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词汇 relates
释义 re·late·s 英rɪ'leɪt美rɪ'leɪt COCA⁸⁹⁷²BNC⁴⁸⁰⁶Economist¹⁴³⁸⁷
vt. 讲述; 叙述

tell a story

vt. & vi. 把…联系起来

connect in thought or meaning

make a logical or causal connection;

I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind

colligate these facts

I cannot relate these events at all

be relevant to;

There were lots of questions referring to her talk

My remark pertained to your earlier comments

give an account of;

The witness related the events

be in a relationship with;

How are these two observations related?

have or establish a relationship to;

She relates well to her peers

relate, describe, narrate, recite, recount, rehearse, report, state


relate专指有条理、连贯和完整地叙述故事或自己看到、经历的事情; rehearse指总结性地讲述或重复讲述; recite和recount均指把每一细节都详细讲述或列举出来; narrate专指采用编造情节、悬念和高潮等文学手段生动地讲叙; describe侧重能给听众产生深刻印象的详尽而清楚地描述; state强调原原本本、不加修饰地用口头或书面形式清楚明确地讲述,强调旨在提供事实素材或看法; report指经过调查研究之后,为提供有关事实和情况,对某事的细节作出精确叙述或报告。

relate to, apply, bear on〔upon〕, belong to, pertain to


bear on〔upon〕强调直接联系和前者的重要作用; relate to强调二者的紧密和一致,侧重相互的影响; pertain to侧重在实践中或思想方面,强调联系的必要性和关系的紧密; belong to强调前者和不可分割的部分, apply通常强调前者对后者的解释、描述。例如:

This problem bears on the interests of the labour.这个问题关系到劳工的利益。
The cost relates directly to the amount of time spent on the job.成本与这项工作所费的时间直接有关。
Any inquiries pertaining to the granting of planning permission should be ad- dressed to the Town Hall.一切有关发放计划许可证的询问应该 向市政厅提出。
What party do you belong to?你是哪个党的党员?
This rule does not apply in your particular case.这项规则不适用于你的具体情况。join,combine,unite,connect,link,attach,couple,associate,relate











1530年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的relatus:re 回) +latus (携带),意为重新取
用作动词 (v.
~+名词relate one's ideas叙述自己的观点relate the incident to sb把这件事讲给某人听relate a story讲故事relate sb's version of the incident讲述某人所看到的事情经过~+副词relate closely〔intimately〕密切相关relate confidently自信地讲述relate graphically生动地讲述relate gravely沙哑地讲述relate incredibly难以置信地讲述relate mirthfully欢快地讲述relate monotonously单调地讲述relate speciously似是而非地讲述relate sympathetically令人同情地讲述relate tediously冗长地讲述relate variously各种各样地讲述~+介词relate by blood有血缘关系relate to与…有关,与…相处relate to the case与这个案子有关relate to sb the story of向某人讲述…的经过relate … with把…和…联系起来
relate to v.+prep.

与…协调,与…相处得好,与…相适应 establish a social or sympathetic relationship with (a person or thing)

relate sb/sth to sb/sthIt is difficult to relate his argument to the facts.很难把他的论证同事实联系起来。
We must relate these principles with our everyday work.我们必须把这些原则和我们的日常工作联系起来。
The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices.失业的数目同物价的上涨并没有必然的联系。
I am not related to him in any way.我和他无任何关系。
She claims to be distantly related to a noble family by marriage.她声称她同一个显贵的家庭有远房联姻关系。relate to oneself/sthWe are interested only in what relates to ourselves.我们只关心与我们有关的事。
His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion.他说的话与讨论的问题无关。
The new tax law does not relate to land used for farming.新的税收法不涉及到农业用地。
Many changes in the national pattern of life have recently taken place, especially those relating to housing and jobs.人们的生活方式最近发生了许多变化,特别是那些同居住和工作有关的。
He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.他把与这件事有关的全部信件都看了。
The lawyer read all the papers relating to the case.律师阅读了与该案有关的全部文件。relate to sb/sth〔说明〕 relate to常用于否定句。She doesn't relate very well to her mother.她和她母亲关系不太融洽。
She finds it difficult to relate to her tutor and fellow-students.她觉得自己很难与导师和同学们相处。
It's unfortunate when a father and son can't relate to each other.父子之间关系不好是很不幸的。
It's too bad that you are unable to relate to your environment.你不能适应环境,这太糟糕了。近义词 say说tell告诉link联系join连接couple对state情形relay转播unite联合touch触摸report报告recite背诵inhere固有attach附上narrate叙述recount详述connect连接link up联系pertain关于bracket档次deliver递送come to总计combine联合bear on依靠concern关心transmit传达touch on触及tie in捆成束associate联想cooperate合作colligate概括sympathize同情refer把 … 提交communicate传达interact相互作用get on穿上,戴上correlate使相互关联interrelate互相关连declare宣布声明…speak about说到谈论hit it off与 … 合得来…
S+~+ n./pron.She related the whole story vividly.她栩栩如生地把整个情况都讲了。
He related the experience of three Cuban girls.他讲述了三个古巴女孩的经历。
The author saw it all happening so, and therefore related it.作者目睹了事情发生的一切,于是就详细地叙述它发生的过程。
I can't relate those two ideas.我很难把这两种想法联系起来。
It is difficult to relate the two cases.要把那两件事联系起来是很困难的。
The professor told his students to relate theory with practice.教授要学生们理论联系实际。
The scientist couldn't relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.这位科学家无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释那种现象。
It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来。S+~+wh-clauseThe witness related what he had seen.证人陈述了他所见到的情况。
Then he related what had passed between them.然后他讲述他们之间发生的情况。
Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?你能将童年的经历与现在的心情联系起来吗?
She related just how the accident had occurred.她描述了这次事故是怎样发生的。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.He related all that had happened to him.他讲述了他所经历的一切。
He related some amusing stories in his childhood to his children.他向孩子们述说了他少年时代的一些趣事。
They related their trouble to him and asked his advice.他们给他讲述了他们的烦恼,请他帮忙出主意。
He had as yet no opportunity of relating the incident to him.他一直还没有机会把这件事讲给他们听。



用作动词To what events did your remarksrelate?你的话指的是什么事?
It is difficult torelatecause and effect in this case.这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。
These two events wererelatedto each other.这两个事件相互有联系。
In what way does itrelateto your current career?这跟您目前的职业有何关联呢?。
Some adults can'trelateto children.有些成年人不理解儿童的想法。 At root is the issue of just what constitutes“ proprietary trading” by banks, especially as it relates to the issue of making trades in securities on behalf of their customers.
根本性的问题在于,哪些行为构成银行的“自营交易”,特别是因为这涉及到为客户利益而进行证券交易的行为。 fortunechina

Consider, for instance, these three words: eye, gown, basket. Can you think of another word that relates to all three?
例如,当看到“眼、长袍、篮子”这三个词时,你能否想到另一个与这三个词相关联的词吗? yeeyan

The main point is that we need to rethink our notions of“ free,” especially as it relates to free information, and doing so could benefit us all.
主要的论点是我们要对“免费”的概念重新思考,特别是当它和免费信息相关时,这么做可以对我们大家都有好处。 yeeyan

Architecture as it relates to software engineering is about decomposing or partitioning a single system into a set of parts that can be constructed iteratively, incrementally, and independently.
与软件工程相关的体系结构涉及到将单个系统分解或划分为一组可迭代地、渐进地和独立地构造的部分。 ibm

But this relates more to a general drive by Barclays to get out of less profitable businesses than a reflection on Russia.
但是,这更涉及到巴克莱摆脱利润较低企业的一般动力,而不是对俄罗斯作出的反应。 ecocn

Each one relates to one of the basic areas of knowledge required for project success: product, staff, customer, and schedule.
每个人都关联到了项目成功所要求的基本知识领域中的一个:产品,员工,客户,和计划。 ibm

Each criterion relates to a key element of sustainability, and may be described by one or more indicators.
每项标准涉及可持续性的一个关键要素,可用一个或数个指标加以描述。 fao

If there is an issue with transaction throughput, this information is valuable in showing the network activity and how it relates to the transaction activity.
如果事务吞吐量出现问题,则此信息对于显示网络活动以及如何如事务活动相关联很有价值。 ibm

It relates, not to what a service does, but to how it is performed.
它不是关于服务是做什么的,而是关于服务如何执行的。 infoq

Models contain any and all code that relates to your database and other data structures.
模型包含与您的数据库和其他数据结构相关的任何及所有代码。 ibm

My second conclusion relates directly to the topic of this conference.
我的第二条结论直接关系到本次会议的主题。 who

Part of this relates to capital.
这部分涉及到资本。 ecocn

Please note that this number relates to the potential size of the result which is calculated by multiplying all included members from each dimension by all members of the other dimensions.
请注意,该数字涉及到结果的潜在大小,这是通过将每个维度上包含的所有成员乘以其他维度的所有成员计算得出的。 ibm

Public finance relates to the tax and welfare system that we have.

See anything on there that relates to you?
看到有一些和你有关了吗? yeeyan

See anything on there that relates to you? If so, you're not alone.

Shame, by contrast, relates to self- awareness that, in the actual or possible judgment of others, one has committed a significant breach of moral code.
羞愧,相对来说,涉及到自我意识,觉得他人实际或可能把此行为判断成违反了一个重要的道德准则。 yeeyan

Some of this relates to the complexity of the subject for those unfamiliar with finance, accounting or regulation.
一部分原因就是,对于不熟悉金融、会计或法规的人而言,这些主题十分复杂。 yeeyan

The question here relates to how many concurrent users the game is going to have once launched.
这个问题涉及到有多少用户同时玩这个游戏,而这个数字很难准确地估计。 ibm

These are not whole user- interfaceUI architectures, like MVC, but smaller parts of architectural guidance, related to how the logic of the application relates to the API of the view framework.
它们不是像 MVC一样完整的用户界面架构,而是一些比较小的架构指引,涉及的是应用程序的逻辑如何与视图框架的 API联系起来。 infoq

This relates a line integral for one field to a surface integral from another field.

We gathered the family together and explained our goals and vision for2008 as it relates to the principle of work.
我们把全家都召集在一起,给他们解释2008年的目标和愿景,因为这些都是和工作意义有着紧密联系的。 infoq

You will see later how the policy query you execute in the mediation directly relates to this.
您稍后将看到您在中介中执行的策略查询如何与此直接相关。 ibm




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