trusts,watches for,wishes
leanverb count, depend on
bank on,believe in,bet bottom dollar,bet on,confide,gamble on,have faith,hinge on,lay money on,put faith in,rely,trust And all of these freedoms rely on one thing: tolerance.
所有这些自由都依赖于一样东西:宽容。 yeeyan

The astonishing truth is that although we navigate the world through our five senses, each of us has one sense that we rely on more than the other four.
令人惊讶的是,虽然我们通过五官来了解这个世界,但对于不同的人来说,每个人依赖于其中的一种感官要胜过其它四种。 yeeyan

The money markets rely more on trust than transparency because transactions are so quick that there is little time to assess information.
金钱市场更多依靠的是信任而不是透明性因为交易很快以至于几乎没有时间来评估信息。 ecocn

All of these reasons support the recommendation to rely more on what you learn through performance measures than through preference measures.
基于所有这些理由,我们建议你:更多地依靠用户的表现,而不是他们的偏好。 yeeyan

Also, do not rely on only one tool.
另外,不要仅依赖于某一种工具。 ibm

Although this is a sizing example, IBM sizing tools rely not only on the derived benchmark data, but also on analysis and feedback from both customer and internal production environments.
虽然这是一个分级示例,但 IBM分级工具不仅依赖于派生的基准数据,还依赖于来自客户和内部生产环境的分析和反馈。 ibm

An effective manager will not rely solely on his understanding and assumption of what it’s like to work for him.
高效管理者不会仅仅依赖自己的理解和假设来判断哪些事情有利于他们的工作。 yeeyan

Are there any new advances in this area or do we still rely on skittish horses?
在这一领域有没有什么新的进展,还是说我们依然要依赖受惊的马匹? yeeyan

As schools rely more on laptops and mobile devices, it is crucial to determine when students benefit from the presence of the computers and when teachers should put them away, he said.
他说,随着学校更加依赖于笔记本电脑和移动设备,关键是要确定学生什么时候受益于使用电脑和老师应该什么时候把电脑收起来。 yeeyan

As we have seen earlier, once we are able to separate normal operations from changes, the architecture can rely solely on events and lifecycles for design and implementation.
正如我们已经看到的,一旦我们能从正常工作中分离变化,架构就能只依赖事件和生命周期进行设计和实现。 infoq

But many big firms are clustered around Paris, and in industries that rely directly or indirectly on state support.
不过许多大公司聚集于巴黎周围,而且集中在那些直接或间接依赖政府支持的行业。 ecocn

But what of the resources we rely on to sustain and develop our technology?
但是我们依靠什么资源来支持和发展我们的科技? yeeyan

Content providers, however, have every incentive to control access to it because they rely on the goodwill of their audience.
但是,互联网的内容提供者有充分的动机去控制这些内容,因为他们靠他们观众的信任赚钱。 yeeyan

Every day of the year, in ports all over the world, vast cargo ships sail in, unnoticed by almost all of us who rely on their merchandise.
一年当中的每一天,大型的货船驶入全球各个港口,但几乎没机会被我们这些天天依赖其运送的货物的人注意到。 yeeyan

He himself advocates that we rely on it.

He says it encourages the poor to rely on the government and not work.
他说,这个制度鼓励穷人依赖政府。 这样他们可以不工作。 hjenglish

However, many objects rely on other objects or layers of infrastructure.
然而,许多对象依赖基础结构的其它对象或层。 ibm

In those moments, brain science reveals that humans perform better when they rely on their training, experience, and instincts, not their head.
在那些时刻,脑科学揭示当人类依赖于训练、经验和本能就表现得更好,而不是他们的头脑。 yeeyan

Our defences rely on what we can plan and do now.
我们的防线依赖于我们能计划和执行的措施。 who

So, I have to rely on my own savings.
所以我必须依靠自己的积蓄。 ebigear

Therefore, we are not to rely on feelings, but to have faith in the facts.
因此,我们不能依靠我们的感觉,而是要将信心建立在事实上。 yeeyan

These people have real human skills and real knowledge because they rely so little on technology.
这些人拥有真正的人类的技能和知识,因为他们几乎不依赖技术。 yeeyan

They rely on her principles and ethical standards.
他们依赖于她的原则和伦理标准。 fortunechina

This confidence extends to other groups in the organization that support and rely upon the resulting application.
这个信心将延伸到组织中的那些支持和依靠这一应用的其他部门。 ibm

We don't rely on blessings from Heaven.

We must rely upon and trust ourselves.
我们要依赖和信任我们自己。 yeeyan




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