释义 |
reino 基本例句 雷诺 It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew and she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted to divorce in Reino.我们吵得很激烈。她说她不怕我知道,她厌倦了这种偷偷摸摸的日子,她说她要去雷诺和我办离婚。 “Urbanizing the Countryside - Rural Industrialization and the Urbanization Process in China”, in Reino Hjerppe ed. The Urban Challenge, Helsinki: VATT , pp.“农村城市化-中国的农村工业化和城市化过程”,载雷诺·叶皮主编:《城市化的挑战》 REINO, Fernando Jose费尔南多·若泽·雷诺 |