

单词 relishing
释义 rel·ish·ing 英'relɪʃ美'relɪʃ COCA³⁷⁸¹⁶BNC²⁸⁰⁷⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

great enjoyment of food,etc.;zest


(a great deal of enjoyment,especially of food;pleasure


substance eaten with a meal,such as pickles or sauce,to add taste and interest

vt. 欣赏,享受,爱好

enjoy;be pleased with

vigorous and enthusiastic enjoymentspicy or savory condimentthe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in;

She relished her fame and basked in her glory

lose its relish失去风味,失去吸引力…have no relish for不喜欢
近义词 nip夹like像zest热情bask取暖enjoy享受bliss幸福tooth牙齿sauce酱汁gusto爱好savor 味道flavor风味delight高兴savour 味道smack掌击声flavour味道pleasure愉快enjoyment享受appreciate欣赏enthusiasm热情tang强烈的味道sapidity有味道elation得意洋洋zestfulness热心appreciation欣赏delight in因 … 高兴take pleasure in喜欢反义词 loathe厌恶
用作名词n.Butter to butter is no relish.黄油加黄油不成美味。
Andrew has no relish for pop music.安德鲁对流行音乐不感兴趣。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.A cat relishes fish.猫喜欢吃鱼。
He relished my good advice.他乐于听从我的忠告。
用作动词Take each day andrelisheach moment.认真过每一天并且好好享受每一时刻。
He seemed torelishthe scandal.他似乎对这件丑闻十分欣赏。
Take a moment andrelishthis with me! Soon all will be revealed!和我一起品味这份经历吧!很快一切都会浮出水面!
His wife won'trelishhaving to wash all those dishes.他的妻子不会喜欢洗这一大堆碟子的。用作名词He drank up the wine withrelish.他津津有味地把酒喝光了。
I tasted the fish my mother cooked withrelish.我津津有味地品尝了我妈妈做的鱼。
The game will lose itsrelishwhen you grow old.你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
I have norelishfor witnessing cruelty.我对看残忍的场面不感兴趣。
The teacher had norelishfor his jokes.老师对他的笑话不感兴趣。
Hunger is the bestrelishfor food.饥饿是食物最佳佐料。
Put somerelishon a slice of bread.将调味品涂到一片面包上。as in.palatable
同义词 acceptable,agreeable,appetizing,attractive,delicious,enjoyable,pleasant,satisfactory,temptingtoothsomeA-OK,aperitive,cool,copacetic,delectable,delightful,divine,fair,flavorsome,good-tasting,heavenly,luscious,mellow,mouthwatering,peachy,sapid,saporific,saporous,savory,scrumptious,sugar-coated,sweetened,tasteful,tasty,toothy,yummy
反义词 disagreeable,repulsive,unacceptable,unattractive,unpleasant,unsatisfactorybitter,distasteful,sour,unsavoryuntastyas in.savory
同义词 appetizing,aromatic,delectable,fragrant,luscious,mellow,piquant,pungent,spicy,sweet,tangy,tasty,tempting,wholesomedainty,good,richagreeable,ambrosial,aperitive,decent,exquisite,full-flavored,mouthwatering,palatable,perfumed,redolent,respectable,sapid,savorous,scrumptious,toothsome
反义词 bad,bland,dull,flavorless,repulsive,sour,stinking,tasteless,unappetizing,unpleasant,unsavorydispleasing,distasteful,offensive
palatableadjective delicious, agreeable
savorieradjective pleasing, delicious in flavor
savoryadjective pleasing, delicious in flavor
agreeable,ambrosial,aperitive,appetizing,aromatic,dainty,decent,delectable,exquisite,fragrant,full-flavored,good,luscious,mellow,mouthwatering,palatable,perfumed,piquant,pungent,redolent,relishing,respectable,rich,sapid,savorous,scrumptious,spicy,sweet,tangy,tasty,tempting,toothsome,wholesome The good news continued for Liverpool fans on Tuesday as World Cup- winner Torres revealed he is relishing returning to action for the Reds and trying to help bring the league title back to Anfield.
对球迷们来说好消息还没结束,世界杯冠军队成员托雷斯表示他非常享受回到利物浦,并会尝试帮助俱乐部重返争冠行列。 mtime

Tucker was elected chairman at the HKCA's recent AGM and is relishing the challenges that come with his new position.
在最近的周年大会上被选为会长后,德加更是满肚密圈。 hkcricketsixes

“ Oh, ” she said, “ sorry, ” and proceeded to stand there, smiling at the floor as if already relishing how this juicy bit of gossip would play along the hall.
她说了句:“哦,对不起。”但却站在那里没动地方,只是低头笑着,仿佛已经在琢磨这个桃色新闻将如何在宿舍楼里传开了。 yeeyan

After relishing the boom that transformed the drab United Kingdom into Cool Britannia, they fear that the disheartening economic stagnation of the1970s might return.
在品味了英国经济有衰到盛的繁荣之后,他们将再次回到1970的经济大萧条中。 yeeyan

Allardyce is relishing the opportunity to follow Keegan into management at Newcastle and fear was a fleeting emotion, although players would be well advised not to get too comfortable.
阿勒代斯入主纽卡,对球迷来说意味着基冈之后的又一个机遇,同时,也有人担心这种感觉会转瞬即逝。而球员此前已被告知,他们不会感觉太舒坦。 myowen

But although the companies have worked together in the past, Bill Gates is clearly relishing that particular challenge.
虽然两家公司以前曾经多次合作,比尔盖茨还是谈到了竞争问题。 hongen

But, far from being put off by the competition for places, the Warsaw-born man is relishing the fight.
但是这位华沙人并没有对这个位置激烈竞争感到害怕,他做好战斗准备。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Fergie is relishing tomorrow's showdown with Liverpool, admitting the meetings with United's fiercest rivals are the games he looks forward to most every season.
弗吉表示乐于看到与利物浦的对决,并承认这是他每个赛季都相当期待的巅峰大战。 bbs.sports.163.com

I then called him17 more times, relishing with each automated pickup the sound of his recorded voice.
后来我又给他打了17次电话,享受自动应答中他录下的声音。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Its new9-5 is a good- looking car and Saab’s engineers are relishing the chance to show what they can do when liberated from the dead hand of GM.
他的9-5是一款漂亮的新车,从通用的官僚管理中解放出来后,研发萨博的工程师们正在渴望以此来证明他们能做什么。 yeeyan

Nemanja Vidic is relishing the prospect of facing Manchester United team-mate Wayne Rooney at this summer's WorldCup.
维迪奇在最近表露了他对和曼联队的队员鲁尼在南非世界杯上对阵的期望。 mufans

Scolari, meanwhile, is relishing his new role at the Bridge.
斯科拉里正在斯坦福桥享受自己的新角色。 autono1

The director says Chinese women need to get back to relishing the simpler things in life.
导演说,中国的女性应该回到过去,品味生活中更简单的事情。 yeeyan

The Dutch international has ' grown up' since he joined the Club and is now relishing the extra responsibility that captaincy brings.
这位荷兰的外籍球员从他加入俱乐部以来逐渐成熟,他正在体验作为一个队长承担更多责任的滋味。 yeeyan

The LDP should be in the stocks, being pelted with Fukushima’s radioactive vegetables, not relishing a return to government.
因福岛放射性的蔬菜问题被抨击,自民党人应该会储存而不会享受他们给政府的这个回报。 ecocn

Thomas Vermaelen is relishing the chance to play in one of the biggest games of any footballer's career.
费尔马伦享受着作为一个球员能够参加最重要比赛之一的机会。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Would they say that you're just glorifying suffering, you're just relishing in it and you don't want help these people?

Relishing her freedom and emboldened by Voldemort's return, Bellatrix has been rampaging through the wizarding and Muggle worlds, causing death and destruction.
在享受着伏地魔复活带给她自由与勇气之时,贝拉特里克斯横行于巫师和麻瓜的世界,制造死亡与混乱。 blog.sina.com.cn




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