

单词 Reidy
释义 Reidy ˈriːdi COCA⁸⁵¹⁵⁰
Carolyn Reidy, the boss of Simon&Schuster, another big publisher, thinks they could account for25% of the industry’s sales in America within three to five years.
另一大型出版商西蒙与舒斯特集团的首席执行官卡罗琳·雷迪则表示,在未来三到五年的时间里,电子书就可能占到全美图书销量的25%。 ecocn

“ There is no question that low-income and disadvantaged Tasmanians are under more pressure now than they have ever been before, ” Mr Reidy said.
“毫无疑问,低收入人士和弱势塔斯马尼亚人的压力下,他们现在比以往任何时候都”他里迪说。 youtas.com

“I’m in favor of anything that brings traffic in the store,” said Ms. Reidy of Simon& Schuster.
“只要能给商店带来客流,做什么我都赞成,”西蒙&舒斯特公司的蕾迪女士说。 yeeyan

Carolyn Reidy, the chief executive of Simon& Schuster, said in an interview that e-books currently made up about 8 percent of the company's book revenue.
卡洛琳.蕾迪,西蒙&舒斯特公司 Simon& Schuster的首席执行官在一次采访中称,电子书销售现占有其公司图书销售总收入8%的份额。 oobang

Carolyn Reidy, the boss of Simon& Schuster, another big publisher, thinks they could account for25% of the industry’s sales in America within three to five years.
另一家大型出版商 Simon& Schuster的老板 Carolyn Reidy认为,3到5年内,美国的电子书销售将占到行业销售总量的25%。 ecocn

Ms Reidy at Simon&Schuster says she has brought functions such as typesetting in-house to boost efficiency.
西蒙与舒斯特公司的卡罗琳·雷迪表示她已引入内部排字等机能来提升效率。 ecocn




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