

单词 reloading
释义 reloading 英ri'lod美ri'lod COCA⁴⁸⁶⁹⁴BNC⁷⁵²⁴³iWeb³⁸⁷⁷⁰
动词 reload:
load anewplace a new load onre-后load-装载-ing动名词⇒重复荷载;换装;计重载as in.replenish
同义词 refill,refresh,restock,restorefurnish,provide,provision,renew,replace,topmake up
反义词 damagedeplete,use up,waste
replenishverb fill, stock
furnish,make up,provide,provision,refill,refresh,reload,renew,replace,restock,restore,top Again, loading or reloading the Web page at this point won't show anything exciting.
现在打开或重新加载该网页同样没有什么惊奇的地方。 ibm

It most cases, this results in replacing and reloading the entire page, even if most of the page is unchanged.
大多数情况下,这将导致替换并重新装载整个页面,即便是该页面的大部分内容并无变化。 ibm

The final section will discuss how to modify the CSS characteristics of the page elements, without reloading the page or adjusting an external stylesheet.
最后,我将讨论如何在无需重新加载页面或调整外部样式表的情况下修改页面元素的 CSS属性。 ibm

The flexibility of class loaders even allows dynamic reloading of modified code while an application continues to execute.
类装入器的灵活性甚至允许动态地重新装入已修改的代码,同时应用程序继续执行。 ibm

The submission or acceptance of data relies on exchanging the request and reloading the entire page— even if only a tiny part of the page needs to be updated.
数据的提交和接收依赖于交换请求和重写加载整个页面—即使只需更新页面的一个很小部分时也是如此。 ibm

“ Our megalomaniacal scheme”, he says, is to convert a huge railway yard owned by Union Pacific nicknamed“Piggyback Yard” because it is used for reloading into a riparian park.
“我们有一个远大的梦想”,他说道,是把联合太平洋铁路公司所属的大型铁路站场也被称作“装运场”,因为它被用来换装货物变成沿岸居民的公园。 ecocn

Ajax is heavily used in Web applications like Gmail, which update information on a fairly constant basis without reloading the entire window.
Ajax大量应用于 Web应用程序中,如 Gmail,后者在更新信息时保持基础窗口不变,且无需重新装载整个窗口。 ibm

Ajax is one of the key to reduce unnecessary traffic since you load only required contents without reloading the full page.
Ajax是减少不必要流量的关键,因为你只需要加载请求的内容,而不用重新加载整个页面。 infoq

Finally, you took a look at CSS manipulation, and how to change the layout, colors, fonts, and so on, of any element on the page without reloading the page.
最后,您还看到了如何进行 CSS处理,以及如何在不重新加载页面的情况下更改页面上任意元素的布局、颜色、字体等。 ibm

If the retrieval was unsuccessful, an error message is displayed to the user who can try again by reloading the page.
如果检索失败,则将一个错误消息显示给用户,用户可通过重新加载页面来再次尝试。 ibm

If JSP reloading is enabled, the screen JSPs are automatically recompiled.
如果启用了 JSP重新加载,则该屏幕 JSP会自动重新编译。 ibm

If JSP reloading is enabled, the control JSP is automatically recompiled.
如果启用了 JSP重新加载,则该控件 JSP会自动重新编译。 ibm

If run time reloading of JSPs is required, requests for JSPs must be handled by the JSP engine.
如果运行的时候需要重新加载 JSP,对 JSP的请求必须由 JSP引擎处理。 ibm

In this way, users can interact with a rich user interface UI without reloading the full page.
这样,用户就可以与富用户界面 UI进行交互而无需重新加载整个页面。 ibm

In this example, I've shown how immediate processing of a Category component enables you to show subcategories without reloading the page.
在这个例子中,我们已经介绍了 Category组件的即时处理是如何让您可以显示子目录,而不用重新加载页面的。 ibm

No reloading is necessary, and you don't even need to create a new image element!
不需要重新加载,甚至不需要创建新的图片元素! ibm

Somebody produced a parrot. The light was terrible, and I was struggling with reloading my cameras.
不知道是谁养的一只鹦鹉,光线很糟,我正忙着重新调试摄影机。 yeeyan

The framework allows modules to be dynamically added, updated or removed within a running application, and supports viewing and reloading of modules using Java Management Extensions JMX.
该框架可以在运行的应用中动态增加、更新或删除模块,还可以利用 JMX查看和重新装载模块。 infoq

There was a powerful recoil after each shot which hurt his shoulder and he then had to go to the trouble of reloading.
每次射击完之后都有一股强大的后座力弄痛了自己的肩膀,而且自己还得麻烦地重新上膛。 yeeyan

This makes it particularly useful for handling initialization code, especially when you periodically end up reloading the mode.
因此,它非常适合处理初始化代码,尤其是在反复重新装载模型的情况下。 ibm

This avoids the wasteful reloading of basic infrastructure and the frustration of waiting for the browser to render the same navigation and design.
这样就避免了重新加载基本框架的浪费,而且也不需要花时间等待浏览器呈现相同的导航和设计。 ibm

Try reloading your page and checking it out.
请您也尝试重新加载您的页面并查看结果。 ibm

Two approaches were taken to allow the browser to retrieve content without reloading the page: embedding an external transport mechanism and using browser- native objects to perform transport duties.
有两种方法可使浏览器在无需重新加载页面的情况下检索内容:嵌入外部传输机制和使用浏览器本地对象执行传输任务。 ibm

Unlike desktop applications, any interaction with a web page usually resulted in reloading a whole new page.
跟桌面应用程序不同,任何一个网页的互动往往需要重新加载一个全新的页面。 yeeyan

Versions each class and resource individually instead of reloading the whole application, avoiding the problems associated with container redeployment and rolling upgrades.
对每个类和资源都进行单独的版本化,而不是重新装载整个应用,从而避免与容器重部署和滚动升级相关的问题。 infoq

We adopted that approach to avoid reloading the content for the frame.
我们采用这种方法来避免重新装载框架的内容。 ibm

With both approaches, you can enable automatic reloading of the JSPs and disable MCS policy caching.
对于这两种方法,您可以启用自动重新加载 JSP和禁用 MCS策略缓存。 ibm

Reloading the browser will require you to sign in again to view the changed logo.
重新加载浏览器需要您再次登录来查看修改的图标。 ibm

Reloading might explain the behavior of bucks, bulls, and male primates, all of which tend to ejaculate at the end of an autoerotic episode.
“重新上膛”可以解释雄鹿、公牛和灵长类雄性的行为,它们都趋向于在自慰的曲终时射精。 yeeyan




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