

单词 regency
释义 re·gen·cy 英ˈriːdʒənsiː美ˈridʒənsiAHDrēʹjən-sē ☆☆☆☆☆高四八COCA²⁷⁹⁹⁵BNC²⁷⁷¹¹iWeb³¹⁴³¹
the period of time during which a regent governsthe period from 1811-1820 when the Prince of Wales was regent during George III's periods of insanitythe office of a regent来自 regent,摄政王。regency摄政统治
方振宇词汇奥秘reg统治,王+ency表名词→摄政权;摄政统治;摄政统治区钱博士reg统治+encyS.名⇒摄政,摄政统治,摄政权reg统治,王+ency表名词⇒摄政权;摄政统治;摄政统治区近义词 dynasty朝代

同义词 authority,dominance,dominion,power,rule
反义词 weakness
dominionnoun area of rule;authority
ascendancy,authorization,bailiwick,command,commission,control,country,demesne,district,domain,dominance,domination,empire,enclave,field,government,jurisdiction,management,power,preeminence,prepotence,prepotency,prerogative,privilege,property,province,realm,regiment,regimentation,region,reign,rule,seniority,sovereignty,sphere,state,stomping grounds,supremacy,sway,terrain,territory,turf,walk
governmentnoun management, administration
Uncle Sam,Washington,authority,bureaucracy,command,control,direction,domination,dominion,empire,execution,executive,governance,guidance,influence,jurisdiction,law,ministry,patronage,political practice,politics,polity,power,powers that be,predominance,presidency,regency,regime,regimentation,regulation,restraint,rule,sovereignty,state,statecraft,superintendence,superiority,supervision,supremacy,sway,the feds,union
powernoun control, dominance
ascendancy,authority,authorization,birthright,clout,command,connection,diadem,direction,domination,dominion,hegemony,imperium,influence,inside track,jurisdiction,law,leadership,license,management,might,moxie,omnipotence,paramountcy,predominance,prerogative,prestige,privilege,regency,right,rule,say-so,sovereignty,steam,strength,strings,superiority,supremacy,sway,warrant,weight,wire
royaltiesnoun nobility
aristocracies,authorities,distinctions,eminences,greatness,kingship,nobilities,powers,primacy,queenships,ranks,supremacy,the crowns
royaltynoun nobility
kingship,majesty,percentage,power,queenship,rank,realm,regality,regency,sovereign,sovereignty A variety of classical styles abound in the firm's spectacular residential work, including Georgian, Victorian, Gothic, Medieval, Colonial, Arts& Crafts, Baroque, Queen Anne, Palladian, and Regency.
公司设计的各式古典建筑,包括英王乔治一世至三世时期、维多利亚女王时代、哥特式、中世纪、殖民地、艺术&工艺、巴落克式样、女王安妮、帕拉第奥式和摄政式等等。 vvcha

Along the faded Regency seafront, souvenir stalls halted trading, led by staff at a sweet shop where Marine Wright once worked.
摄政海滨,落花满地,礼品摊也像莱特曾经工作过的糖果店一样,停止了交易。 ecocn

During the regency of Duke of Orleans, regent for the minor heir Louis XV, the formalities of the court gave way to a more casual and intimate atmosphere.
在奥尔良公爵?次继承人路易十五的摄政王?摄政时期,宫廷的礼节俗套逐渐被一股更不拘形式和舒适的气氛取代。 dj.client.iciba.com

Fifth, there were many reasons for the nearly two hundred years successful implementation of the regency, including system reform, the times of opportunity and ideological support.
近二百年摄政制度成功推行的原因是多方面的,包括制度的变革、时代的机遇以及思想基础的支撑。 fabiao

He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel.
傍晚,他更觉冷清,一个人在摄政旅馆吃了饭。 jukuu

The suit still bears the marks of this turbulent past as well as the influence of Enlightenment thinking, sporting pursuits and a Regency dandy.
西装仍能体现动荡历史的痕迹,以及启蒙运动的思考,对体育的追求和风流倜傥的摄政王的影响。 ecocn

Will you give me a Regency?
你能给我一个摄政区吗? cndkc

As a perfect example of Regency London, it has been featured in poetry, photo shoots, and music videos, but today it is threatened by construction.
作为伦敦摄政的完美范例,它已被收录在诗歌,摄影,和音乐影片中,但今天它却受到再度建设的威胁。 yeeyan

But even though he lacked the social graces that were expected in regency in Victorian England, he was warmly accepted by patrons.
虽然他缺少英国维多利亚时期流行的那种绅士风度,他还是深受顾客和资助人的欢迎。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

For the Regency gentleman back in Britain, this would have seemed like the most conclusive evidence imaginable that the Africans were nothing but savages.
对于摄政时期的英国人而言,这是人们可以想象到的非洲人残酷凶狠的最有力证据。 yeeyan

I stood in the impressive atrium and found myself thinking of the Hyatt Regency hotel in Atlanta.
我站在博物馆的中庭里,发现心里想到了亚特兰大的凯悦摄政酒店。 yeeyan

It's not that solicitor Kate Williams has anything against Regency- style grand portraiture.
这并不是因为凯特·威廉姆斯律师反对摄政时期风格的气势恢宏的肖像画。 yeeyan

Jane Austen wrote six novels published during the Regency period and between 1811 and1818.
1811年至1818年简·奥斯丁出版了六本小说。 yeeyan

Louis was the apogee of French absolute monarchy, a vastly powerful king who, after a regency while he was a minor, ruled personally for54 years.
路易远地点法国君主专制,一个强大的国王背后——摄政,而他是未成年人,亲力亲为是在54岁。 lwtxw

Moreover, the Regency rake would purchase different garments from different specialist tailors.
而且,摄政王会从不同的专业裁缝那儿购买不同的服装。 ecocn

One is a381- room Hyatt Regency on top of a shopping mall in the Kowloon district of the city.
其中一家是凯悦丽晶酒店 Hyatt Regency,位于九龙区一个购物中心上层,客房数量达381间。 yeeyan

The Hyatt Regency Washington D. C. is certainly located near the U. S. Capitol building, but not as near as the hotel website's photo, taken with a zoom lens, indicates.
华盛顿凯悦的确位于美国国会大厦附近,但不像该酒店网站上用变焦镜头拍摄的照片所显示的那样近。 yeeyan

The house itself was full of Regency furniture.
这所住宅到处陈列着摄政时期的家具。 iciba

The Regency II trailer park houses immigrants, mostly from Mexico.
The Regency II家庭拖车停车场居住的移民绝大多数来自于墨西哥。 ecocn

These hair styles show changes in the1820's as dress became more ornate having picked up romantic elements during the Regency fashion era.
这些发型出现在1820年的变化,在变得更加华丽后,拿起了在摄政时代的时尚浪漫元素。 mtime




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