

单词 relapsed
释义 re·lapse·d 英rɪ'læps美rɪ'læps COCA⁶⁹⁷⁰⁰BNC⁶²⁵⁹⁷
a failure to maintain a higher state
deteriorate in health;

he relapsed

go back to bad behavior;

Those who recidivate are often minor criminals

late relapse远期复发repeated relapse多次复发have a relapse旧病复发relapse into silence恢复沉默
近义词 slip滑倒back后面lapse过失revert恢复return返回regress倒退reverse逆转decline下降setback挫折reaction反应fall back后退reversion返回get worse转坏degenerate退化worsen使更坏retrogress倒退recidivate复犯deteriorate恶化go back to追溯到degeneration堕落deterioration恶化slip back退到退回waning(月亮渐亏的…backsliding动词backslide的…lapsing动词lapse的现在进行…relapsing动词relapse的现在…reverting动词revert的现在进…

用作动词Some patients willrelapse.一些患者会复发。
We were afraid he mightrelapseinto a coma.我们担心他可能再次陷入昏迷。
He hadrelapsedinto silence again.他再一次陷入沉默。
He kept off drink for a few weeks, but now he hasrelapsed.他酒戒了两三个星期,可是现在故态复萌。用作名词He can't return to work because he's had arelapse.他不能回去工作,因为旧病复发了。
He swore not to steal but he suffered arelapseand committed crimes again.他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。 Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect and toxicity of Navelbine NVB combined with Epirubicn EPI or Carboplatin CBP in anticancer treatment on relapsed ovarian carcinoma.
目的研究长春瑞宾 NVB与表柔比星 EPI或卡铂 CBP联合治疗复发卵巢癌的疗效和毒性反应。 cnki

The patients who were receiving mindfulness therapy or antidepressants relapsed at a rate in the 30 percent range.
而接受意识疗法或者服用抗抑郁药的患者复发率为30%。 yeeyan

About40 percent of these patients relapsed within six months with no significant difference between fluoxetine and mirtazapine monotherapies.
大约40%的患者六个月内复发,氟西汀与米氮平单用组间没有统计上的差别。 yeeyan

About48 percent of these patients relapsed during the six- month period, 40 percent did not relapse, and the remainder dropped out of the study.
这些患者中大约48%在六个月的周期中复发,40%没有复发,其余则从研究中脱落了。 yeeyan

After a short burst of enthusiasm, he relapsed into his usual apathy.
一阵心血来潮后,他又恢复了平时冷漠的样子。 http://dj.iciba.com

At the end of the12- month follow-up period,96 patients remained in the study, of whom51 had relapsed at least once.
在12个月随访期结束时,96名患者继续在研究中,其中51名至少复发一次。 dxy

By the end of the six- month maintenance period, 53 percent of patients with a history of medication resistance and38 percent of patients without such a history relapsed despite treatment.
在六个月的维持期结束后,尽管有治疗,但是53%的有药物抵制史的患者和38%无此类历史的患者复发。 yeeyan

Cameron had relapsed into silence again.
卡梅伦再度陷于沉默。 iciba

Conclusion: Bortezomib alone or in combination with irinotecan was not effective in patients with relapsed or refractory CRC.
结论:单用硼替佐米或联合伊立替康对复发或耐药的结直肠癌无效。 doctorsky

He relapsed into his old habits.
他又故态复萌了。 hotdic

I have relapsed a couple of times, but I’m sticking with it.
虽然我复吸了好几次,但我一直坚持着。 yeeyan

I hope he is not lonely. I hope he has not relapsed.
希望他身体健康,希望他不孤独,希望他没再复发。 putclub

My husband relapsed just short of five years into his first remission.
我丈夫就是在第一次康复快满五年的时候复发的。 yeeyan

Of those who achieved recovery, only34 percent relapsed.
康复的患者只有34%复发。 yeeyan

One patient relapsed; the adverse events were described as “ mild” and not a result of the combination therapy, they were known effects of the individual drugs.
一个病人复发;笔者称此疗法副作用轻微并不是联合疗法结果,而是单独用药的已知副作用。 dxy

One year after treatment, 10 percent of them had relapsed, compared with40 percent of the kids who got only individual, one-on-one treatment with a therapist.
治疗一年后,10%的人回复,与之相比,40%的孩子仅获得个人一对一治疗、心理治疗师。 yeeyan

Over an18- month period, patients receiving the placebo relapsed at a rate of70 percent.
在18个月治疗期间,服用安慰剂的患者复发率为70%。 yeeyan

Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of bortezomib with or without irinotecan, in patients with relapsed or refractory colorectal cancer CRC.
目的:评估复发或耐药结直肠癌单用硼替佐米或联合伊立替康的疗效和毒副作用。 doctorsky

Researchers found men who successfully stopped smoking saw greater improvements in sexual health compared to those who relapsed following a quit-smoking programme.
研究人员发现,那些成功戒烟的人士和戒烟之后复吸的人相比,他们在两性健康方面有了很大的进步。 cri

Severe hepatotoxic events are also noted for an ongoing phase1/2 combination study in pediatric patients with relapsed or refractory acute leukemia.
一项处于开展阶段的在难治性或复发性急性白血病儿童患者中进行的合并用药1/2期研究中,也发现严重的肝毒性事件。 dxy

The audience smiled politely, laughed gently once or twice, relapsed into the mildest of amusement.
当时有的观众很礼貌地朝我微笑,有的人轻轻笑了两声,最后整个故事变得一点都不好笑了。 yeeyan

The study didn't follow the drinkers long-term, so it's unclear how many relapsed after they stopped taking the pill.
该研究没有对酗酒者进行长期随访,所以不清楚多少人在停止服药后复发。 dxy

Within a week his condition deteriorated, his pain became unbearable and he relapsed into morphine consumption.
不出一周他的情况每况愈下,痛苦不堪同时又陷入服用吗啡的恶习。 ebigear




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