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词汇 Reinnervated
释义 Reinnervated
The delayedlyreinnervatedthyroarytenoid muscle changed its speed and tension in the direction of the main branch of ansa cervicalis.提示长期失神经支配的甲杓肌颈袢主支修复术后仍能不同程度地恢复肌力,其收缩速度受颈袢控制。
The tissue observation revealed that the nerve axon was diffused in the motorreinnervatedgroup, with no nerve endplates found.感觉神经吻合组的组织学观察可见神经再生轴突弥散生长,无完整的运动终板;
The tissue observation revealed that the nerve axon was diffusedin the motorreinnervatedgroup, with no nerve endplates found.感觉神经吻合组的组织学观察可见神经再生轴突弥散生长,无完整的运动终板;
Methods:Twelve dogs werereinnervatedat 0, 6,8, 10, 12 and 18 month interval following vocal cord paralysis via the main branch of ansa cervicalis anastomosed to the adductor branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.方法:选12条犬,建立单侧声带麻痹模型,声带麻痹后即刻,6,8,10,12及18个月作颈袢主支、喉返神经内收肌支延期吻合术,每时间组各2条犬。
Objective To investigate the outcome of surgical reconstruction of the tongue after hemiglossectomy withreinnervatedrectus abdominis musculoperitoneal flaps in the treatment of tongue cancer.目的探讨腹直肌-腹膜瓣修复舌缺损的临床效果。方法2003年9月至2004年4月,5例舌癌患者接受了舌癌联合根治术同期腹直肌-腹膜瓣修复术。
Contractile properties of thyroarytenoid musclereinnervatedby nerve implantation from the ansa cervicalis甲杓肌颈袢主支植入术后收缩特性




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