

单词 reinvents
释义 re·in·vent·s 英ˌriːɪn'vent美ˌriːɪn'vent COCA⁶⁷⁷⁸²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
bring back into existence;

The candidate reinvented the concept of national health care so that he would get elected

create anew and make over;

He reinvented African music for American listeners

reinvent the wheel浪费时间做别人已做好…

用作动词The race toreinventthe pig is not hard to fathom.再创猪的竞赛也并非深不可测。
The third step is learning how to use positive memories toreinventyourself.第三步是学会如何用积极的回忆来再创造自己。
They continuallyreinventthemselves.它们不断地在改头换面。
I will try my best toreinventmy own life.我愿尽力彻底〈改造〉自己的生活。
Today Apple is going toreinventthe phone.今天苹果将重新定义电话。 At its core, the Republic Project reinvents the special edition music box set for the digital age.
其主要功能是为特别专辑重新打造数字化音乐。 yeeyan

The plan, which reinvents the concept of a museum- park, explores the relationship between art and culture as a generator of creativity and education, as well as economic dynamism and tourism.
设计重新激活博物馆公园概念,探索艺术和文化之间的关系,使之成为创新和教育的催化剂,同时吸引游客,刺激经济发展。 zhulong

As the20th century unfolds, an ageing cast reinvents and pokes at Cecil, with letters and fragments as ammunition in the wars of literary remembrance.
随着20世纪渐露曙光,业已年迈的主角再度出现,鸿雁传书和往事的碎片勾起读者对 Cecil的回忆。以文学作品来追忆就像一场战争,而信件和往事就是战争中的弹药。 ecocn

But it reinvents the calculator, and in that process, I believe Acqualia have come up with a real piece of genius.
但是,拓展新的计算器,并在这过程中,我相信 Acqualia想出了一个真正的天才作品。 www.acpp.com.cn

Each of them derives strength and prestige from its own unique history, and reinvents complications and high-end complications with supreme excellence.
他们每个人都来自其自身独特的历史力量和声望,并拓展新的并发症和最高追求高端并发症。 iwatch365

Every ten years the software development field reinvents itself, and it's our job to keep up.
几乎每十年软件开发领域就会彻底革新一次,我们所能做的就是不要掉队。 yeeyan

It reinvents utopian ideas of the20th century and brings them into the21st century.
二十世纪的乌托邦理念在本案中以二十一世纪的新风貌再现。 forgemind

I've also shown you how Scala revisits traditional object-oriented concepts, finds them wanting, and reinvents them for the21st century.
我还向您展示了 Scala如何重新应用传统的面向对象概念,找到其缺点,并根据21世纪的新需求重新加以改造。 ibm

Le Meridien Virtual Showroom & Product Catalog is an interactive application that reinvents how Le Meridien Hotel rooms are designed.
艾美虚拟陈列室产品目录是一个交互式应用程序,如何拓展新艾美酒店客房的设计。 movingshop.org

Stevens's sumptuous, glittering language takes blank verse and reinvents it.
史蒂文斯的奢华风格,华丽的语言加之绝顶的文韵和改头换面的诗风。 yeeyan

Thierry Mugler's new site reinvents luxury and offer new visitors and devoted customers a unique, interactive experience, with highly original content.
蒂埃里马格勒的新网站以全新的豪华和游客提供新的和忠诚的客户提供独特的互动式体验与高度原创性的内容。 movingshop.org

This artist is an iconoclastic sculptor who also reinvents a whole bestiary in the shape of furniture.




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