

单词 Regents
释义 Regents ˈri:dʒənts 
n.摄政者regent的名词复数原型regent的复数 About 600,000 students take the Regents exams. And it proved impossible to determine how many of them had seen the stolen tests.
越来越多的州要求学生通过资格考试,以获得他们的中学文凭。 blog.sina.com.cn

I am lucky that my walk takes me across Primrose Hill and right through Regents Park, trees and gardens all the way.
幸运的是,我的漫步路线必须经过樱草山和摄政公园,因此举目皆是树木和花园。 yeeyan

The regents of the plwonderfulets wonderfuld the stars have their free in the diagram of the temple wonderfuld their images are carved on its walls.
有职掌力的行星和星体被放置在寺庙的图表里,而它们的图象也被刻在墙上。 sanbaidun

This question can be subdivided into such questions as: what powers did the board of regents of the University of Michigan exercise at the different stage of the transition;

Regents at the University of Texas are talking about a$10,000 undergraduate degree.
德克萨斯大学的管理者也开始讨论10000美金一个的本科学位。 ecocn

A piece of the city's turf had been liberated by some shaggy squatters and their dogs from Governor Reagan and the University Regents.
一些披头散发的流浪汉还有他们的狗从当时还是加州州长的里根和 Regents大学的手中解放了一块城里的草地。 yeeyan

A new ice cream van with tasty treats specifically for canines makes its debut appearance at The Boomerang Pets Party in Regents Park, London, July 17.
一辆为狗狗提供美味冷饮的冰激凌车于上周六现身在伦敦摄政公园举办的“回飞棒宠物聚会”。 cri

A case in point is students in New York State who faced criminal misdemeanor charges for possessing and selling advance copies of state Regents examinations.
纽约州的一名学生就是一个非常恰当的例子,他被指控犯了预先售卖州董事考试试卷的罪行。 demie.blog.tianya.cn

Appeals to local elected officials and the Regents went nowhere, they say.
他们说求助于当地竞选官员,董事会就哪都去不了。 yeeyan

At the different stage of the transition of the University of Michigan from traditional college to modern university, the board of regents relied on all kinds of resources as their bases of powers.




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