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词汇 reich
释义 reich
Parental expectations, from which every generation must free itself, were nullified by the fact that these parents had failed to measure up during the Third Reich, or after it ended.
我们每一代人必须要从前一辈的期望中摆脱出来,抵消父辈们未能在第三帝国执政期间或其垮台后考量的那些事实。 yeeyan

The end of this, his struggle, and of his unswerving straight path of life, is marked by his heroic death in the capital of the Reich.
最终,他的奋斗,他坚韧不拔的生命历程,都因他英勇的死亡而在帝国首都划上句号。 yeeyan

The Third Reich,1933-1945, was arguably the most heinous regime in history.
德意志第三帝国,1933-1945,可以说拥有史上最可恨的政体。 yeeyan

“ Bloodlands” has aroused fierce criticism from those who believe that the Soviet Union, for all its flaws, cannot be compared to the Third Reich, which pioneered ethnic genocide.
“血染之地”已经激起了一些人的激烈批评,这些人认为苏联即使有千般缺点,也比不上第三帝国的罪恶,后者是种族屠杀的先锋。 ecocn

“The way banks work is they shove products down the throats of consumers,” says Reich.
“银行的工作方式是将他们的产品推进消费者的嗓子里。” Reich这样说道。

ACCORDING to Britain’s tabloid press, a swaggering Germany is using the euro crisis to impose what one title dubbed a “ Fourth Reich”.
据英国一小报报道,德国正利用欧债危机来促其成为“第四帝国”。 ecocn

Advising European Jews to practice nonviolent resistance against Hitler, he was guilty of a grotesque misunderstanding of the Third Reich.
他曾建议欧洲犹太人用非暴力运动与希特勒对抗,但他应该对第三帝国荒唐的错误认识承担责任。 yeeyan

Austrian born Kaltenbrunner was chief of security in the Reich where he replaced Reinhard Heydrich.
奥地利出生的卡尔滕布伦纳是德意志帝国的安全领袖,他取代了莱因哈德·海德里希。 yeeyan

Business leaders believed they had a duty to ensure that the benefits of economic growth were distributed equitably, in contrast to their modern counterparts, argues Mr Reich.
Reich先生认为,同现在的企业领导人形成鲜明对比的是,那时的企业领导相信自己有责任确保经济增长带来的利益应均衡分配。 ecocn

But in Saarland he is remembered for shoring up the steel industry and the self-esteem of a state that joined Germany only in1957 and refers to the rest of the country as“the Reich”.
但萨尔人民无法忘记拉方丹,因为他,萨尔钢铁工业崛起,因为他,从1957年加入联邦德国的萨尔重新捡回了自尊,因为他,萨尔能够向德国其他地区以“帝国”自居。 ecocn

But he urged the German parliament to go farther, to seek forgiveness for the Third Reich’s behavior.
但是他力劝德国议会更进一步,寻求对第三帝国行为的饶恕。 yeeyan

But then he also said he did not want to found a thousand-year Reich.
但是他接着还提到,自己并不想建立一个千年帝国。 ecocn

But Reich's ultimate position is that we should stop expecting corporations to do the right thing.
然而莱西的终极立场是,我们必须停止期望企业能做出正确的事。 yeeyan

Dr Reich and his colleagues examined these common sequences, mindful of the assumption that genes steadily collect mutations as time goes by.
Reich博士及其研究小组检测了这些通用序列,并留意如下假设:随着时间推移,基因水平上的突变会逐渐积累。 ecocn

He was president of Interpol from1943 to1945, and was there to destroy the enemies within the Reich.
他于1943年至1945年就任国际刑警组织主席,在那时摧毁帝国内部的敌人。 yeeyan

He loved debating the finer points with the likes of Robert Reich and Lawrence Summers.
他喜欢和罗伯特·莱克和劳伦斯·萨默斯这样的人才关于政策的细微之处辩论。 ecocn

I had already done the reading about the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich while I was in my sickbed.
当我躺在病床上时,我已经读过了魏玛共和国和第三帝国的历史。 yeeyan

In a crowded field, “The Afrika Reich” stands out as a rich and unusual thriller, politically sophisticated and hard to forget.
在浩如烟海的小说领域,《非洲帝国》作为一本内容丰富而不同寻常的惊悚小说,以其对政治的篡改和令人难以忘怀脱颖而出。 ecocn

Infamously, Adolf Hitler attempted to direct the course of world history from a bunker set in the gardens of the old Reich Chancellery in Berlin.
在柏林帝国总理府花园的地下堡垒,臭名昭著的阿道夫·希特勒曾试图左右世界历史的进程。 yeeyan

It did not just apply to what had happened in the Third Reich.
这根本不适应第三帝国时期所发生的那些事情。 yeeyan

It is a book that records the fall of the Third Reich.

Many will also share Mr Reich's concern about the corrosive political power of corporate money.
很多人也同 Reich先生一样,担忧公司金钱对政治权力的侵蚀。 ecocn

Mr Reich dismisses this as mere“ smart management” rather than social responsibility.
Reich先生对这种说法不屑一顾,认为这只是“聪明的管理”而不是社会责任。 ecocn

One of my areas of research was law in the Third Reich, and here it is particularly obvious how the past and present come together in a single reality.
我研究的其中一个领域就是第三帝国的法律,这里便有过去和现代特别明显地融入到一起的单一的现实。 yeeyan

Only the occasional braid signaled the remnants of something unprecedented and awful— the site where the Third Reich perpetrated the largest mass murder in human history.
只有偶尔看到的辫子显示出这些前所未有和可怕的残余物的真实身份——在这个遗址里第三帝国犯下人历史上最大的屠杀罪行。 yeeyan

Robert Reich, a labour secretary under Bill Clinton, this week declared that leftists must march in support of the public plan in Washington, DC, on September13th.
克林顿时期的劳工部长罗伯特·赖克 Robert Reich本周宣称左翼人士一定会于九月十三日在华盛顿特区举行游行以支持这项公共计划。 ecocn

Since my early school days, I had to confront countless documentaries, memorials and exhibitions about the unprecedented atrocities of the Third Reich.
自从很久以前,还在读书的时候,我就不得不面对无数相关的档案、回忆录和展览,揭露第三帝国空前绝后的残酷罪行。 yeeyan

The budget Clinton ultimately submitted was also the work of liberal activists like Robert Reich, the new secretary of labor, and Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, as well as Gore.
克林顿最终提交的预算也是自由活动者的工作像罗伯特·莱克认为新来的秘书的劳动,和商务部长罗恩·布朗,以及作呕。 yeeyan

Their mission: To reverse the direction of the war and, in the case of losing it, enable the comeback of Hitler's cronies to start a Fourth Reich.
他们的任务就是扭转战争的局势,万一战争失利,为希特勒的继承人重返政治建立第四帝国创造条件。 yeeyan

Tomorrow I will visit Buchenwald, which was part of a network of camps where Jews were enslaved, tortured, shot and gassed to death by the Third Reich.
明天,我将访问布痕瓦尔德集中营,它曾是第三帝国奴役、折磨、枪杀和用毒气杀害犹太人的众多集中营之一。 cri

Two days later, all her property was taken“ for the benefit of the German Reich.”
两天后,她所有的财产都被以“德意志帝国的利益”的名义被收缴。 yeeyan

We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.
因此我们要求,一切公职,无论何种类型,无论在帝国、联邦还是地方,都必须由德意志公民担任。 yeeyan

Without having been provoked, the Wehrmacht— the Third Reich's armed forces— took over both Greece and Yugoslavia on April6,1941.
在没有遭到任何挑衅的情况下,1941年4月6日,德国国防军——第三帝国的武装力量——占领了希腊和南斯拉夫。 yeeyan

Reich became the scapegoat for the new morality because, as the guru of the “new cult of sex and anarchy”, he seemed to give a philosophical purpose to the data identified by Kinsey.
实际上赖希是出现的新道德理念的替罪羊,作为支持“性解放和无政府状态的偶像人物”,他恰好用一种哲学的方式证明了赛金的数据结果。 yeeyan

Reich acknowledges that“ we would certainly get more revenues if we did it ourselves,” but does not want to be distracted by regulatory compliance and managing large pools of money.

Reich says there were several remarkable things about the group of people this girl is from, a group he and his colleagues call Denisovans.
针对这个被他和同事称为杰尼索娃人的群体,里奇表示,这个女孩所属的群体有几个重大发现。 yeeyan




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