

单词 regards
释义 regards 英ri'ga:dz 高COCA¹⁰⁹⁶⁸BNC⁵¹⁴⁴iWeb¹⁶²⁸⁸Economist⁷⁰⁸⁹
名词 regard:
usually preceded by `in' a detail or pointpaying particular notice as to children or helpless peopleusually plural a polite expression of desire for someone's welfarea long fixed lookthe condition of being honored esteemed or respected or well regardeda feeling of friendship and esteeman attitude of admiration or esteem
动词 regard:
deem to belook at attentivelyconnect closely and often incriminatinglyregard-s复数⇒n.问候⁸¹;致意¹⁹
用作名词Please give my sincereregardsto all the members of your family.请向你全家转达我真挚的问候。
Should you see him, please give him myregards.如果你见到他,请代我向他致意。noun.best wishes
同义词 commendations,compliments,deference,devoirs,greeting,love,remembrances,respects,salutation,salutationsgood wishes,love and kisses
greetingnoun welcome;message of kindness
accostingacknowledgment,address,aloha,best wishes,card,ciao,compellation,compliments,good wishes,hail,hello,heralding,hi,high-five,highball,how-do-you-do,howdy,letter,nod,note,notice,ovation,reception,respects,rumble,salaam,salutation,salute,speaking to,testimonial,ushering in,what's happening
respectsnoun good wishes
best wishes,compliments,courtesies,deference,devoirs,greetings,kind wishes,regard,salaams,salutations As regards markings, please note that the port of destination, Shanghai, should be clearly stenciled on each case with the case number for easy identification.
至于货运标志,请注意终点港上海必须在每个箱子上明确地标明,包括箱号,以便确认。 ebigear

But he regards government as a means, an instrumentality, neither a grantor of favors and gifts, nor a master or god to be blindly worshipped and served.
但他只会将政府做为一种手段,一种工具,而不是任何的施舍,更不是需要盲目崇拜或为之服务的主人或神祗。 yeeyan

China always regards Russia as a reliable and credible partner and expects to work with it to actively expand the oil, gas, coal, power, nuclear energy and new energy cooperation.
中方始终视俄方为可靠、可信的合作伙伴,愿与俄方一道,积极扩大石油、天然气、煤炭、电力、核能、新能源等各领域合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

During the Week, each participating country implements activities to inform and engage key target groups, and to target critical challenges as regards immunization in their country.
在这一周期间,每一个参加国实施活动,向主要目标群体提供信息和使它们参与,并将其国家免疫方面的严重挑战作为目标。 who

He also extended congratulations to the Moldovan guests on the National Day of Moldova, and asked Ostapciuk to pass on his cordial regards to President Voronin.
今天是贵国国庆,在此谨向各位朋友致以节日的祝贺。他请奥斯塔普丘克转达他对沃罗宁总统的亲切问候。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

He never regards what I say.

He prepared a story, that he was the honored professor's assistant, that he could not reveal the man's location but would certainly pass on your kindest regards, sir.
他已经编好了一个故事,就说他是尊敬的教授的助理,他不能透露教授的下落但是非常愿意转达您最贴心的问候,先生。 yeeyan

He still regards Iraq as the central front in that war.
他仍然认为伊拉克是这场战争的核心前线。 ecocn

His mother regards him as genius.
他妈妈认为他是一个天才。 hjenglish

India now regards the line as its rightful border but China disputes it.
印度现在把这条线当作其合法的边境线,但中国不承认。 com

Israel, which regards Iran as its principal threat, has refused to rule out using military action to prevent Tehran developing nuclear weapons.
以色列,视伊朗为其主要威胁,一直拒绝排除使用军事行动来阻止伊朗发展核武器的可能。 www.etiri.com.cn

It is statically type- checked and does not allow type coercion, so is safe with regards to types.
它进行静态类型检查,并且不允许强制类型转换,因而对于类型而言是安全的。 infoq

It may help a lot of cells, but it still regards itself as an individual cell helping other individual cells.
它可能帮助很多的细胞,但是它可能仍然视它自己是一个帮助其他个体细胞的单个细胞。 yeeyan

No matter which side eventually wins, the other regards it as an illegal occupation.
不论是哪一方最终获胜,另一方都视之为非法占有。 ecocn

Please give him my regards.

Please give my regards to your family!
请向你的全家转达我的问候! ebigear

That means balancing formality and familiarity so that each market can easily understand the translation but that neither regards it as dipping into unacceptable slang or other language.
那意味着平衡正式性和熟悉性,以使每个市场的客户都能很容易地读懂材料,同时又不至于翻阅到无法接受的俚语或其他语言。 yeeyan

The White House apparently regards this as too much to ask.
白宫显然认为向国会提出这个要求有点过分。 tingclass

With regards to a VC that sees all of the competition, I have found that most VCs are very good at not leaking information across companies.
对于那些会看所有的竞争对手的 VC,我发现他们中的大部分非常擅于保证信息不会在这些公司之间漏掉。 yeeyan

With regards to your question, the patterns in this catalog have one specific context in common and that is service-orientation.
至于你的问题,该目录中的模式都有一个共同的上下文,即面向服务。 infoq

Without settling this issue, Japan regards any form of rapprochement with North Korea as impossible.

Your statesman regards a campus backdrop and academic robes as the ideal stage set and costume for the utterance of large, grave thoughts.
你们政治家认为站在校园幕布前,穿着学士服是发表伟大的、重要的思想的最理想舞台和装束。 yeeyan




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