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词汇 Rehn
释义 Rehn ˈren Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
Ailing lenders should first seek funding from their shareholders and the markets before seeking help from national rescue funds, Rehn said in an e- mailed copy of a speech given in Pori, Finland.
他在电子邮件援引芬兰发表的演说词称,未通过测试的银行应该首先依靠股东和市场筹集资金,然后再求助于国家救援基金。 yeeyan

Is the Rehn-style approach to getting the euro zone's finances in order, backed up by the threat of fines and other sanctions, compatible with democratic government?
以罚款和其他制裁措施为靠山的雷恩式恢复欧元区的财政状况的工作方法,究竟能否与民选的政府共存了? yeeyan

Mr Rehn said previous empires and unions had been forged with the power of“ cannons and armies”.
Rehn说以前的帝国和联盟都是靠“大炮和军队”建立起来的。 ecocn

Now notorious, after being published in the Italian media, the letter contained39 questions about Italy's economic plans. Rehn's curiosity ranged far and wide.
这封信在意大利媒体公开后已经臭名昭著,它包括了对意大利经济计划提出的39个问题,反映出雷恩的好奇心极其广泛。 yeeyan

Olli Rehn, the EU’s economics commissioner, has said that they must include sector-specific adjustment measures.
欧盟扩展部委员长欧利•雷恩说他们必须将地区调整措施纳入计划内。 ecocn

The other hosts include Jim Steinberg, America’s deputy secretary of state, who was also a figure in the Dayton talks, and Olli Rehn, the EU’s enlargement commissioner.
其他主要参会者还包括参加过岱顿会谈的美国副国务卿吉姆•斯坦伯格 Jim Steinberg以及欧盟扩张委员会特派员奥利•雷恩 Olli Rehn。

The other hosts include Jim Steinberg, America's deputy secretary of state, who was also a figure in the Dayton talks, and Olli Rehn, the EU's enlargement commissioner.
其他主办方包括曾参与代顿谈判的美国副国务卿吉姆•斯坦伯格,以及欧盟扩大委员会专员奥利•雷恩。 ecocn

“In a normal European democracy, political issues are debated in parliament and decided in the ballot box, not in the courtroom,” said the EU's enlargement commissioner, Olli Rehn.
“一个正规的欧洲民主政府,政治议题应由议会讨论,结果由公投决定,而不是付诸法庭。”欧盟扩大委员会委员 Olli Rehn如是说。 ecocn

EU officials are trying to forge a “ comprehensive” plan to contain the currency area’s sovereign- debt crisis, Economic and Monetary Commissioner Olli Rehn said today.
欧盟经济与货币事务委员奥利-雷恩 Olli Rehn今天表示,欧盟官员正在推行全面计划,来控制欧元区主权债务危机。 yeeyan

European Economic Commissioner Olli Rehn says the need for agreement is urgent.
欧盟经济专员奥利·雷恩 Olli Rehn表示迫切需要达成协议。 voanews

Many are now calling for more radical re- engineering, such as restructuring debts or perhaps a common Eurobond for all or part of them Mr Rehn finds this idea“ intellectually attractive”.
现在有许多人要求更激进的重组工程,如债务重组,或者发行针对全体或部分欧盟成员国的欧洲债券 Rehn认为这个想法具有“明智的吸引力”。 ecocn

Mr Rehn, moreover, was adamant that senior bondholders of Irish banks due for restructuring would not have to take losses, an option that the Irish government had been considering.
除此以外, Rehn先生很强硬地坚持爱尔兰银行的高级债券持有者在负责重建的时候并不需要承担损失,这也是爱尔兰政府一直在考虑的一个选择。 yeeyan

Mr Rehn notes that, if one took the worst features of every old EU country, one could easily come up with an amalgam that would barely meet any of the criteria for EU membership.
雷恩注意到这样一种情形:如果将每一个旧成员国中最恶劣的特征祛除,就会很容易的浮现出一个勉强符合成员国任何标准的混合体。 ecocn

Mr Rehn's benchmarks and monitoring may help; so might offering or withholding cash.
雷恩提出的所谓严格准入标准以及加强监控或许能起一些作用,同样提供或截留现金资助也可能有些效果。 ecocn

Olli Rehn, the EU’s top economic official, said it was a“ responsible step for securing the financial stability of the eurozone”.
欧盟高级经济官员奥利雷恩说,这是一个“为确保欧元区的金融稳定负责任的步骤。” ecocn

Olli Rehn, the economics commissioner, claimed to be a fan of Mr Cantona's former club, Manchester United, but said: “ Eric Cantona is a better footballer than an economist.”
欧盟经济委员会委员奥利尔.瑞恩自称是坎通纳先生曾效力过的俱乐部--曼彻斯特联队的球迷,不过他表示:“埃里克.坎通纳是个好球星,但却当不了好经济学家”。 yeeyan

Olli Rehn says it is too early to tell if Greece will be able to meet its deficit reduction targets.
雷恩表示,现在讨论希腊是否能够满足其赤字削减目标尚为时过早。 chinavoa

This creative sofa called “ Cay Sofa” and created by swiss designer Alexander Rehn is a perfect place to rest after exhausting day.
这款由瑞士设计师亚历山大·雷恩设计制造的创意沙发--“小岛沙发”是放松疲劳躯体的不二选择。 yeeyan

Rehn said it was “ regrettable” that the efforts to build national unity in Greece failed Wednesday, but that he still expected parliament to pass new austerity measures.
雷恩说,令人遗憾的是,希腊为建立国家团结的努力星期三遭到挫败,但是他仍然预期议会将通过新的紧缩措施。 hxen




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