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释义 avg.
A new study from the AVG Technologies found that Minneapolis is the least likely American city to get“ duped” online.
互联网安全监控公司 AVG最新公布的调查结果显示,明尼阿波利斯市是美国诸多城市中最不容易在网络中被“欺骗”的城市。 yeeyan

Finally, when outputting AVG files, we can not output data which have the convenience to form directly figures.
在输出 AVG数据文件的同时,不能根据需要输出便于直接成图的数据。 cnki

Initially, the free version of AVG was stable and effective.
当时,免费版的 AVG是安宁管用的。

It's great to get quick insights about which pages are performing well above or below site average regarding metrics such as Avg. Time on page, bounce rate and% of exits.
根据页面平均停留时间、跳出率和退出百分比,该视图可以直观呈现出页面表现高于或低于网站平均数据。 yeeyan

The Jazz avg106 pts a gam and they scored69!
爵士平均每场106分,但是今天他们只拿到69分! ballhey

While using pulse reflection method to do ultrasonic inspection, it is difficult to analyze the defect quantificationally and qualitatively through equivalence sample and currency AVG curve.
应用脉冲反射法进行超声波探伤时,使用当量试块或通用 AVG曲线对缺陷定性、定量分析均存在一定困难。 cnki

CPU avg: Average CPU usage during the test.
CPU平均值:测试期间的平均 CPU使用率。 ibm

However, aggregation functions, such as AVG, do not work with the timestamp duration because the duration is computed based on the numerical value.
但是,聚合函数,如 AVG等,并没有在时间戳的持续时间内工作,这是因为该持续时间是以数值为基础进行计算。 ibm

I already had Spybot and AVG installed but each update required reboots, probably because they had new interfaces or scan engines.
系统中安装了 Spybot和 AVG,但它们每次更新都需要重新启动Windows,可能是因为它们有了新的接口或扫描引擎。 yeeyan

In the second incident, an IT security expert who had bought the phone learned about the virus discovery. He decided to test his phone, using AVG anti-virus protection.
在第二起事件中,一名购买该手机的 IT安全专家听说了第一起事件,然后决定通过 AVG杀毒软件对病毒进行测试。 yeeyan

Not all common aggregate operations are commutative to partition, such as AVG.
并不是所有常见的聚集操作都是分区可互换的,比如 AVG。 ibm

Physical Disk: Avg.
物理磁盘: Avg. ibm

Seven of the10 safest countries in which to surf the Internet are in Africa, with Sierra Leone rated the safest, according to a study by the Internet security firm AVG.
十个网络最安全的国家中有七个都在非洲。 网络安全公司 AVG的研究表明,塞拉利昂的网络最为安全。 yeeyan

Some free virus scan utilities that are recommended are A2, Dr. Web and AVG.
有的建议,免费病毒扫描水电费都为 A2博士网上和 AVG。 xici

The chart shows batting average AVG, on- base percentage OBP, and slugging percentage SLG.
该图表显示了平均打击率 AVG、上垒率 OBP和多垒安打率 SLG。 ibm

This second build of AVG8.0 SP2 should be released few weeks after the first one, depending on the first build's beta testing success.
这第二个建设的平均值8.0 SP2的应予以释放几个星期后的第一个,这取决于第一次建立的测试取得圆满成功。 kafan

With AVG Internet Security, our most advanced protection, you get a worry-free online experience every time.
有了 AVG最高级的防护互联网安全产品,从此体验上网无忧的快乐。

You can see metrics such as pageviews, unique pageviews, avg. time on page and bounce rate.
能够看到的指标包括页面浏览量、唯一身份浏览量、页面平均停留时间和跳出率。 yeeyan

You’ll notice that AVG always scans files with no extensions, which shouldn’t normally pose a problem, but depending on the applications you’re using there might be a problem.
你会发现 AVG总会扫描无扩展名的文件,这一般没有问题,但你所用的程序可能会出问题。 yeeyan

AVG Anti- Virus: Antivirus and Internet security.
AVG Anti- Virus:防病毒,互联网安全工具。 yeeyan




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