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词汇 Reinfeldt
释义 ReinfeldtEconomist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
But the opposition centre-right alliance under Fredrik Reinfeldt, leader of the Moderate Party, eventually emerged with a small but clear victory.
由温和党领导人弗雷德里克*赖因费尔特领导的反对派中右联盟最终以微弱优势确定无疑地取得了胜利。 ecocn

Mr Reinfeldt is now duly cautious.
林费尔德现在非常谨慎。 ecocn

On February 5th Mr Reinfeldt unveiled a plan to reverse Sweden’s30- year ban on building new nuclear capacity.
2月5日, Reinfldt先生公布了一项计划,目的是推翻瑞典30年来对新建核设施的禁令。 ecocn

Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and his wife and other leaders and waved hands to tens of thousands of the crowds gathering around the palace.

The three other parties in his centre-right coalition, known as the Alliance, all lost votes, depriving Mr Reinfeldt of his majority.
中右翼联盟又称之为执政联盟的其他三个党派都失去了一些选票,使赖因费尔特并没有获得绝对多数票数。 ecocn

And although Mr Reinfeldt has promised a few tax cuts and some trimming of welfare benefits, his platform was not a radical one.
虽然赖因费尔特承诺会减少几项税收,并在一定程度上削减福利,但他的政治纲领并不激进。 ecocn

As Mr Reinfeldt's capable and pony-tailed finance minister, Anders Borg, explains, Sweden learned a lot from its banking bust in the early 1990s.
正如赖因费尔特先生的干将,头扎马尾辫的财政部长安德斯。博格所说,瑞典大大吸取了其在二十世纪九十年代银行破产的经验教训。 ecocn

If it happens this September as well, Mr Reinfeldt might be forgiven for concluding that, in Sweden, the centre-right is forever jinxed by crises that are largely not of its making.
如果9月份的选举如历史所见,莱因费尔德可能因为这样一个规律而被谅解,那就是:在瑞典,中央右翼派总是因为危机而不是决策问题遭遇厄运。 ecocn

If Mr Reinfeldt cannot secure a reliable majority in parliament, dealing with the SD could become a big headache.
如果赖因费尔特不能保证国会中的绝对多数,与瑞典民主党打交道将令人十分头疼。 ecocn

Indeed, Mr Reinfeldt came to power in2006 only by moving his Moderate party towards the centre and borrowing freely from social- democratic ideology.
事实上,赖因费尔特是因为将温和党转换成中间派,大量借用社会民主党的理念才得以在2006年成功担任首相。 ecocn

Mr Reinfeldt is also trying to lure the Greens from their link with the Social Democrats. That might give him other options were any coalition partner to fall below the4% threshold for Riksdag seats.
赖因费尔特先生也在努力拉拢与社会民主党有关联的绿党,这样将可能为他提供其它选择,那就是让其他联合伙伴在瑞典国会的席位份额降到4%之下。 ecocn

Mr Reinfeldt may still have problems forming a new government, thanks to the probable emergence in parliament of the far-right Sweden Democratssee article.
由于一些在议会中可能会出现的极端右翼瑞典民主主义者们,雷茵费尔德先生在建立一届新政府方面可能会遇到一些问题。 ecocn

Mr Reinfeldt wants to join NATO, but others in his coalition do not; he has no plans for a fresh referendum on joining the euro; nor will he cut Sweden’s generous foreign- aid budget.
赖因费尔特想使瑞典加入北约,但其联盟中的其他政党不愿这样做;他不打箅就是否加入欧元区的问题再次举行全民公决;他也不会削减瑞典数额庞大的对外援助款。 ecocn

One of the few clouds on the horizon is the Sweden Democrats, an anti- immigrant party that helped to deprive Mr Reinfeldt of a majority.
即将遇到的阻碍之一当属瑞典民主党,这是一个反对移民、并对赖因费尔特先生大多数席位造成威胁的党派。 ecocn

Speaking in India, Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt told journalists the setback comes because some countries are not politically ready to sign a deal.
瑞士首相弗雷德里克•林费尔德在印度的发言中告诉记者,签约受挫是因为一些国家在政治上还没有准备好签署条约。 hjenglish

Sweden’s centre-right leader, Fredrik Reinfeldt, is reluctant to be seen attacking his country’s generous social model by trimming benefits, pay and pensions.
瑞典中偏右首相赖因费尔特也唯恐让人们发现他在攻击本国慷慨的社会模式,削减补贴、工资和养老金。 ecocn

Sweden has cut carbon emissions by a tenth since 1990, even as its economy grew by 50%, Mr Reinfeldt said this week.
本周,林菲尔德表示,自1990来以来,即便经济增长了50%,瑞典还是将碳排放缩减了十分之一。 ecocn

Sweden's prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, had criticised the US failure to commit to targets for cutting emissions as “ untenable”.
瑞典首相弗雷德里克·赖因费尔特 Fredrik Reinfeldt曾批评美国未能作出减排的承诺,认为这是“站不住脚的”。 yeeyan

That will not bother Mr Reinfeldt so long as he wins, but the opposition could split if he does not.
只要赢得大选,林费尔德就无需烦心,但如果输了,反对派可能分裂。 ecocn

The Tory leader, David Cameron, a friend of Mr Reinfeldt’s, is also in coalition with the liberals.
保守党领导人也是雷茵费尔德先生的朋友,卡梅隆也站在自由者这一边。 ecocn

These are the groups that, according to the polls, are tilting the election towards Mr Reinfeldt.
根据民意调查,这些群体在选举上倾向于林费尔德。 ecocn

This robust defence of freedom of expression was endorsed by the prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt.
他关于言论自由的这番言辞激烈的辩护,得到了首相弗雷德里克·赖因费尔特的支持。 ecocn

Reinfeldt wants nominations for the two jobs by the end of the month, when an EU summit in Brussels should decide on a consensus.
赖因费尔特希望到本月底完成对这两个职位人事任命,到那时在布鲁塞尔举行的欧盟首脑会议将做出一致的决定。 yeeyan




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