

单词 relished
释义 rel·ish·ed 英'relɪʃ美'relɪʃ COCA³²⁰¹³BNC²⁶⁶⁸⁵Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

great enjoyment of food,etc.;zest


(a great deal of enjoyment,especially of food;pleasure


substance eaten with a meal,such as pickles or sauce,to add taste and interest

vt. 欣赏,享受,爱好

enjoy;be pleased with

vigorous and enthusiastic enjoymentspicy or savory condimentthe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in;

She relished her fame and basked in her glory

lose its relish失去风味,失去吸引力…have no relish for不喜欢
近义词 nip夹like像zest热情bask取暖enjoy享受bliss幸福tooth牙齿sauce酱汁gusto爱好savor 味道flavor风味delight高兴savour 味道smack掌击声flavour味道pleasure愉快enjoyment享受appreciate欣赏enthusiasm热情tang强烈的味道sapidity有味道elation得意洋洋zestfulness热心appreciation欣赏delight in因 … 高兴take pleasure in喜欢反义词 loathe厌恶
用作名词n.Butter to butter is no relish.黄油加黄油不成美味。
Andrew has no relish for pop music.安德鲁对流行音乐不感兴趣。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.A cat relishes fish.猫喜欢吃鱼。
He relished my good advice.他乐于听从我的忠告。
用作动词Take each day andrelisheach moment.认真过每一天并且好好享受每一时刻。
He seemed torelishthe scandal.他似乎对这件丑闻十分欣赏。
Take a moment andrelishthis with me! Soon all will be revealed!和我一起品味这份经历吧!很快一切都会浮出水面!
His wife won'trelishhaving to wash all those dishes.他的妻子不会喜欢洗这一大堆碟子的。用作名词He drank up the wine withrelish.他津津有味地把酒喝光了。
I tasted the fish my mother cooked withrelish.我津津有味地品尝了我妈妈做的鱼。
The game will lose itsrelishwhen you grow old.你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
I have norelishfor witnessing cruelty.我对看残忍的场面不感兴趣。
The teacher had norelishfor his jokes.老师对他的笑话不感兴趣。
Hunger is the bestrelishfor food.饥饿是食物最佳佐料。
Put somerelishon a slice of bread.将调味品涂到一片面包上。verb.look forward to;appreciate
同义词 admire,cherish,delight in,enjoy,go for,prefer,revel in,savordig,fancy,go,like,mind,tastebe fond of,luxuriate in
反义词 detest,dislike,hate,ignore At first he relished facing these multitudinous adversaries. The long, winding tunnels that the Skaven had clawed out flowed with their blood.
鼠人发掘的那些漫长曲折的隧道几乎被它们自己的鲜血灌满。 odyguild

My “ adviser” was the Scots incarnation of Little Britain's Pauline, who relished humiliating people better qualified than herself: “ We have to find ways of hiding the fact you've got a PhD,” she said.
我的指导老师是一位典型的不列颠圣保罗学校毕业的苏格兰人。 我觉得她喜欢羞辱那些比她更有优秀的人。 因为她对我说,我们要想办法来掩盖你是博士生的事实。 yeeyan

Being a mythology nut, I relished the inclusion of the old Welsh epics and myths in the text.
作为一个神话的核心,正文中的旧威尔士史诗和神话让我为之津津乐道。 yeeyan

By massaging it, its softness is relished: from a foamy mousse it turns dense, full- bodied, and irresistible.
轻轻的在脸部打圈,你会发现它柔软的泡沫慢慢变成密集、浓郁的慕斯,难以抗拒的诱惑。 taobbl

For it was apparent that Mourinho relished the attention for its own sake, taking joy in his eloquence and the effect it had on grateful, quote-starved reporters.
因为很明显,穆里尼奥为了自己球队的利益喜欢被关注,享受自己的夸夸其谈及对那些感激涕零、正愁无话可写的记者带来的影响。 yeeyan

He would doubtless have relished the paradox that such an urbane, cosmopolitan figure is now the front for a regime that in essence owes its power to a feudal monarchy.
而他本人也肯定品尝到了一种自相矛盾的事实,即这样一位彬彬有礼而无狭隘偏见的人物现在却领导着一个权力实质上来源于封建君主制的政权。 ecocn

He became a cult hero, especially among the growing ranks of unemployed young people, who relished his criticism of Timor-Leste's older leaders.
他成了一个时髦的英雄,尤其是在不断增长的没有工作的年轻人中,他们喜欢他对东帝汶年长的领导人的批评。 ecocn

He may be a gamble but Ferguson, both on and off the field, has always relished a punt.
他也许是个赌博,但弗格森不管在场上还是场下都有冒险精神。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn

He relished going to the beach at dawn.
他喜欢黎明时分去海滩。 fullyou.com

I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun's golden glow, but everyone was hurrying to and from, most with their eyes fixed on the ground.
我注意看了看是否还有其他人也珍惜这金色的阳光,但所有人都匆忙地来来往往,大多数人眼睛都盯着地。 blog.sina.com.cn

In fact, she relished cuddling snakes and had to be stopped from reaching for a tarantula.
事实上,她曾试图拥抱这些蛇,研究人员还不得不阻止她靠近狼蛛。 yeeyan

Japanese media relished reporting tales of borrowers who never made a single repayment and whose place of business vanished overnight.
日本媒体总乐于报道这样的事情:不少的借款者从没有归还过一笔贷款,更有甚者其办公场所一夜之间消失的无影无踪。 ecocn

Ji-sung Park relished the experience of representing the Reds in his home city of Seoul as he helped United secure a3-2 victory.
朴智星很高兴有机会代表曼联在自己的家乡汉城比赛,并帮助球队3-2获胜。 bbs.club.sina.com.cn

People don't seem to understand that an artist is free to do whatever he wants, and I've always relished that possibility.
人们似乎不理解一位艺术家可以自由的创作他想做的东西,而我一直享受着这种机遇。 yeeyan

Rawlings is a fearless fellow, and would have relished the chance to experience the Red Zone at its reddest.
罗林斯是个大无畏的人,这货喜欢体验在红区最危险时候的感觉。 yeeyan

She relished her fame and basked in her glory.
她品味她的声望并且乐于其中。 iciba

Such people have usually relished the opportunity to work with Scala.
这种人往往都会喜欢Scala开发的工作机会。 infoq

The19-year-old held his own against the likes of Xavi and Andres Iniesta and admits he relished every minute of their battles.
这位19岁球员在和哈维、伊涅斯塔对抗中坦言自己非常珍惜每一分钟的较量。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

They relished the social commentary of“ Hunger, Madness and Crime”, depicting a destitute peasant waving a bloody knife as the leg of her murdered infant peeps from a cooking pot.
他们对画家所作的“饥饿,疯狂和犯罪”发表了社论。这幅画描绘的是一个贫穷的农民挥动着血淋淋的刀,而她被谋杀的幼儿的脚从蒸煮罐里面露出来。 ecocn

Tokyo's citizens once relished the heresies of their cantankerous, right-wing governor, overlooking the more poisonous stuff.
东京市民一度喜欢听到这位脾气乖戾知事的古怪言论,这位右翼的统治者不停的寻找更多的有毒材料。 ecocn

When something offended her, she relished delivering the killing blow.
当她被冒犯时,她会非常享受地给出那致命一击。 yeeyan

Winger Arjen Robben relished the chance to move into a more central role during the second half of the3-1 victory at West Ham on Monday.
边锋鲁本在星期一3:1击败西汉姆联的比赛中,他在更靠近中间位置上踢了下半场。 www.chelsea.net.cn




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