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词汇 Rehab
释义 Rehab. ˈriːˌhæb
However, Yao turns31 in September, and a source close to him said Yao decided the risk of another injury and subsequent rehab was too great.
姚明到九月就满31岁了。接近姚明的消息人士称姚明认为他受伤的可能性很大,康复的风险也很大。 yeeyan

It was recently claimed that Michael was planning to get drunk just so he could check himself into the rehab clinic to meet with his daughter.
迈克尔-罗汉最近称,为了能见到女儿一面,不惜酗酒成性,这样也能光明正大的进入康复中心。 cri

Patrick Kennedy of Massachusetts, who checked in to a rehab clinic two weeks ago, returned to Congress; so did John Lewis of Georgia despite having surgery only days ago.
马萨诸塞州的帕特里克·肯尼迪返回了国会,两周前他才入住了一家康复诊所;乔治亚州的约翰·路易斯也回到了国会,尽管他在几天前刚做完手术。 yeeyan

And if you're a manager and recognize yourself in any of the below, it's time to immediately send yourself to manager rehab!
如果你是一个管理者而且你意识到你已经身陷下列提到的任何一项,那现在正是立刻把你自己送往主管理人康复中心去的时候! yeeyan

But what she had said was true: since I'd quit drinking, quit going to rehab, and quit going to AA meetings, the rehab participants and AA victims had taken to coming my way.
不过她说的倒是实话:自从我戒酒,不再去康复会,也不再去戒酒者互诫会,康复会和戒酒会的会员就一直在和我往来。 yeeyan

But, in fact, sex rehab is a monk's life, with no hint of sex or even masturbation allowed.
但是真实情况是,性瘾癖康复治疗的生活跟和尚生活没什么区别,那儿没一丁点跟性有关的东西,连手淫都不允许。 yeeyan

Clueless about the smuggling, I handled the rehab years by swallowing my feelings.
由于对走私的一无所知,我在康复诊所里度过了压抑的几年。 yeeyan

Early reports revealed that she was entering rehab for alcohol and drug addiction, but her new management denied the claims, stating it was due to severe exhaustion.
早期报道称她进入了康复中心,戒除酒瘾与毒瘾,但是她的新经纪人否定了这一说法,声称是由于严重劳累所致。 yeeyan

Her successful performance, which poked fun at her personal problems, gave the impression that she was on the mend after a stint in jail and rehab.
她赢得满堂喝彩的演出,虽有自嘲本人问题的成分在内,但给人们的印象是这个女孩在经历了服刑及康复后正在逐步转好。 yeeyan

I guess we really thought he turned the corner after he went through rehab.
我以为他在康复治疗后真的好转了。 yeeyan

I was embarrassed for my father, whose outreach consisted mostly of cringe-inducing letters and creepy rehab art he sent me from various institutions.
爸爸给我寄来的那些让人煽情的信和来自各个机构的令人毛骨悚然的康复所艺术品让我尴尬。 yeeyan

If people want this kind of customised paternalism, why can't the market, in the shape of rehab clinics and personal trainers, provide it?
如果人们想得到符合个人需要的这种家长式保护,为什么不能通过市场以康复诊所和个人教练的形式来提供此类保护呢? ecocn

It wants and needs to sober up, dry out, go through rehab…to discharge its debts, to de- leverage and correct mistakes.
它想要清醒起来,变干,检查修复…,偿还它的债务,去杠杆化和改正错误。 yeeyan

Lindsay Lohan has just under a month until she gets to leave rehab, and although she's been making great progress, she'll have to stay put in California for Christmas it sounds like.
在不到一个月的时间,“麻烦小天后”林赛-罗汉就将结束在康复中心的戒毒治疗,尽管已经取得了不少成绩,但在这最后的“冲刺阶段”,林赛或只能在院中度过今年的耶诞节了。 cri

Lohan starts filming after finishing her90- day jail term and90 days in rehab for breaking drink- driving probation terms.
完成她的90天监禁和90天的康复中心缓刑后,林赛将开始电影拍摄。在其缓刑期间,其曾酒后驾车违反相关规定。 eroticnudeparty

Several music critics say the song“ Rehab” by British singer Amy Winehouse is the best single of the year.
很多音乐评论家说英国歌手艾米怀恩豪斯的歌曲《康复》是今年最具代表性的歌曲。 yeeyan

The addicts referred to treatment had an average of40 convictions each, so if rehab curbs their habit even slightly, large benefits will be seen.
每40个定罪者有一个被交付治疗,所以只要康复治疗稍微控制一下他们的习惯,就会有很大的收益。 ecocn

The Brit and Grammy award-winner had struggled with drink and drug addiction for many years and had recently spent time in rehab.
这位全英音乐奖和格莱美奖的得主在酒瘾和毒瘾中挣扎了数年,最近还在康复中心待了一段时间。 yeeyan

When he moved to a rehab facility in San Francisco, he was supposed to stay a month.
随后马宏升转移到旧金山一个康复机构,按计划他应该待够一个月。 fortunechina




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