

单词 accounted for
释义 accounted for短语⁸¹⁶⁴
Another was an unhealthy reliance on its home market, which in the early1990s still accounted for almost half of its sales.
另一个原因是,对国内市场的病态的依赖,在1990年代早期,国内销售额仍然占总销售额的一半。 ecocn

But even on this basis the newcomers accounted for well over half of the growth in global output last year.
但是,就算用此算法,去年全球产量的增长中,新兴国家所占的份额也远远超过一半。 ecocn

In much of East Asia, exports have accounted for one-third to more than half of the national economies.
在许多东亚国家,出口在经济体中所占比例已经高达三分之一到二分之一。 yeeyan

Interestingly, chat rooms and forums attracted around28% of the social media users, whereas travel blogs accounted for just 9%.
有趣的是,聊天室和论坛吸引了大概28%的社会媒体用户,而旅游博客只占了9%。 yeeyan

My firm, the China Market Research Group, estimates that by2008, exports accounted for just20% of the economy.
据我的公司——中国市场研究集团估计,到2008年为止,出口总量仅占到整个经济体的20%。 yeeyan

Teenagers accounted for17% of all abortions in2004, down from a third in1974.
青少年人工流产率从1974年占总流产率的三分之一下降到了2004年的17%。 ecocn

This is not only the result of recession: France’s national auditor calculates that crisis- related measures accounted for less than half of last year’s deficit.
这不仅仅是由于衰退造成的:法国国家审计员计算认为与金融危机有关的措施只占了去年赤字的不到一半。 ecocn

With China these patent offices accounted for three-quarters of all patents filed in 2004, the latest year for which comprehensive figures are available.
加上中国,这些专利部门的专利申请量占2004年申请总量的四分之三,2004年是掌握全面数据的最近一年。 zj

Yes, the rate of suicides also increased, but only accounted for two percent of deaths.
当然自杀率是在提高,但只占到总数的百分之二,完全可以忽略不计。 yeeyan




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