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词汇 refusing
释义 re·fuse 英rɪ'fjuːz美rɪ'fjuːz COCA⁸⁰⁵⁰BNC⁵⁰⁰⁸Economist⁵⁷⁹²
vt. & vi. 拒绝

state one's strong unwillingness to accept; say no to; not give or allow


waste or worthless material; rubbish

food that is discarded as from a kitchen
show unwillingness towards;

he declined to join the group on a hike

refuse to accept;

He refused my offer of hospitality

elude, especially in a baffling way;

This behavior defies explanation

refuse to let have;

She denies me every pleasure

he denies her her weekly allowance

resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ;

His body rejected the liver of the donor

refuse entrance or membership;

They turned away hundreds of fans

Black people were often rejected by country clubs


❌ He refused that he had ever taken bribes.

✔️ He refused to admit that he had ever taken bribes.



❌ She refused accepting the criticism.

✔️ She refused to accept the criticism.



❌ We refused his help.

✔️ We declined his help.



❌ He refused me to use his computer.

✔️ He refused to let me use his computer.


refuse, decline, reject


1.从语气上来说, refuse是最普通的用词,一般指直接地拒绝,语气不那么委婉。decline语气较委婉,相当于汉语的“谢绝”。例如:

He declined my invitation because of a previous appointment.因另有约会在先,他谢绝了我的邀请。


He rejected my friendly advice upon further consideration.他经过进一步的考虑,明确地拒绝了我友好的建议。

2.从搭配上来说,这三个词都可接名词如an offer作宾语,但invitation只能与refer, decline搭配; suggestion只能与reject, decline搭配; permission只能与refuse搭配; plan只能与reject搭配。另外refuse和decline都可接动词不定式作宾语,而reject则不可以。例如:

He refused〔declined〕 to join us in the game.他拒绝与我们一起游戏。
refuse, rubbish, waste


waste 作“废物”解时,是最普通用词,指失去原使用价值的、陈旧、破损了的物品; refuse通常指积聚成一堆的废旧物品或垃圾; rubbish 通常泛指垃圾,包括一切废物,这些废物已毫无用处,毫无价值。例如:

There are many heaps of refuse along the street. 沿街有许多垃圾。

The rubbish here must be cleared away as soon as possible.这儿的垃圾必须尽快清除。refuse,decline,reject,repel,deny







用作动词 v.
~+名词refuse a command拒绝执行命令refuse a job拒绝接受工作refuse a present拒绝礼品refuse an office推辞某职务refuse bribe拒绝贿赂refuse consent不答应refuse favour拒绝好意refuse gift拒收礼物refuse help拒绝帮助refuse invitation拒绝邀请refuse medicine拒绝吃药refuse obedience拒绝服从refuse promotion不接受提拔refuse request拒绝要求refuse satisfaction拒绝赔偿refuse suitors拒绝求婚者~+副词refuse arbitrarily顽固地拒绝refuse austerely严肃地拒绝refuse bluntly干脆地拒绝refuse categorically断然拒绝refuse completely完全拒绝refuse courteously客气地拒绝refuse curtly毫不客气地拒绝refuse delicately小心地拒绝refuse doggedly顽强地拒绝refuse emphatically强硬地拒绝refuse firmly坚决不答应refuse flatly断然拒绝refuse gracefully有礼貌地拒绝refuse habitually习惯性地拒绝refuse haughtily傲慢地拒绝refuse honorably正大光明地拒绝refuse indignantly愤怒地拒绝refuse inexorably无情地拒绝refuse modestly婉言拒绝refuse obstinately顽固地拒绝refuse peremptorily专横地拒绝refuse persistently固执地拒绝refuse politely婉言拒绝refuse positively斩钉截铁地拒绝refuse prudently谨慎地拒绝refuse scornfully轻蔑地拒绝refuse scrupulously小心翼翼地拒绝refuse spitefully恶意地拒绝refuse steadfastly坚定地拒绝refuse stubbornly顽固地拒绝refuse stupidly愚蠢地拒绝用作名词 n.动词+~carry off refuse运垃圾collect refuse收垃圾put refuse放垃圾take away refuse运走垃圾名词+~kitchen refuse厨房垃圾tin refuse废锡tin ore refuse废锡矿~+名词refuse consumer垃圾焚烧炉refuse destructor furnace毁渣炉refuse dump垃圾堆refuse matter垃圾refuse oil废油refuse wood废木料
近义词 rubbish反义词 accept接受
S+~+AHe asked her to marry him but she refused.他向她求婚,但她拒绝了。
We asked him to come, but he refused.我们叫他来,可是他拒绝了。
He cannot refuse if you ask politely.如果你客气一点的话,他是不会拒绝的。
S+~+ n./pron.I think he won't refuse me.我想他不会拒绝我的。
He made her an offer in this room, and she refused him.他就在这间屋子里向她求婚,她却拒绝了。
She refused his gift.她不肯收他的礼物。
I cannot very well refuse their offers.他们提供帮助,我不好拒绝。
He proudly refused help from anyone.他傲慢地拒绝了任何人的帮助。
He seemed disappointed when the man refused his request.当那个人拒绝了他的要求时,他看起来很失望。
He resolutely refused their bribe.他坚决不接受他们的贿赂。
She refused their invitation.她拒绝了他们的邀请。
Because of a prior engagement we had to refuse the invitation.我们因为有约在先,所以不得不回绝邀请。
When very ill, she refused medicine.病重时,她不肯吃药。
The patient refused anything, even a little soup.病人什么也吃不下,甚至一点汤。
You'll not refuse beer, won't you?你不会喝不了啤酒的,对吗?
The request was curtly refused.这个请求被毫不客气地拒绝了。
Our application for visas was refused.我们的签证申请未获批准。S+~+to- vShe refused to tell us the truth.她拒不对我们讲真情。
He never refuses to help others.他从不拒绝帮助别人。
They refused to bow to force.他们拒绝向武力低头。
They refused to consider the proposal.他们拒绝考虑这一建议。
He has refused to let me use his toothbrush.他拒绝让我使用他的牙刷。
Thousands of people refuse to pay their taxes.成千上万的人拒不交税。
My legs refused to carry me further.我实在走不动了。
She refused to see him.她不愿见他。
Why do you always refuse to tell me where you live?你为什么老是不肯告诉我你在什么地方住?
He was wounded but refused to leave the line.他受伤了,但不肯离开前线。
He refused to comply with their wishes.他不肯按他们的意愿办。
He's refusing to go after all his promises?他答应了却又拒绝走吗?
They refused to be enslaved and rose in struggle.他们不甘心受奴役而起来斗争了。
He stubbornly refused to be taught by these mistakes.他顽固地不肯从这些错误中吸取教训。
The horse refused to jump over the fence.马不肯跳过栅栏。
The car absolutely refused to start.这辆汽车完全发动不起来。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.He doesn't refuse her anything.她要什么他就给什么。
He refused me permission.他拒绝答应我的要求。
He refused me shelter.他拒绝留我住宿。
The firm refused them a prolongation of the terms of payment.该公司拒绝了他们延长付款期限的要求。
She refused him even a kiss.她甚至连他的吻都不肯接受。
They were refused admittance.他们被拒绝进入。
The cheque has been refused payment.这张支票已被拒绝付款。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.Jack refused money to her.杰克不答应给她钱。
They refused help to him.他们拒绝给他提供帮助。
The cinema owners have the right to refuse admission to anyone under eighteen years of age.电影院老板有权不让未满18岁的人入场。用作名词n.Refuse is collected twice a week.垃圾每周收两次。
The refuse was unloaded at the market dump.垃圾被卸在市场垃圾堆里。
The street-cleaning department takes away all refuse from the streets.环卫部门把垃圾从街道上运走。
The truck carried off the refuse.卡车把垃圾运走了。
Put all the refuse in the dustbin.把这些垃圾都放在垃圾箱里。

refuse的基本意思是“拒绝”,指由于不情愿或不愿意而对某项要求或事物给予否定的回答或不接受某物或不肯做某事。在口语中, refuse还可接表示饮食的名词作宾语,意为“吃不来…,喝不来…”。







He refused to go with us.他拒绝和我们一起走。


He refused me to use his bicycle.He refused to let me use his bicycle.

表示不接受对方的邀请,请求或是提议时,一般不用refuse或是reject,而常用cannot accept,cannot comply with,decline等。

用作动词Irefuseto answer that question.我不愿回答那个问题。
We wererefusedpermission to enter.我们被拒之门外。用作名词There is arefusedump out of the town.镇外有个垃圾场。
The council is responsible forrefusecollection.市政局负责清除垃圾废物。as in.negative
同义词 adverse,gloomy,pessimistic,unfavorable,weakabrogatingannullinganti,con,contrarycontraveningdenyingdisallowingdisavowing,dissenting,gainsayingimpugninginvalidating,jaundiced,naysaying,neutralizing,nullifying,opposing,recusant,rejecting,removed,resistingagainst,antagonistic,balky,colorless,counteractive,cynical,detrimental,dissentient,nugatory,privative,repugnant,resistive,unaffirmative,unenthusiastic,uninterested,unwilling
反义词 confident,favorablegood,positiveas in.noncompliant
同义词 belligerent,irregular,negative,refractorycontumacious,declinatory,declining,divergent,impatient,objecting,rebellious,recalcitrant,restive,truculent
反义词 compliant,obedient,subservient,willingas in.denial
同义词 disapproval,rebuttal,rejection,repudiation,retraction,vetoadjuration,brush-off,contradiction,declination,disavowal,disclaimer,disproof,dissent,forswearing,nay,negation,negative,nix,nonacceptance,prohibition,protestation,rebuff,refutal,refutation,renouncement,renunciation,repulse,turndownabstaining,cold shoulder,controversion,disallowance,dismissing,gainsaying,noncommittal,refraining,rejecting,renegement,repudiating,statement abnegation
反义词 allowance,approval,confirmation,ratification,sanction,agreement,permissionaffirmation,avowal,claim,corroborationvouchingas in.traversal
同义词 abnegation,adjuration,brush-off,contradiction,declination,disaffirmation,disapproval,disavowal,disclaimer,disproof,dissent,forswearing,nay,negation,negative,nix,nonacceptance,prohibition,protestation,rebuff,rebuttal,refutal,refutation,rejection,renouncement,renunciation,repudiation,repulse,retraction,statement,turndown,vetoabstaining,cold shoulder,controversion,disaffirmance,disallowance,dismissing,gainsaying,noncommittal,refraining,rejecting,renegement,repudiating
反义词 acceptance,agreement,allowance,approval,confirmation,corroboration,endorsement,OK,permission,ratification,sanction
denialnoun dismissal, refusal of belief in
abstaining,adjuration,brush-off,cold shoulder,contradiction,controversion,declination,disallowance,disapproval,disavowal,disclaimer,dismissing,disproof,dissent,forswearing,gainsaying,nay,negation,negative,nix,nonacceptance,noncommittal,prohibition,protestation,rebuff,rebuttal,refraining,refutal,refutation,rejecting,rejection,renegement,renouncement,renunciation,repudiating,repudiation,repulse,retraction,statement abnegation,turndown,veto
more negativeadjective bad, contradictory
negativeadjective bad, contradictory
noncompliantadjective unwilling to go along with something
traversalnoun denial
abnegation,abstaining,adjuration,brush-off,cold shoulder,contradiction,controversion,declination,disaffirmance,disaffirmation,disallowance,disapproval,disavowal,disclaimer,dismissing,disproof,dissent,forswearing,gainsaying,nay,negation,negative,nix,nonacceptance,noncommittal,prohibition,protestation,rebuff,rebuttal,refraining,refusing,refutal,refutation,rejecting,rejection,renegement,renouncement,renunciation,repudiating,repudiation,repulse,retraction,statement,turndown,veto And that woman in the death throes refusing in tears to repudiate what she called her art gave evidence of a greatness that she never achieved behind the footlights.
那个女人在死亡的当口,包含着热泪,拒绝放弃她视之为艺术的东西,极力去证明一种她在舞台聚光灯后从未达到的伟大。 yeeyan

“ Netanyahu is refusing a Palestinian state, he wants to substitute the Palestinian state with a ghetto, with no sovereignty, with no control of its land,” said Mustafa Barghouti.
他说:“内塔尼亚胡是在拒绝一个巴勒斯坦国,他希望以一个没有主权,无法控制自己土地的贫民窟来代替巴勒斯坦国。” iciba

“ We started refusing cowpeas from Hainan about a month ago, just to be safe, ” a spokesperson for Chendu's Haoyouduo supermarket said.
“在一个月前,我们开始拒绝从海南来的豇豆了,仅仅是为了安全。”成都好又多超市的一个发言人说。 yeeyan

Also, you practiced refusing an offer of help and letting someone down gently.
同事,你也需要练习拒绝别人提供的帮助并温和地使对方失望。 hxen

But he blames Mr Scargill for refusing deals that could have saved some profitable mines.
但是他指责斯卡吉尔先生拒绝了可以挽救一些获利矿井的协议。 ecocn

But his work has been controversial, with some composers and orchestras refusing to play her work.
但他的工作一直是有争议的,一些作曲家和管弦乐队拒绝演奏他的作品。 yeeyan

But I'm seeing some small businesses refusing credit to long-term customers and even in some cases trying to become cash- only operations.
但是,我们看到一些小型企业拒绝提供信贷给长期客户甚至于在某些情况下试图只进行现金支付的操作。 yeeyan

But the Democrats are refusing to cooperate because they want an independent commission.
但民主党却拒绝合作,因为他们希望一个独立的委员会。 yeeyan

I was reluctant to go to the police station; my previous encounters with the Sierra Leonean force had consisted mostly of my refusing their requests for bribes when they pulled my car over.
我真的不想去警察局;因为我以前经常和塞拉利昂的警察打交道,大多数都是他们把我的车拖走后让我贿赂他们,但是我都拒绝了。 ecocn

It all boils down to respect. A monk cannot disrespect the layperson by refusing their food. And so, he must eat the food, whatever it happens to be.
一切都是因为尊重。一个僧人若拒绝了在家人的食物便是对他们的不尊重。所以僧人必须吃这些食物,不管它是什么做的。 yeeyan

Ivan is likewise by refusing to surrender the royal powers of the mind.
伊万同样也是,因为他拒绝向心智至高无上的王权低头。 yeeyan

Others confirm his eerie ability to exert a“ silent power”: refusing, for example, to say a word in one-on-one meetings, to the deep consternation of the other party.
其他人证实了他的怪诞而且可怕的能力—去施加一种“肃穆的力量“:譬如,拒绝在一对一的会议上说一句话。这令其它的党派诚惶诚恐。 ecocn

Please give me your reasons for refusing.
请向我讲明你拒绝的理由。 ebigear

She cast about for some excuse for refusing his proposal.

She dismayed me by refusing my offer.

She said that on Iran, the Bush administration made a mistake by refusing nuclear talks with Iran and outsourcing the policy process to others.
她说,在伊朗问题上,布什政府拒绝跟伊朗进行核问题会谈、将政策程序外包给别人,是一个错误。 ebigear

So long as Americans do not reduce their consumption of oil, refusing to drill at home means importing more of the stuff, often from places with looser environmental standards.
只要美国不减少对石油的消耗,那么拒绝在国内钻井就意味着从那些通常环境标准比较宽松的地方进口更多的石油。 ecocn

Some people die without ever moving out of the denial stage, refusing to acknowledge death until it's upon them.
有些人还没有走出否认阶段就离开了人世,直到死亡降临到身上拒绝承认它。 yeeyan

Their loud discussion took place in the union with an interested audience, until he finally stamped out in fury, still refusing to believe her.
他们的大声争执发生在俱乐部,引来一堆感兴趣的观众,直到他最终愤怒地跺着脚离开,依然拒绝相信她。 yeeyan

They are kicking out, fighting, refusing to do things, sometimes tantruming, or hiding under the table, that sort of thing.
他们用脚踢、打架、拒绝做事情,有时甚至暴跳如雷,或者躲在桌子下面,诸如此类的事情。 yeeyan

True professionals are much more harsh with their peer review because they have an individual interest in refusing competitors the privilege of being published.
真正的专业人员对于同行评审要严格得多,因为他们拒绝竞争对手优先出版对其个人是有利的。 yeeyan

Yes, they say, they agreed to back America’s war: refusing would have made an enemy of a superpower.

You do not blame me, however, for refusing him?
你总不会怪我拒绝了他吧? ebigear

Refusing on the basis that they must have some evil ulterior motive might be safer, but you might miss out on a great new friend.
或许拒绝会来得更为安全——出于认为他们一定是别有用心的理由,但你也有可能为此错过一个非常了不起的新伙伴。 yeeyan




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