释义 |
re·lieve 英rɪˈliːv美rɪˈlivAHDrĭ-lēvʹ ★★☆☆☆46研四八TICOCA⁵¹²⁶BNC⁸²⁰⁴iWeb⁴⁴³⁹Economist⁹⁴⁴⁹ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.救济⁷;减轻⁷¹;解除²⁰;偷²形容词relievable名词reliever过去分词relieved现在分词relieving三单relieves v.动词 vt. 缓解,消除,减少lessen vt. 换班,换岗take a duty from sb as a relief Verb: provide physical relief, as from pain;This pill will relieve your headaches free someone temporarily from his or her obligationsgrant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to;She exempted me from the exam lessen the intensity of or calm;The news eased my conscience still the fears save from ruin, destruction, or harmrelieve oneself of troubling informationprovide relief for;remedy his illness free from a burden, evil, or distresstake by stealing;The thief relieved me of $100 grant exemption or release to;Please excuse me from this class alleviate or remove pressure or stress or make less oppressive;relieve the pressure and the stress lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents v.动词 relieve from, relieve of这组短语的意思都是“解除”。其区别是: 前者指解除或减轻痛苦、忧虑、危险,强调状态; 后者指解脱沉重的负担、包袱等,强调对象。 relieve, comfort, soothe这三个词都可表示“安慰”。其区别是: comfort指用鼓舞、安慰、希望减少别人的痛苦、伤悲; relieve指能暂时减少些痛苦,以便能容易忍受; soothe意思是缓和痛苦,使其镇静一些。例如: He always does what he can to comfort those who are in trouble.他总是尽力去安慰处于困境的人。 This is a drug that relieves headaches.这是一种减轻头痛的药物。 He'd got very annoyed about it, and it took all her tact to soothe him down.他对此非常生气,她使出各种乖巧的 方法才使他平静下来。relieve, free, release这组词都有“解除”的意思。其区别是: free指使某人或某物从某种限制的情况下解脱出来或释放,后面常跟介词from或of。release指使某人或某物较为具体地摆脱某种限制、束缚或痛苦,例如: He released her arm.他放开了她的手臂。 The missile was automatically released by the computer.这枚导弹是通过计算机自动发射的。relieve指解除不愉快的感情或负担等,例如: It will relieve them of a tremendous burden.这将给他们解除一个巨大的负担。 I wanted to relieve myself of these duties as soon as possible.我想尽快从这些责任中解脱出来。relieve, allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate这组词都可表示“使某事变得能够忍受或不太严重”。其区别是: relieve指减轻负担、灾难、痛苦或恐惧,强调使能忍受或忘却; allay一般指减轻到确实消痛或压惊的地步,但不一定完全消除; alleviate强调暂时或部分地缓解; assuage专指平息或缓和怒气等强烈的情绪,也可指把痛苦减轻到可以忍受的程度; lighten指减轻负荷或重压,从而产生轻松的影响; mitigate指缓和痛苦等的强度,但不一定暗示减轻到可以忍受的程度。 comfort,console,ease,soothe,relieve这些动词均含有“给人以帮助以减轻痛苦或悲伤”之意。 comfort普通用词,指用语言或行动对痛苦者给予鼓励、勇气和力量,从而减轻其痛苦或悲伤,得到安慰。 console较正式用词,侧重缓和或减轻别人的痛苦或悲伤。 ease正式用词,指减轻身心的痛苦、不安和忧虑。 soothe着重以安慰减轻悲痛、愤怒或激动,使人理智地平静下来。也可指药物等减轻病痛。 relieve指解除或缓解某人的病痛、担心或忧虑等,常用被动态。 来源于由前缀re-再和基本动词levare举,升组成的复合动词relevare再举,再升,经由古法语relever进入英语。 词根词缀: re-再 + liev= -lev- 举,升 + -e 用作动词 v. ~+名词relieve the boy's arm of pain减轻了孩子手臂的疼痛~+副词relieve economically经济上减轻relieve effectually有效地减轻relieve greatly大为减轻relieve nationally民族地去除relieve painlessly无痛地除去relieve spiritually精神上减轻relieve ultimately最后解除~+介词relieve against在…衬托下relieve at因…感到宽慰relieve by镶在…边上relieve sb from使摆脱,解除relieve sb from anxiety消除某人的忧虑relieve …of使摆脱,解除relieve of sb's command解除某人的指挥权relieve sb of the burden减轻某人的负担relieve with用…来衬托 用作动词v. relieve against v.+prep.
在…的映衬下 be in the reflect relieve sth against sthThe mountain is relieved against the blue sky.在蓝天的映衬下,这座山轮廓分明。 The picture is relieved against the background.这幅画有背景衬托分外醒目。 relieve from v.+prep.
将某人免职 dismiss (sb from a position, often responsible) relieve of v.+prep.
盗取某人的东西( humor to rob sb of sth) relieve oneself上厕所 pass water or empty the bowels 钱博士re加强语气+liev=lev,减轻+e⇒减轻,缓解,使宽慰 词根lev-轻的,引申为减轻、抬举来自拉丁语。它和日耳曼单词light轻的最终都源自原始印欧语词根*legwh-轻的。方振宇词汇奥秘re加强意义+liev=lev 举+e→把压在…上面的东西举起→使…减轻负担→减轻,救济 比较记忆relievern.救助者;后援投手re加强意义+liev=lev举+e→把压在…上面的东西举起→使…减轻负担⇒减轻,救济非常记忆believe相信⇒相信我能让你不再单调乏味词根记忆re再+lieve=再轻=减轻近义词 fire火take拿save救rid摆脱aid援助set放置ease容易sack袋子help帮助vary改变cure治疗allay减轻salve药膏relax休息spell拼写abate缓和break打碎shift移动treat对待lower低的reduce减少free自由的soothe缓和calm平静的lessen减少assist帮助modify修改attend出席doctor博士solace安慰loosen松开excuse原谅release释放replace取代dismiss开除assuage缓和comfort舒适appease安抚respite暂缓succour救助support支持redress赔偿silence沉默still静止的salvage救助console安慰mitigate减轻exempt免除的remedy治疗法unburden发泄diminish减少set free释放palliate减轻alleviate减轻discharge排出interrupt打断reinforce加固correct正确的satisfy使满意take over接收strengthen加强pacify使 … 平静unbosom吐露心事let go放开, 松手soften使变柔和substitute for代替disembarrass使免于受窘lighten使轻松,变得轻松…let off放炮、烟火等…反义词 intensify增强 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The doctor often relieve the poor.那位医生经常救济贫民。 He devoted himself to relieving the distressed.他致力于救济受苦受难的人。 We did what we could to relieve the people in the flood-stricken areas.我们尽了最大努力救济遭受水灾地区的人民。 The doctors did their best to relieve the patient.医生们尽力减轻病人的痛苦。 He thinks it is his duty to relieve the sickness.他认为消除疾病是他的职责。 Tears relieves her.流泪减轻了她的痛苦。 The soldiers were sent to relieve the besieged city.已派了军队去援救那个被围的城市。 They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.他们决定不依靠外援救灾。 They could suggest nothing to relieve the crisis.他们提不出办法来缓和危机。 Rather than relieving the situation, his action aggravated it.他的行动不仅没有缓和局势反而加剧了局势。 His humorous remark relieved the tension in the room.他讲的那些幽默的话缓和了室内的紧张气氛。 The good news relieved us.这个好消息使我们放心了。 It would relieve my mind if some sort of understanding was reached between us.如果我们之间能达成某种谅解,我就会宽心了。 No words can relieve her sorrow.什么话也不能减轻她的悲痛。 Shout if you want to, it will relieve your feelings.要喊你就喊吧,这样你会好受些。 They can also relieve spasm.它们还可以治痉挛。 Can you give me something to relieve my headache?你能不能给我点药把我的头痛止住? They are effective in relieving pain.它们止疼很有效。 Cool water relieves the pain of minor burns.凉水可以减轻轻度烧伤的疼痛。 He will relieve a sickness teacher tomorrow.他明天要为一个生病的老师代课。 Anxiety may be relieved by talking to a friend.和朋友交谈可以减轻忧虑。 They were relieved at the news.听到这一消息,他们放心了。 She felt relieved at the prospect.看到这样的前景,她感到宽慰。 The brown hills are relieved by patches of green.褐色的小山上点缀着一块块的绿色,显得不那么单调。 The guard will be relieved at midnight.这卫兵要到午夜才换班。 You will be relieved at 12.在12点钟会有人来替换你。 The sentry is relieved at regular intervals.哨兵每隔一段时间就换岗。S+be ~ed+to- v /that-clauseWe were relieved to hear that she was out of danger.听说她脱险了,我们的心才放下来。 I was relieved to see them back.看到他们回来我才放心。 I was relieved to see that he seemed almost himself again.看到他又恢复理智,我总算放心了。 She seemed relieved that things were better.情况好转了,她似乎放心了。 Mother was relieved that you had come back safely.你平安归来了,妈妈感到宽慰了。 Now she looked relieved that she began to talk about her life in the countryside.这时候她显得轻松了些,开始谈起她在农村的生活。Prelieveda.宽慰的解除的减轻的Punrelieveda.未减轻的未受救济的Prelievern.解除痛苦的人接替者救济者
relieve的基本意思是“减轻,除去痛苦、不安”,指暂时而不是从根本上解除或减轻不愉快的感情、负担或痛苦。引申可表示“解除某人的职务等”。relieve还可作“给…换班”“换岗”解。 relieve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 relieve接agaist表示“在…的衬托下”,接at表示“因…而感到宽慰”,接from或of表示“免除”“解脱”。 动词100% 用作动词The Government acted quickly torelievethe widespread distress caused by the earthquake.地震造成大范围的灾难,政府迅速采取行动赈济灾民。 This medicine willrelieveyour headache.这药将减轻你的头痛。 The route was designed torelievetraffic congestion.这条路是为缓解交通拥挤而开辟的。 The general wasrelievedof his command.将军被解除了指挥权。 He wasrelievedof his watch.他的表被偷走了。verb.make less painful;let up on 同义词 allay,alleviate,assuage,calm,comfort,cure,diminish,ease,free,mitigate,relax,soothe,subdueabate,appease,break,brighten,console,decrease,divert,dull,interrupt,lighten,moderate,mollify,palliate,qualify,quiet,salve,slacken,soften,solace,temper,varytake load off one's chest,take load off one's mind 反义词 aggravate,agitate,annoy,distress,excite,grow,hurt,incite,increase,intensify,irritate,provoke,rouse,upset,vex,worry,worsen,allow,darken,depress,enlarge,stay,troubleaccuse,blame,burden,condemn,discourage,harm,injure,painverb.help;give assistance 同义词 assistaid,spell,succor,support,sustainbring aid,give a break,give a hand,give a rest,stand infor,substitute for,take over from,take the place of 反义词 accuse,blame,burden,condemn,discourage,harm,hurt,injure,pain,trouble,upset,worryverb.remove blame, responsibility 同义词 absolve,freedeliver,discharge,disembarrass,disencumber,dismiss,dispense,excuse,exempt,privilege,pull,release,spare,unburden,yankforce to resign,let off,throw out 反义词 hold,detain,employ,engage,hire,imprison,keep,maintain,pushaccuse,blame,burden,condemn,discourage,harm,hurt,injure,pain,trouble,upset,worry absolveverb free from responsibility, duty acquit,bleach,blink at,clear,discharge,exculpate,excuse,exempt,exonerate,forgive,free,go easy on,launder,let off,let off easy,let off the hook,let up on,liberate,lifeboat,loose,pardon,release,sanitize,set free,spare,spring,vindicate,whitewash,wink at,wipe it off,wipe the slate clean,write off acquitverb announce removal of blame absolve,blink at,clear,deliver,discharge,disculpate,exculpate,excuse,exonerate,free,let go,let off,let off the hook,liberate,release,relieve,vindicate,whitewash,wink at,wipe off aidverb help, support abet,alleviate,assist,bail out,befriend,benefact,encourage,favor,go to bat for,go with,lend a hand,lighten,mitigate,open doors for,promote,relieve,serve,stick up for,straighten out,subsidize,sustain alternateverb take turns, change back and forth act reciprocally,alter,blow hot and cold,change,come and go,exchange,fill in for,fluctuate,follow,follow in turn,interchange,intersperse,oscillate,relieve,rotate,seesaw,shift,shilly-shally,substitute,sway,vacillate,vary,waver,yo-yo ameliorateverb make, become better alleviate,amend,help,improve,lighten,meliorate,mitigate,relieve,step up,upgrade assistverb help abet,aid,back,bail out,benefit,boost,collaborate,cooperate,do for,expedite,facilitate,further,give a boost,give a leg up,give a lift,go down the line for,go for,go to bat for,go with,grease the wheels,hype,lend a hand,make a pitch for,open doors,plug,puff,push,put on the map,reinforce,relieve,ride shotgun,root for,run interference for,serve,stand up for,stump,support,sustain,take care of,thump,work for,work with Both he and Jenny lived in the expectation that his masterwork, “Capital, ” would earn enough capital to relieve their debts and render them financially secure. 他和燕妮生活中都期待他的杰作,《资本论》,能获得足够的资金,以减轻他们的的债务并让他们经济上稳定下来。 yeeyan So they certainly have the resource base to relieve the pressure. 他们肯定有这样的资源来减轻投入上的压力。 yeeyan The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden. 这一政策的采取将替他们解除一个巨大的负担。 hjenglish Then use it throughout the day to relieve back tension. 然后,在一整天用它来缓解背部紧张度。 ebigear All of our debates and discussions have meaning only when they improve the health of people and relieve their suffering. 我们展开的所有辩论和讨论只有在能够增进人们健康并减轻他们的痛苦时才具有意义。 who And you acknowledge that even in places that pose no meaningful threat to the West, a moral obligation to relieve suffering requires that those who can help do so. 即使在那些并没有对西方形成有意义的威胁的地区,人们也认识到有道义上的责任要求向那些国家提供帮助来缓解痛苦。 yeeyan Attempt to calm the victim, relieve the anxiety and stress. 尝试使受难者平静下来,减轻他的焦虑和压力。 yeeyan Breathing exercises are a good way to relax, reduce tension, and relieve stress. 呼吸练习是放松、减少紧张和缓解压力的一个好方法。 ebigear But we continue to trust in such solutions because, well, they relieve the tension. 但我们继续信任在这些解决方案上,嗯,因为他们缓解紧张局势。 yeeyan Drugs relieve some of the symptoms, reduce the potential for serious complications like pneumonia and cut the length of the illness by around a day. 药物减轻某些症状,减少可能造成严重的并发症的机会例如肺炎,并且一天左右切断疾病的长度。 yeeyan For skin under and around noses that are irritated by too much blowing, menthol and eucalyptus can relieve pain. 鼻子下面和周围发炎的皮肤是由于过度吹风造成的,薄荷和桉树可以减轻疼痛。 yeeyan Half of it, they proposed, should go to relieve poverty in Britain, with the rest split between foreign development aid and combating climate change. 他们提议应该将一半的资金用来缓解英国的贫困,剩下的部分用来支持外国援助和应对气候变化。 ecocn He looked down, to relieve his neck, and stared at the rusty chain at his feet, coiled around the metal rod that connected the cycle to the cart. 他低下了头,来缓解脖子的疼痛,眼睛停留在脚下生锈的铁链上,那铁链绕在连接自行车和拖车的金属杆周围。 ecocn I should throw away my pen and move into the slums, where I could relieve poverty better and more efficiently than with a poisonous book. 我应该扔掉我的钢笔,搬到贫民窟去,我才能更好地缓解贫穷的疼痛,这比对着一本讨厌的书更有效果。 tianya If the economy falters, that should relieve price pressures too. 如果经济趋向疲软,则会减轻价格上升压力。 ecocn If you are without friends you may wish to have someone in your life who will relieve the emptiness. 如果你没有朋友,你大概会暗许有那么一个人能走进你的生活,来缓解这种空虚感。 yeeyan In 1993, he needed back surgery to relieve pain caused from decades of walking. 1993年,他需要作背部手术,以减轻数十年行走引起的疼痛。 ebigear Sex can turn bad for us when we repeatedly pursue encounters with the hope that each new experience will relieve our tension anxiety or boredom or help us escape from pain or conflict. 如果我们不断追求外遇,希望每一次新体验都能缓解我们的紧张、焦虑和厌倦或者帮我们逃离痛苦或冲突话,性可能会变成对我们有害的东西。 yeeyan Stretching can help to relieve tension in your lower back, legs and up to the back of your neck. 躺在床上是伸展手脚和背部,伸展运到可减轻腰部、腿、后背直到颈部的紧张程度; yeeyan The Fourth Training asks us to practice loving speech and deep listening in order to relieve others of suffering. 第四项训练要求我们,实践充满深情的语言,诚心诚意地倾听,从而减轻他人的痛苦。 yeeyan They are trying to build up funds to relieve the poverty- stricken families. 他们设法筹集资金来救济非常贫困的家庭。《21世纪大英汉词典》 This can greatly relieve the pressure of limited time and limited resources. 这样可以极大地缓解时间和资源有限造成的压力。 ibm This causes anywhere from mild discomfort to acute pain. The release of these fluids during an orgasm will relieve the discomfort. 这将导致轻微的不适感直接变成急性疼痛,高潮期间精液的释放会减轻这种不适感。 yeeyan This means it can be cached by browsers and relieve load on your servers. 这意味着浏览器可以缓存这个页面从而减轻服务器的负荷。 ibm This medicine will relieve your pain. 这种药能缓解你的痛苦。 ebigear While nothing may completely relieve the discomfort, ask your doctor for a list of foods that aggravate heartburn so that you can avoid them. 没有什么可以完全解除这种不适,你可以去看下医生,让他开出会恶化胃灼热的食物清单,并避免食用它们。 yeeyan You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums. 你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。《21世纪大英汉词典》 |