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词汇 refusal to
释义 refusal to短语⁶⁷⁸¹
A history of abuses by the security forces, and the government’s long refusal to offer genuine political concessions to Tamil demands for autonomy, drove many into the clutches of the Tigers.
长期以来安全部队恶行累累,政府又一直拒绝就泰米尔人的自治要求做出实质性的政治让步,这使得更多的人加入了猛虎组织。 yeeyan

Russia’s problems were aggravated by the irresponsible inflationary policies of its central bank and by the Dumas refusal to establish an effective system to collect taxes.
再加上俄中央银行不负责任的通货膨胀政策,以及俄议会拒绝建立有力的税收制度,俄罗斯的情况雪上加霜。 yeeyan

The coup plotters were in confusion because of his resistance and refusal to resign the presidency.
由于他坚决反抗,拒绝辞去总统一职,政变的策划者们反而十分困惑。 yeeyan

The refusal to purchase the products of an individual, corporation, or nation as a way to bring social and political pressure for change.
拒绝购买某一个人、公司或国家的产品,作为施加社会、政治压力,促进其改变政策的一种手段。 ebigear

When he started dressing like a tramp he claimed it was, in part, to advertise his refusal to join polite, ie, hypocritical society.
他像一个流浪汉那样穿衣时,声称这在某种程度上是表明他拒绝与上流社会换言之,即虚伪社会为伍。 ecocn

Beyond their settings, what these future- war games have in common with the Modern Warfare series is a refusal to forthrightly acknowledge the inspiration for their subject matter.
除了这些设定,这些关于未来战争的游戏与《现代战争》系列的另一个共同点是它们都拒绝直接承认其主题的来源。 yeeyan

During the latest round of negotiations in Barcelona, developing nations walked out over the America’s refusal to commit to cuts in carbon emissions.
在巴塞罗那最近一轮协商会谈中,继美国拒绝承诺减少碳排放之后,许多发展中国家也选择退出。 yeeyan

Hence her refusal to endorse unlimited bond buying by the ECB and her dismissal of jointly guaranteed eurobonds, an idea touted again this week by the European Commission.
因此她拒绝支持欧洲央行无限制地购买债券,不考虑联合保证欧洲债券的想法,这个本周又一次由欧委会提出讨论的想法。 ecocn

Her refusal to change course led directly to her removal from office and the reversal of the hated policy by her successor.
她拒绝改弦更张的态度直接导致了她的下台,也让其后继者撤销了这令人痛恨的政策。 ecocn

His downbeat style and steady hand have piloted Latvia back to growth via gruelling austerity, an international bail-out and a steadfast refusal to devalue the lat.
他悲天悯人的个性和果断的手腕曾通过艰苦的紧缩、国际保释和坚决拒绝拉托维亚币贬值使得拉脱维亚恢复发展。 ecocn

His government has been worried by China's provocative refusal to give a proper visa to an Indian general, apparently because he served in a“ disputed” region, Kashmir.

His suspicions have been heightened by the government’s refusal to reveal plans for the expanded road or explain how it came up with its nonnegotiable compensation terms.
政府拒绝公开道路拓宽计划,也没有解释这些不容谈判的理赔条件是如何提出来的,就更加增加了他的猜测。 yeeyan

If it passes, it could be approved by a majority vote of EU governments, clearing the way for the Turks to drop their refusal to open Turkish ports and airports to trade with the Greek- Cypriots.
如果通过,其将被欧盟大多数成员国认可,为使土耳其人放弃在拒绝开放土耳其港口和机场与希赛人通商这一事情上,开辟了道路。 ecocn

Instead, their refusal to roll out the emissions-busting technology they’ve developed is keeping us hooked on oil and putting our planet at risk of climate change.
不过,他们拒绝推广他们研发的减排技术,这令我们在对石油的依赖中不能自拔,也使我们的星球面临气候变化的风险。 yeeyan

It will be welcome; because many consider that India is expending even greater effort on justifying its refusal to control its emissions.
它将是受人欢迎的,因为许多国家都认为印度为了证明其并没有拒绝控制排放量而正在做出更多的努力。 ecocn

Not a small number of Indians must die each year thanks to that collective refusal to be bothered.
而每年由这些集体性的“拒绝被打扰”心态间接杀死的印度人绝不是一个小数目。 yeeyan

Officials from six world powers have expressed disappointment at Iran's refusal to accept a proposal to send its uranium abroad for further enrichment.
世界六个大国的官员对伊朗拒绝接受将其生产的铀送到国外进一步浓缩的提议表示失望。 iciba

Openly supporting Rosa Parks and her refusal to relinquish her seat to a white bus passenger made him a target for his opponents and his house was bombed.
由于他公开支持罗莎·帕克斯和她在公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座的行为,他成了对手们攻击的对象,他的住所也遭到炸弹的袭击。 kekenet

So Sarah's refusal to return essentially limited how you could kill her?
提问:所以莎拉拒绝回归这一点就限制了你能如何“杀”了她? hjenglish




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