

单词 related
释义 re·lat·ed 英rɪˈleɪtɪd美rɪˈletɪdAHDrĭ-lāʹtĭd ★★★☆☆高I牛COCA¹⁹⁹⁰BNC²⁵³⁷iWeb¹⁶¹⁹Economist²⁵⁷⁹

being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics ;

painting and the related arts

school-related activities

related to micelle formation is the…ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces

connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage词根词缀: re-回 + -lat-携带,拿取 + -ed形容词词尾related to与 … 相关-related表示有关的…relate叙述Building Related Illness医大楼并发症…earnings-related与收入相关的…performance-related pay业绩酬金related series相关数列related data相关数据,相关资料…related communications有关交往loosely related松散关联的related software相关软件related crossing亲缘交配related breeding亲缘繁殖related algorithm计 相关算法…related parties有关各方related angle相关角related goods有关货物
非常记忆relate使有联系〖熟词〗+d弟〖编码〗⇒这份文件与弟弟的身世有联系近义词 akin同族的allied联合的linked连接的cognate同源词relative相对的connected相关的affiliate分公司associated联合的affiliated附属的applicable合适的kindred家人和亲戚accompanying陪伴的interrelated相关的related to与 … 相关proportional成比例的correlated有相互关系的…interconnected相互连接的反义词 unrelated不相关的

用作形容词These two events wererelatedto each other.这两个事件相互有联系。
He is my double, though we are notrelated.我们两人虽然没有亲缘关系,他却和我长得一模一样。
We are nearlyrelated.我们是至亲。adj.connected, accompanying
同义词 akin,analogous,associated,complementary,linked,pertinent,relevant,similaraffiliated,allied,correlated,enmeshed,interconnected,interrelated,intertwined,interwoven,joint,like,parallelagnate,alike,cognate,concomitant,connate,connatural,consanguine,convertible,correspondent,dependent,fraternal,germane,in the same category,in touch with,incident,interchangeable,interdependent,knit together,mutual,of that ilk,reciprocal,tied-up
反义词 alien,dissimilar,inappropriate,irrelevant,unalike,unlike,unrelated,unsuitable,different,separatedisassociated,disconnected,foreign
affiliatedadjective associated
agnateadjective kindred
alikeadjective similar
Xerox,akin,allied,analogous,approximate,associated,carbon copy,cognate,comparable,concurrent,correspondent,corresponding,dead ringer,ditto,double,duplicate,equal,equivalent,even,facsimile,identical,indistinguishable,kindred,like,look-alike,matched,matching,mated,parallel,proportionate,related,resembling,same,same difference,similar,spitting image,undifferentiated,uniform
alliedadjective friendly;united
affiliated,agnate,akin,amalgamated,associated,bound,cognate,combined,confederate,connate,connected,in league,incident,joined,joint,kindred,linked,married,related,unified,wed
analogousadjective agreeing, similar
appliedadjective used
activated,adapted,adjusted,brought to bear,correlated,devoted,enforced,exercised,practiced,related,tested,utilized A related point concerns the personal growth rhythm we set for ourselves, to take care of ourselves and our marriages.
相关的一点是关于个人成长的节奏,我们为自己确定,考虑到我们自己和我们的婚姻服务。 yeeyan

On the other hand, you have more direct control over choices related to thread scheduling since you use the thread API directly.
另一方面,您对于与线程调度有关的选择也有更多直接控制,因为您可以直接使用线程 API。 ibm

The event source does not need to manage any event- related resources except for the emitter as all resource handling is performed by the emitter factory and emitter instances themselves.
除了发射器,事件源不必管理任何与事件相关的资源,因为所有的资源处理都是由发射器工厂和发射器实例自身执行的。 ibm

There is some truth in this common piece of advice: You should always be prepared, and that usually includes developing questions related to the job.
在这个建议里还是有些真理的:你应该随时准备好,而这通常包括和该份工作相关的拓展性问题。 hjenglish

“ We do not believe its terrorism related,” said one of the government sources.
“我们不相信此事与恐怖主义有关,”一名政府官员说道。 yeeyan

After a Browse Diagram with a chosen focal element has rendered, you can then double-click on any of the related elements to create another Browse Diagram that has that element as the focal element.
在一个具有被选中的焦点元素的浏览图被呈递之后,您就可以双击任何一个相关的元素来创建另一个将那个元素作为焦点元素的浏览图。 ibm

And what is belief? It is a profound belief related to what you want to achieve.
那么什么是信念呢?它是一种和你想完成的事情有关的意义深远的信仰。 yeeyan

As Figure1 shows, although these governance perspectives do not all share the same level of abstraction, they are closely related.
如图1所示,虽然这些治理视角不共享相同的抽象层次,但是它们都是密切相关的。 ibm

During this phase, we suggest that you look at two related topics.
在这个阶段之中,我们建议您查看两个相关的话题。 ibm

Each of these are expenses related to your job.
这些开支都是和你的工作相关的。 yeeyan

Each step in the location path navigates from one node to a related set of nodes.
位置路径中的每个步骤都从一个节点浏览到一组相关的节点。 ibm

He maintains that the strategy research focus on these issues separates the field from the related fields since no other field or discipline treat them as mainstream issues.
他坚持战略研究应关注这些使该领域区别于相关领域的问题,因为没有其它领域或学科把这些问题当作主流问题。 yeeyan

He related what he had seen in the theatre.

I related my adventure to my family.

If problem does not exhibit itself with JIT off, then it might be a JIT related problem.
如果在禁用 JIT之后问题就不存在了,那么这就可能是一个与 JIT有关的问题。 ibm

In fact, Hispanics have become so accustomed to this sort of reaction that I know many of them who actually dread the census and all the related media coverage.
事实上,拉美裔已经变得如此习惯于这种反应,以至于我知道他们中的许多人实际上担心人口普查和相关的媒体报道。 yeeyan

Light industry is closely related to agriculture.

Moreover, by receiving the stop events, we could avoid keeping the events in memory and waiting for related events.
而且,通过接收停止事件,我们能够避免在内存中保留事件或等待相关的事件。 ibm

Most of these sources come from third party applications that we have no control over and it is common for one or more of them to be down, or to have data related problems.
大多数这些数据源来自第三方应用程序,我们通常无法掌控这些应用程序,并且它们其中的一个或多个经常会停止运行,或者出现与数据有关的问题。 ibm

Note that you must use the same variant of this option for all compiler runs related to the same project.
注意,对于所有运行的与同一个项目相关的编译器,必须使用这个选项的相同变体。 ibm

Once an extended mapping document appears on the displayed list, you can view it by clicking on the related mapping document.
当一个扩展映射文档出现在显示列表中时,您就可以通过单击相关的映射文档浏览它。 ibm

Once you find and apply a pattern, your solution will not only benefit from the knowledge gained in the past, but this pattern might also open a door to related patterns.
一旦你找到并使用一个模式,你的解决方案将不仅受益于从过去获得的知识,而且这个模式还为相关的模式打开了一扇门。 ibm

The Belgian language is closely related to French.

We chose to ignore simple defects in this analysis, since they were largely related to the definition of terms in the glossary.
在这个分析中我们忽略吊简单的缺陷,因为它们很大程度上与术语表中对术语的定义相关。 ibm

When generating large documents, a number of related issues come up such as selective generation or parameterization of templates. We shall therefore touch upon these issues as well.
当产生巨大量文档的时候,大量相关的问题就会出现,比如选择生成或者模板参数化,因此我们也将接触到这些问题。 ibm

When you select an extension, the related description is displayed in the right pane.
当你选择一项扩展,相关的描述就会显示在右侧的面板中。 infoq

Whether you like to buy something because it is related to something that you purchased before, or because it is popular with other users, the system drives you to add the item to the shopping cart.
不管你想购买的原因是什么:这件物品跟你以前的买的东西相关,或者是其他人里面很流行,这个系统都会促使你把这件物品放到你的购物篮里面去。 yeeyan

You must decide whether to group all operations in one service or group related operations into different services.
您必须决定是在单个服务中集合所有操作,还是将相关操作分组到不同的服务中。 ibm




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