

单词 reinsurers
释义 reinsurers ˌriˌɪnˈʃʊrərz COCA¹⁴²³¹⁹BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.再保险人;分保接受人原型reinsurer的复数 On the Continent large reinsurers such as Swiss Re, Hannover Re and Munich Re were all down, with bourses in Germany and France sliding by around1pc.
欧洲股市全面下跌,保险股跌幅居前,其中,瑞士再保险、汉诺威再保险和慕尼黑再保险全线下挫,德国和法国股市下滑约1%。 yeeyan

There are still too many differences in rules from one European Union country to the next, and France clings to extra collateral requirements for foreign reinsurers.
欧盟各国之间还有很多的法规是不一样的。法国坚持附加的外来的分保公司的要求。 ecocn

An event definition is used primarily in cat-related treaties to identify the number of catastrophic events for the purpose of calculating the recovery amount from reinsurers.
事故定义主要在巨灾合约中使用以确定巨灾事件的次数,其目的是为了计算向再保险人摊回的金额。 www.1x1y.com.cn

As a rule of thumb, reinsurers have tended to reckon that claims for catastrophic events those expected once in every200-250 yearswill equal about 6.5% of the annual premiums they take.
根据拇指法则,再保险公司已经趋向于声称与灾难性事件那些预计每200年-250年才发生一次的事件相匹配的年保险金率应为6.5%。 ecocn

Because reinsurance has proven to be such a workable idea, it is not surprising that reinsurers themselves engage in the practice.
因为再保险被证实是相当实用的,所以再保险人在实际操作中自己也安排再保险并不令人感到奇怪。 kuenglish

Bermuda, where many reinsurers are based, was especially hard- hit.
许多再保险人作为基础的百慕大地区受到特殊关注。 ecocn

Catastrophe insurance operates by spreading the risk across a net work of insurers and reinsurers.
保险公司和再保险人的协同工作会扩大风险,灾害保险就是这样运作的。 topenergy

Event limits are part of non-marine proportional treaties, to limit the payout by reinsurers in case of accumulated payments related to one event.
事故限额是非水险比例合约的组成部分,用于规定再保险人对一次事故累积赔付的限额。 www.1x1y.com.cn

In the remainder of this article, I will share some of the lessons we may learn as an industry, insurers and reinsurers, from the earthquake, and in particular the snow storms.
在下文中,笔者将就保险业、保险人和再保险人从此次地震,尤其是此次雪灾事件中可以得到的一些启示进行分享。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Non- Japanese reinsurers are likely to suffer combined losses of$10 billion-20 billion, according to James Shuck, an analyst at Jefferies International.
杰弗里国际的的分析师 James Shunk称,非日本的再保险公司可能会蒙受总额约100亿到200亿美元的损失。 ecocn

On the assumption that investment funds follow lognormal distribution, the reinsurance pricing question affected by investment gains is discussed from the reinsurers' angle.
从再保险人的立场出发,在投资基金服从对数正态分布的假定下,讨论了在投资收益影响下的再保险保费定价问题。 dictall

Other options to consider include tax changes that reduce the cost of holding capital by insurers and reinsurers, and facilitating the use of catastrophe bonds.
其它值得考虑的方法包括改变税制——使得保险公司和再保险公司持有资金的成本降低,以及提高灾难债券的利用效果。 ecocn

Professional reinsurers numbered29, including most of the top reinsurers in the world.
本港共有29名专业再保险人,当中包括世界大部分首屈一指的再保险人。 iciba

Removing ambiguity from definitions removes the possibility of disputes at times when cash flow from reinsurers is needed the most.
避免定义的不确定性可以在急需再保险人提供现金流时避免争议的发生。 www.1x1y.com.cn

So the share-price falls experienced by major reinsurers such as Swiss Re and Munich Re, of around 10% over the three working days after the quake, were probably overdone.
所以,瑞士再保险公司和慕尼黑再保险公司在震后三个工作日经历了其股价下跌近10%这一现实,似乎有点过了。 ecocn

The insurance carriers interact with the ecosystem partners like agents, brokers, customers, reinsurers, banks, claim adjusters, and so on.
承保人与代理人、经纪人、客户、再保险人、银行和理赔人员等生态系统合作伙伴交互。 ibm

Unlike the Kobe earthquake in1995, earthquake insurance is now more widespread and there will likely be substantial flows and JPY buying by reinsurers.
不同于1995年的坂神大地震,地震保险业已经非常普遍,他们可能会大规模进入日元的购买市场。 yeeyan

With TRIA's expiration looming, insurers and reinsurers have not, as the administration expected, rushed to write new contracts for next year offering to fill gaps in terrorism cover.
随着恐怖主义风险保险法案终止期的临近,保险商和再保险商没有像政府管理部门所想象的那样,迅速制定出新的保险合同来填补恐怖主义风险的缺口。 ecocn

Reinsurers underwrite part of the risks of other insurance companies.
再保险人会承担其他保险公司的部分风险。 ecocn




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