

单词 regulation
释义 reg·u·la·tion 英ˌregjəˈleɪʃən美ˌrɛgjəˈleʃənAHDrĕg'yə-lāʹshən ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46COCA¹⁹⁷⁶BNC³⁰⁷⁰iWeb¹⁴⁴⁶Economist¹⁴⁸⁷


management; control


rule; statute

an authoritative rulea principle or condition that customarily governs behavior;

it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast

short haircuts were the regulation

the state of being controlled or governedembryology the ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or alteredthe act of bringing to uniformity; making regularthe act of controlling or directing according to rule;

fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians

prescribed by or according to regulation;

regulation army equipment









词根词缀: -reg-统治,规则 + ul-ular + -ation名词词尾
用作名词 n.
动词+~apply〔enforce〕 a regulation实行一条规定obey〔observe〕 the regulation遵守规定形容词+~the detailed regulations细则the rigid〔strict〕 regulations严格的规定名词+~the army regulations军纪the customs regulations关税条例the school regulations校规the traffic regulations交通规则介词+~under the regulations根据规定~+介词the regulation against禁止…的规则the regulations for administration行政条例the regulations regarding有关…的条例the regulations with regard to有关…的条例
非常记忆regular经常的〖熟词〗+tion神〖谐音〗⇒经常看到神仙在制定管理规则regul管理,控制+ation动名词后缀⇒管理控制的行为和手段规则、规章。近义词 decreedictate
用作名词n.You must obey the regulations of the game.你必须遵守游戏的规则。
We must abide by the trafficregulations.我们必须遵守交通规则。
The regulation has no application to this particular case.那项规则不适用于这一特定情况。
He drives at the regulation speed.他按规定的速度行车。Pupregulationn.上调Pautoregulation自体调节Posmoregulation渗透调节Pneuroregulation神经调节Pself-regulationn.自动调节Pimmunoregulationn.免疫调节Pthermoregulationn.温度调节Pglycoregulation糖代谢调节Pderegulationn.撤消管制规定解除控制

用作名词We need theregulationof share prices.我们需要对股票价格的管制。
From now on any violation of theregulationmust be cruelly punished.今后任何违反秩序的行为会受到严厉惩罚。
It's wrong of you to get around theregulation.你存心规避规章制度是不对的。
Thisregulationrefers only to children.这些规定仅适用于儿童。用作形容词She was fined for driving above theregulationspeed.她因超速开车而被罚款。
Please use envelopes of theregulationsize.请用尺寸大小符合规定的信封。noun.managing, organizing
同义词 adjustment,arrangement,control,governance,management,settlement,supervisionadministration,classification,codification,coordination,direction,governing,government,guidance,handling,moderation,modulation,reconciliation,regimentation,reorganization,standardization,superintendence,systematization,tuning
反义词 deregulation,disorganization,lawlessness,mismanagementnoun.rule, requirement
同义词 code,decree,law,order,principle,procedure,statuteBible,book,canon,commandment,dictate,direction,edict,numbers,ordinance,precept,prescriptchapter and verse,decretum,no-no's,reg,standing order
反义词 lawlessnessderegulation,disorganization,mismanagement
adjustmentnoun adaptation
adjustmentsnoun adaptation
administrationnoun management of an organization or effort
canonnoun rule, edict
classificationnoun categorization
codenoun law, rule
canon,charter,codex,constitution,convention,custom,digest,discipline,ethics,etiquette,manners,maxim,method,regulation,system At the moment, the regulation on how much human DNA can be put into an animal is vague.
目前,有关多少人类脱氧核糖核酸可以放入一只动物身上的规定,还很模糊。 iciba

But companies are not driven purely by fear of regulation.
但公司的动力并非完全是源于对规则的忧虑。 ecocn

During the call, the operator gathers more than100 pieces of data that by regulation must be stored in a call detail record CDR.
在呼叫期间,运营商收集超过100 个数据块,按规定,这些数据必须存储在一个呼叫细节记录 CDR中。 ibm

If anything, regulation is likely to favour them because their raw material is, either directly or indirectly, carbon dioxide that has come from the atmosphere or would end up there.
如果有监管,监管部门也会喜欢他们的,因为他们的原材料是直接或间接来源于产生于大气又终止于大气的二氧化碳。 ecocn

If there are areas of financial regulation that would benefit from further study—and there are—the White House can tell its appointees to do so.
如果有某个金融监管领域能够因进一步研究得到助益——是有这样的领域——白宫可以告诉它任命的人去这么做。 yeeyan

If we have learnt anything from the crisis it is that financial regulation and supervision need to be tightened and their scope broadened.
如果我们从这场危机中已经有所裨益,那便是金融管理和监督应更加严格,并扩充管理范围。 ecocn

It is an important tool for WHO and drug regulators in their efforts to harmonize regulation and improve the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines globally.
它是世卫组织和药品监管人员用以努力在全球协调监管并改进药物安全性、效力和质量的一个重要工具。 who

It opposes separating the regulation of a company from its products, saying each regulator will only have half the information.
它反对将对公司的监管从产品中分离出来,这样每个监管机构只能获知一半信息。 yeeyan

Mutations in these genes could disrupt normal gene regulation and potentially affect the function of many other genes.
这些基因的变异能够扰乱正常基因调控并可能影响许多其他基因的功能。 yeeyan

Some of this relates to the complexity of the subject for those unfamiliar with finance, accounting or regulation.
一部分原因就是,对于不熟悉金融、会计或法规的人而言,这些主题十分复杂。 yeeyan

The Act provides for regulation and transparency for transactions in this market.
该法案对这个市场的交易透明和监管做出了规定。 yeeyan

This regulation is not very important today because everyone knows about these hazards, but it was important in the 1960s when the existence and gravity of the hazards were first confirmed.
这一规定在今日已不是很重要,因为这些危害已众所周知。但在1960年代那些危害的存在及其严重性被首次证实的时候,它却是重要的。 yeeyan

We need to ensure that our enduring legacy is not to wipe out the small things that provide us with great benefits such as nutrient recycling and climate regulation.
我们必须确保我们的悠久遗产不至于把这些小东西彻底毁掉,因为它们向人类提供了巨大的好处,如养分循环和气候调节。 yeeyan

Yet much of their success reflects good management and good regulation.
但是他们的很多成功案例都反映出好的管理和规则。 ecocn




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