

单词 region
释义 region. 'ri:dʒən


a particular fairly large area, especially of land, as a part of a country

the extended spatial location of something;

the farming regions of France

religions in all parts of the world

regions of outer space

a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve;

in the abdominal region

a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth;

penguins inhabit the polar regions

the approximate amount of something usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of';

it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job

the price is in the neighborhood of $100

a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about;

it was a limited realm of discourse

here we enter the region of opinion

the realm of the occult

region, area, district


area指较大的地区时侧重其“面积”,不指行政上的地理单位; region所表示的“地区”,指有地理界限或具有某种特色,自成一个单位的地区,一般是较大的行政单位,如我国的自治区autonomous region; district所指的“地区”范围比region小,如“城区和郊区”一般译为“urban and rural districts”,此时不能用region,一个城市所划分的不同地区,也叫做district,不能用region或area。例如:

The area would become flooded after heavy rains.暴雨过后,这个地区将变为水灾区。
They live in a mountainous region.他们住在山区。
A person must vote in his or her own district.不论男女,在他们的所在地区都有选举权。district,region,area,section,zone,belt,quarter,neighbourhood










来源于拉丁语动词rego, regere, rexi, rectum统治和拉丁语名词regio, -onis, f 地区。
词根词缀: -reg-统治 + -ion名词词尾 → 统治领域,领地
用作名词 n.
动词+~abandon〔adjoin, cover, develop, enter〕 a region放弃〔毗连,覆盖,开发,进入〕一个地区build up〔construct〕 a region建设一个地区get into a region of进入…领域get to〔irrigate, occupy, pass through, recover〕 a region到达〔灌溉,占领,通过,恢复〕一个地区reach a region抵达一个地区形容词+~coal-mining region煤矿区desert region不毛之地different region不同的地区fertile region肥沃地区large region大片地区mountainous region山区polar〔remote, troubled〕 region极地〔边远,骚乱〕地区special administrative region特别行政区unpopulated region无人居住区the Arctic region北极地带tropical regions热带地区名词+~border regions边区desert〔oil〕 region沙漠〔油田〕地区介词+~in the region of在…领域里,大约,左右~+介词region of $5000 5000美元左右region of art〔literature, science〕艺术〔文学,科学〕领域region of the equator赤道地区
用作名词n.in the region of


非常记忆re热〖拼音〗+gion真〖谐音〗⇒这个地区热得真让人受不了reg统治,王+ion名词后缀→王统治的区域⇒区域,范围词根记忆reg统治+ion→统治的区域→地区;范围词根记忆reg统治+ion→统治的区域→地区;范围词根记忆reg统治+ion→统治的区域→区域词根记忆reg统治+ion→统治的区域近义词 areafieldrangespacedistrict
用作名词n.The warm region is crowded with birds.温暖的地区鸟类云集。
The paper is largely circulated in the ruralregions.这家报纸主要在农村地区发行。Psubregionn.亚区Pregionala.地方的地域性的Pregionalistn.地方主义者乡土作家Pregionallyad.在地区范围内地区性地Pregionalizevt.把…分成地区把…按地区安排把…分成行政区Pregionalismn.行政区的划分地方主义地方色彩地区性地区特征

用作名词Most of the countries in theregionhave unstable economies.这个地区大多数国家的经济都不稳定。
I guess there are much less people in the Arcticregionsthan here.我想北极地区的人要比这里的少得多。
Theregionnear the erupting volcano was evacuated rapidly.火山爆发处附近已迅速撤空。
These small spiced cakes are a peculiarity of theregion.这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。
He is earning a salary in theregionof25,000.他当时的薪金在25,000英镑左右。
Her motherland is in the tropicalregion.她的祖国位于热带地区。
Ancient village of hilly area, being a result that accumulates with the time , is also the essence of theregionculture.山地古村落,既是时间积淀的成果,也是地域文化的精髓。noun.area, domain;scope
同义词 country,district,field,land,locality,neighborhood,part,place,province,sector,suburb,territory,world,zonearena,bailiwick,belt,block,clearing,demesne,division,domain,dominion,environs,expanse,ghetto,ground,jungle,locale,precinct,quarter,range,realm,scene,section,shire,sphere,terrain,tract,turf,vicinity,walk,wardinner city,neck of woods,stomping ground
反义词 metropolis,whole,sky
beltnoun strip of land with characteristic feature
circuitnoun revolution, track, boundary
confinesnoun boundaries
countriesnoun political territory;nation
citizenry,citizens,commonwealths,communities,constituents,electors,grass roots,homelands,inhabitants,kingdoms,lands,native lands,patriums,people,polities,populaces,publics,realms,regions,societies,soils,sovereign states,states,terrains,voters
countrynoun political territory;nation
citizenry,citizens,commonwealth,community,constituents,electors,grass roots,homeland,inhabitants,kingdom,land,native land,patria,people,polity,populace,public,realm,region,society,soil,sovereign state,state,terrain,voters
directionnoun course, route
aim,angle,area,aspect,bearing,beeline,bent,bias,current,drift,end,inclination,line,objective,orientation,outlook,path,point of compass,proclivity,range,region,road,set,side,slant,spot,standpoint,stream,tack,tendency,that-a-way,tide,track,trajectory,trend,viewpoint,way That beneath all the differences of race and region, faith and station, we are one people.
在一切的种族、地区、信仰和社会地位的差异下,我们同属一个民族。 cri

The president of Armenia and his predecessor are from the region.
亚美尼亚的现任与前任总统都来自这一地区。 ecocn

The spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region.

“ Territorial issues do not exist in this region,” he said.
“这个地区根本不存在什么领土争端。”他说。 yeeyan

“ We are the only region that has a program like that,” he added.
“我们是仅有的一个实施了这种方案的地区,”他补充道。 worldbank

After all, the region is on its doorstep.
毕竟,该地区是它的入门之阶。 ecocn

And if confidence goes from one of those markets, it could spread to the whole region.
如果人们对这些市场中的一个失去信心,很可能蔓延至整个地区。 ecocn

But in the case of water, every man— or, at least, every water basin or region— is an island.
但是在水的案例上,每个人——或者起码每片流域或地区——都是一个独立的岛。 yeeyan

But there is another side to the trade relationship and you can see it clearly in the Portland region of Oregon.
但是贸易关系还会有另外一个侧面,而这个侧面你可以很清楚地在俄勒冈的波特兰地区看到。 yeeyan

Classify them by branch, region, and year.
将他们按照支行、地区和年分类。 ibm

Famine and war have thinned down the population in this region.

Finding an electron in a region of space.

However the region is not without other issues.
然而,该地区并不是没有其它问题。 worldbank

It is not the only region that faces this problem.
北方邦并不是印度仅有的面临这个问题的地区。 putclub

Jack distributes computers for the computer rental service in that region.

Like all of you, I pray that the peoples of the region choose the path less travelled, the path of liberty.
就像你们所有人,我祈祷这一地区的各个民族选择这一条曾经还未走过的路,自由的路。 yeeyan

No more lending in the region.
不能再给这个地区贷款了。 ecocn

So I do not expect any kind of crisis with Russia over this. We expect the Russians to be supportive of stability in the region.
我不希望和俄罗斯在这个问题上产生危机,我们希望俄罗斯人支持那个地区的稳定。 ebigear

The first is the temptation to spread the wealth around to every region and interest group.
第一种就是把财富撒到每一个地区和每一个利益集团的诱惑。 ecocn

The region abounds in coal.

Their dynasties dominated the trade and industry of the region.
他们的王朝统治着这个地区的贸易与工业。 ecocn

This is a great opportunity to bring freedom, not just to Libya, but to the region.
这是一个很好的机会,带来自由,不只是对利比亚,而且是这个地区。 yeeyan




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