

单词 relapse into
释义 relapse into短语⁴⁸⁵⁵¹
It's possible, of course, that the U. S. economy will relapse into a protracted recession and that interest rates will remain at rock bottom.
当然,可能美国经济将重新陷入长时间的衰退,而利率将仍然保持在最低点。 blog.sina.com.cn

The subsequent crisis vindicated him, but Britain’s relapse into negative growth in the last quarter has brought new demands for tax cuts, or, from the left, slower spending cuts.
随后的金融危机证实了他的英明所在。但是英国经济在去年最后一个季度再次陷入负增长,减税之诉求卷土重来,左翼则号召缩减开支。 ecocn

At best there will be a wrenching slowdown; at worst, a relapse into recession.
最多经济呈现糟糕的放缓迹象,最坏则是再度陷入经济衰退。 ecocn

Banks could suffer huge losses on their bond portfolios; investors could panic and dump all European bonds; Europe and the world could relapse into recession.
银行会因投资组合中的债券而受到巨大损失;投资商会变得惶恐不安,倾售欧洲债券;欧洲和世界经济会重新陷入衰退。 yeeyan

Because of lack of both the profound personality background and the direction of the technological philosophy and the scientific esthetics, modern arts relapse into a mess made by itself.
由于缺乏深厚的人文背景以及科技哲学和科技美学的指导,现代科学和技术越来越陷入自设的困境。 cnki

Moreover, there are areas which are occasionally attacked by natural disasters, and thus local people often relapse into terrible predicaments.
此外,还有许多地区经常遭受灾害的袭击,使人们陷入困境。 iciba

Moreover, there are areas which are occasionally attacked by natural disasters, and thus local people often relapse into terrible predicaments.

Talk abounds of an Islamist takeover or a relapse into authoritarian rule.
有关伊斯兰运动接管和重现独裁的谣言甚嚣尘上。 ecocn




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