

单词 religiosity
释义 re·lig·i·os·i·ty 英rɪˌlɪdʒiːˈɒsɪtiː美rɪˌlɪdʒiˈɑsɪtiAHDrĭ-lĭj'ē-ŏsʹĭ-tē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁰⁰¹⁴BNC⁵⁸³⁷²iWeb³²⁶¹⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

exaggerated or affected piety and religious zealreligioS,-ity名词⇒n.宗教狂热⁶⁰;过分虔诚²⁰;虚伪的虔诚²⁰n.笃信宗教;过度的宗教热忱;虔诚;信仰宗教的特性;虚伪的虔信态度;宗教狂;笃信;虚伪的宗教信仰;假信仰;狂信近义词 pietism虔诚religionism笃信宗教religiousism宗教狂热
同义词 pietyadherence,adoration,affection,allegiance,ardor,attachment,consecration,constancy,dedication,deference,devotedness,devoutness,earnestness,enthusiasm,faithfulness,fealty,fervor,fidelity,fondness,intensity,love,observance,passion,pietism,piousness,religionism,religiousness,reverence,sanctity,service,sincerity,spirituality,worship,zealdevotement
反义词 animosity,apathy,coldness,coolness,dishonesty,dislike,disloyalty,disregard,disrespect,enmity,hate,hatred,inconstancy,indifference,insincerity,lethargy,treachery,unsteadiness
devoutnessnoun religiousness
holinessnoun religiousness
pietismnoun devotion
pietynoun devotion, religiousness
piousnessnoun devotion
religionnoun belief in divinity;system of beliefs
church,communion,creed,cult,denomination,devotion,doctrine,higher power,morality,myth,mythology,observance,orthodoxy,pietism,piety,prayer,preference,religiosity,rites,ritual,sacrifice,sanctification,sect,spiritual-mindedness,spirituality,standards,superstition,theology,veneration A broad conclusion drawn by Gallup's wonks is that to be devoutly religious need not imply rejecting all Western values; and that religiosity is not correlated with extremism or violence.
盖洛普分析人员得出的主要结论就是,对宗教的虔诚并不意味着对所有西方价值观的否定;而且,宗教虔诚也同极端主义和暴力不相干系。 ecocn

A notorious playboy in his playing days, Mr Khan has accrued a pious religiosity.
罕当年打球的时候是一个臭名昭著的花花公子,而如今他已经拥有更虔诚的宗教信仰。 ecocn

On secularism, even if Europeans would prefer not to have others' religiosity paraded on the streets, the tolerance that Westerners claim to value requires them to put up with it.
要说现世主义,即便欧洲人更希望没有狂热的异教分子横行,但是西方人所尊崇的容忍态度还是会要求他们接受下来。 ecocn

So any kind of ideas, I think any community is defined by its religiosity; they're still made up by normal individuals and human beings.

The country's mix of vigorous heterosexuality and religiosity have made it one of Africa's more homophobic places.
强烈的异性恋思想和虔诚的宗教信仰,使乌干达成为了非洲恐同性恋地区中的突出者。 ecocn

The sex differences in risk preference, religiosity, and criminality are all direct consequences of the sex differences in reproductive strategy.
性别差异的风险偏好、宗教信仰、犯罪倾向的直接后果是所有繁殖策略中出现的性别差异。 yeeyan

“ This is no way reflects the religiosity of people, only their self- identification, ” Grim said. “ We're trying to get the overall picture of religion in the world.”
“这并不反映出人们的宗教信仰,只是人们的自我认同,”格里姆说,“我们想描绘出有关世界宗教的总体图画。” yeeyan

Although Mr Bush talks openly about his alcoholism and religiosity, the book feels oddly flat and impersonal.
尽管书中布什畅谈嗜酒和宗教狂热,但该书仍显得出奇的平淡而且毫无人情味。 yeeyan

Americans, for all their overt religiosity, have dedicated their civilisation to proving Job wrong.
美国人用他们公开的虔诚来创造他们的文明,以证明约伯是错误的。 ecocn

And a previous Gallup analysis supports this idea, finding the relationship between religiosity and emotional wellbeing is stronger among poor countries.
而之前盖洛普的一个分析报告也支持了这个观点,报告显示,贫困国家的宗教虔诚度和心理幸福度关系非常密切。 cri

But it has crept back, as a wave of religiosity has prompted many to embrace a more distinctively Muslim look.
但是它又卷土重来,笃信宗教的浪潮促使人们去维持一个更加鲜明的穆斯林形象. ecocn

Desperate young men from various cultures, with different levels of education, religiosity, attitudes, values, diets, marijuana use, and personalities are seeking help.
寻求帮助的绝望年轻男性来自于不同文化背景,教育、宗教信仰、态度、价值观、饮食习惯、吸食大麻习惯、个性等各不相同。 yeeyan

Elsewhere, the church's involvement is more controversial. In Poland, where 90% of the population say they are Catholic, the ruling coalition displays ostentatious religiosity.
在别处教会介入政治也存在着矛盾,在波兰,90的人宣称自己是虔诚的天主教徒,其实满不是那么回事。 ecocn

Harvey Whitehouse, also of Oxford, thinks these different ways of remembering are harnessed by what he sees as two distinct aspects of religiosity.
牛津大学的哈维认为,长期记忆的不同方式,受控于在他看来的两种截然不同的宗教虔诚。 ecocn

However, Ijaz Gilani, head of Gallup Pakistan, argues that it would be a“ very serious miscalculation” to judge society’s religiosity by the showing of Islamist parties at election time.
然而,巴基斯坦盖洛普民意测验主席伊亚兹•吉拉尼却认为通过伊斯兰政党在选举期间的表现来判断社会的宗教狂热程度是个“非常严重的错误判断”。 ecocn

However, ratings of the dead David's mind in the story in which his corpse was embalmed and buried varied with the participant's religiosity.
但是,被试读过描述大卫被作防腐处理并埋葬的故事后,对其心智活动作出的评价会随被试的宗教虔诚度而改变。 ecocn

I suspect the metaphysical denial is quite rare— but given the comparative religiosity of American culture and the stereotypes thereof, it gets a lot of air time.
我觉得从抽象层面否定气候变化是最不靠谱的—但是鉴于美国文化中对宗教信仰的虔诚,还有那些陈词滥调,这个说法还是常在电视上被提到。 yeeyan

It is only natural that religiosity should extend to politics, particularly given Islamic traditions that, in the absence of a Muslim“ church”, see defence of the faith as a duty of the state.
一国的宗教性渗透到政治方面,再自然不过,尤其是考虑到伊斯兰教的传统,即在没有清真“教堂”的情况下,保卫宗教信仰就成了国家职责。 ecocn

Some say that Egypt’s revived religiosity reflects not a return to old ways but a move to more modern ones.
一些人认为埃及重新变得虔诚并不代表他们再次走上老路,而是朝着更现代的社会迈进了一步。 putclub

That religiosity later hardened into a fanatical hatred.
这种虔诚后来凝固成了一种强烈的仇恨。 yeeyan

The religiosity of American society has encouraged the belief that the United States has a special mission to perform.
美国社会对这一历史观的虔诚,更使这一信念深之入骨:美国是怀着特殊使命,纵横天下。 yeeyan

They longed, too, for the slower ways, the old courtesies and the religiosity of the South.
他们也渴望缓慢些的生活节奏,传统的生活方式和南方对宗教的虔诚信仰。 ecocn

They used the answers to control for religiosity. They also controlled for income, education, race and length of relationship.
他们通过答题掌握了调查对象宗教虔诚程度,同时也掌握了调查对象的收入、种族、教育和婚姻关系长短。 yeeyan

This might explain why nationalism, the loyalty of sports fans, and religiosity can be very strong in the toughest of times.
这也许可以解释为什么民族主义、忠实的体育迷和宗教在最艰难的时候反而最强大。 yeeyan

This reflects the strong relationship between a country's socioeconomic status and the religiosity of its residents.
这表明了一个国家社会经济状况和居民宗教信仰虔诚度的紧密联系。 cri

This study looked only at satisfaction with finances and family; other researchers say future studies need to delve into other factors that might affect happiness, such as divorce and religiosity.
该项研究看起来只不过是对人的经济状况和家庭满意感的研究,因此有其他的研究者认为,未来的研究应当更深入研究其它的影响幸福的重要因素,比如离婚、宗教信仰。 yeeyan

Trusting authority: “ Moral conviction” and“ religiosity” are different in surprising ways when it comes to accepting the authority of another.
权威信任:在谈到对不同权威的接受时,“道德信念”与“宗教虔诚”的不同让人吃惊。 yeeyan

Religiosity is a very uncomfortable feeling.
极端的虔诚是一种并不舒适的感受。 yeeyan




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