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词汇 regent
释义 re·gent 英ˈriːdʒənt美ˈridʒəntAHDrēʹjənt ☆☆☆☆☆高四GI宝八COCA¹⁸²⁴⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁰⁹iWeb²⁰⁸²²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

members of a governing boardsomeone who rules during the absence or incapacity or minority of the country's monarch
acting or functioning as a regent or ruler;


reg-,国君,国王,词源同 regal,-ent,人。用于指摄政王。Prince Regent史英国的摄政…queen regent执政女王vice regent副摄政vice-regent副摄政
regime 政体, 政权;re + 音:政体;音:朕替,替代皇上
GRE难词记忆regent→reg=to rule 统治+ent→摄政者词根记忆reg统治+ent表人→统治者→摄政者词根记忆reg统治+ ent ⇒摄政者近义词 Dean系主任proxy代理人trustee受托人governor统治者replacement更换substitute代用品administrator管理人

用作名词Theregentcarried out an advanced system in his country.摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。
My lord Pharaoh! I propose the high priests offer tribute to their newregent.敬爱的父王陛下!我认为最高祭司应该向新摄政王致上最高敬意!用作形容词noun.director
同义词 rulergovernor,minister,official,viceroy
delegatenoun representative, often governmental
agent,alternate,ambassador,appointee,catchpole,commissioner,consul,deputy,emissary,envoy,factor,front,legate,member,member of Congress,minister,mouthpiece,nominee,people's choice,pinch hitter,plenipotentiary,proxy,rep,replacement,senator,spokesperson,stand-in,substitute,surrogate,vicar,viceroy
deputynoun assistant, agent
aide,ambassador,appointee,assembly member,backup,commissioner,councilor,delegate,dogcatcher,factor,legate,lieutenant,minister,proxy,regent,replacement,representant,representative,second-in-command,sub,subordinate,substitute,surrogate
queennoun female monarch
consort,empress,female ruler,female sovereign,monarch,queen consort,queen dowager,queen mother,regent,ruler,wife of a king A group of Japanese aristocrats, worried by ever- greater foreign encroachment on Japan, had overthrown the centuries- old system of the Shogun, who acted as regent for the emperor.
日本贵族团伙担心外国越来越严重地入侵日本,并而推翻数百年幕府旧体制,幕府名为天皇摄政,实为幕府将军统治。 yeeyan

Other possibilities aired in recent years are a jump to Prince Vajiralongkorn’s children, such as his youngest, Prince Tipangkara, with a regent, perhaps Princess Sirindhorn.
近年来,风传可能出现的情况还有,国王越过王储,将王位传给他的子女,如其幼子提旁卡拉王子,可能再由诗琳通公主摄政。 ecocn

“ I'm a double macchiato drinker, ” he says proudly and without hesitation as he sits in a busy Costa on Regent Street in central London, among those taking a break from their early Christmas shopping.
“我的最爱是双重玛奇朵!” John不带一丝犹豫并骄傲地说,而这时的他正坐在伦敦中心区 Regent大街上一家繁忙的 Costa咖啡吧内,周围坐着那些想从忙碌的圣诞购物中小歇一下的人们。 yeeyan

About150 people were outside Apple's flagship store in London's Regent Street waiting for it to open at08:02 GMT.
大约有150个人在苹果位于 Regent大街的伦敦 London旗舰店守候,等待今天早上08:02分开始的营业。 yeeyan

Apart from two small outlets in Westfield and Brent Cross, the often chaotic and crowded Regent Street store has served central London until now.
除了在 Westfield和 Brent Cross的两家小型零售店,常常混乱拥挤的 Regent街商店已经在伦敦市中心服务到现在。 yeeyan

As Ian Kelly explains in his2005 biography, Brummel befriended the prince regent by using part of an inheritance to buy a commission in his10th Light Dragoons.
伊恩凯利 Ian Kelly在他2005年的传记里写道,浦鲁马用自己遗产的一部分资助摄政王购买第十轻龙骑兵的任命。 ecocn

Better red, white and blue on Regent Street than red blood on the paving stones, royalists have argued since1649.
摄政街上红白蓝相间的国旗起码铺路石上的鲜血要好,保皇党自从1649年就在证明这一点。 yeeyan

Escaping from his native Scotland after killing a rival in a duel, he made friends with the Duke of Orleans, the regent of the young king Louis XV.
因为在一次决斗中杀死他的对手而从老家苏格兰逃出后,他同作为年轻国王路易斯十五世的摄政者的奥尔良的公爵成了朋友。 ecocn

I can walk from my home to BBC's Broadcasting House right through Regent's Park.
我可以从我家穿过摄政公园直接到英国广播公司的广播大厦。 yeeyan

If the reactionary Prince Nayef becomes the crown prince and de facto regent, America may struggle to maintain an alliance with him alongside friendships with the Arab world’s nascent democracies.
如果纳伊夫王子成为王储,也就是实际意义上的统治者,美国很可能会一边努力跟他保持联盟关系,一边想办法跟阿拉伯世界新兴民主国家发展关系。 yeeyan

In December last year, with backing from Barclays Bank, they opened Inamo St James on Lower Regent Street in central London.
去年12月,在巴克莱银行的支持下,他们又在伦敦市中心小摄政街的圣詹姆士开设了一家餐厅。 huanqiu

It was a big bet to come to Regent Street and open a store like that, and it worked.
来 Regent大街开这样大的一家店是一个巨大的赌注,但是它成功了。 yeeyan

One came walking across Regent’s Park, my skin tingling at the first brush of spring.
一次,当穿过摄政王公园的时候,春天的第一丛灌木微微刺痛了我的皮肤; yeeyan

The lodgings selected faced the Regent Gardens.
这所选定的公寓面对着摄政公园。 yeeyan

The other realm, Hungary, was nominally a monarchy but run by a regentwho, absurdly in a land- locked country, was styled admiral.
而另一个王国,匈牙利,则由摄政者在一个内陆国家,荒谬地落实典型的海军将领作风统治,成为了一个君主制的空壳。 ecocn

There is still room for straight adoration—a few starchy tea-towels have been printed in their honour, and someone has decked Regent Street with a nearly fascistic number of Union Jacks.
还是有能直接崇拜的地方——一些样式古板的茶巾上印着他们的荣耀,有人用接近信奉法西斯主义者数量的画有象征联合图案的旗帜装饰了摄政街。 yeeyan

This is none of Tyler's business, but Tyler calls the police and Tyler races over to the Regent Hotel.
这根本不关泰勒的事,但泰勒报警并且立刻跑到 REGENT旅馆。 yeeyan

Tyler tells me how Marla lives in room 8G, on the top floor of the Regent Hotel, up eight flights of stairs and down a noisy hallway with canned television laughter coming through the doors.
泰勒告诉我马拉住在 REGENT旅馆的顶层8G号房。上楼,穿过充满了肥皂剧的笑声走廊直达8G号房门口。 yeeyan

Under Thailand’s legislation, anybody convicted of insulting the king, queen, heir or regent faces up to15 years in prison on each count.
依据泰国法律,但凡定罪为侮辱国王,王后,继承人以及摄政者均会面临每宗最多15年的监禁。 putclub

Well, all the same stuff as in the Apple store half a mile away on Regent Street.
半公里外的摄政街苹果旗舰店也有同样的商品。 yeeyan

When the king left on the Second Crusade he appointed Suger regent and left him in charge of the government.
国王在第二次东征前任命苏杰摄政和负责政府。 yeeyan

When Tyler woke up, Marla had disappeared back to the Regent Hotel.
泰勒醒来时马拉已经回 REGENT旅馆了。 yeeyan

When Thutmose II died, Thutmose III was still too young to rule, so Hatshepsut became his regent, then his co- regent.
当图特摩斯二世去世时,图特摩斯三世还太小而不能执政。所以哈特谢普苏特成为他的摄政王,继而共同执政。 yeeyan

Regent Street is busy on a cold Friday afternoon, but the most favoured shops are those selling cheap goods, such as Poundland, where everything costs just1 pound$1.44.
在一个寒冷周五的中午,摄政街人来人往,但出售廉价物品的店铺才是最受欢迎的。比如在 Poundland,每件商品仅需1英镑1.44美元。 ecocn




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