释义 |
Regong 基本例句 热贡¹⁰⁰ Regongculture that accumulated in yellow river drainage basin is a national traditional folklore with rich Tibetan Buddhism colors and that mainly stresses on Buddhism Tangka and figure sculpt.摘要当今世界,开发独具特色的民族文化资源,打造民族文化品牌,已成为人们的共识。 About the Art of Tibetan Buddhism inRegong热贡藏传佛教艺术摭谈 A Religious Explanation On the “June Festival” ofRegong热贡“六月会”的宗教学解读 Folk Art Gallery in High Mountains--A Report onRegongArt大山深处的民间美院--热贡艺术散记 The Conception of the Industrial Developmental Strategy of “Chinese ReGong Culture”“中国热贡文化”产业发展战略构想 |