A very old,venerable man; an elder
A very old,venerable man; an elder.
最年长者德高望重的人; 长者
I live in that house
I live in the room whose window faces south.adv
I live in this room
I live in tokyo
I live off the money from my first book
I live on a bend of the Yellow river
I live on all the continents except Antarctica
I live on campus
I live on my salary
I live on Ninth Avenue
I live on Queen Street
I live on the ground floor of a block of flats
I live on the same street as Peter
I live on Washington Street
I live on Xuhui district
I live round about ten miles from here
I live three blocks away
I live three blocks away,on Croton Street
I live to eat
I live to learn
I live to learn,but not learn to live
I live to learn, but not learn to live
I live Toronto in Canada
I live two block s from the school
I live upon the land
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更新时间:2025/3/15 8:49:06