

单词 refurbish
释义 re·fur·bish 英riːˈfɜːbɪʃ美riˈfɝbɪʃAHDrē-fûrʹbĭsh ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA²³⁹⁹⁷BNC³⁶⁸⁶⁵iWeb¹²⁶⁹⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

make brighter and prettier;

we refurbished the guest wing

My wife wants us to renovate

re-,再,重新,furbish,磨光,擦亮。GRE红宝书re再, furbishv 擦亮
furbish 擦亮, 磨光;re反复 + fur毛皮 + brush擦→反复用毛皮擦→擦亮
词根记忆re-再furbish磨光,磨亮⇒擦亮词根记忆re + furbish磨光,磨亮⇒擦亮词根记忆re+furbish装饰=再装饰=刷新近义词 revamp改造repair修理restore恢复renovate修理overhaul翻修renew重新开始redecorate重新装饰smarten up变得漂亮do up修缮 打扮 使整洁,精疲…freshen up沐浴更衣, 使精神饱满…

用作及物动词The flat will berefurbishedfor the new tenants.这套房间将重新粉刷以接纳新房客。
Our house will berefurbishedin the near future.我们的房子最近将进行翻修。
Sherefurbishedall the pots and pans.她将所有的锅碗瓢盆都擦拭一新。verb.spruce up
同义词 fix up,modernize,overhaul,recondition,redo,refit,rehabilitate,remodel,renovate,repair,restore,revamp,updatemend,refresh,rejuvenate,renew,retread,spruceclean up,do up,gussy up,reequip,rehab,set to rights
反义词 antique,break,damage,destroy,hurt,ruin,kill
brush upverb improve condition
clean up,cram,go over,look over,polish up,read up,refresh one's memory,relearn,renovate,reread,retouch,review,revise,study,touch up
furbishverb polish;renovate
brighten,buff,burnish,clean,deck out,fix up,glaze,gloss,gussy up,improve,recondition,refurbish,rehabilitate,renew,restore,rub,shine,smarten up,spruce up
mendverb correct, improve, fix
aid,ameliorate,amend,better,condition,convalesce,cure,darn,doctor,emend,fiddle with,gain,get better,get well,heal,knit,look up,overhaul,patch,perk up,ready,rebuild,recondition,reconstruct,recover,rectify,recuperate,redress,refit,reform,refurbish,rejuvenate,remedy,renew,renovate,repair,restore,retouch,revamp,revise,right,service,sew
re-createverb renew
begin again,brace,breathe new life into,bring up to date,continue,exhilarate,extend,fix up,freshen,furbish,gentrify,give a new look to,go over,mend,modernize,overhaul,prolong,reaffirm,reawaken,recommence,recondition,reestablish,refit,refresh,refurbish,regenerate,rehabilitate,reinvigorate,rejuvenate,remodel,renovate,reopen,repair,repeat,replace,replenish,restate,restock,restore,resume,resuscitate,retread,revamp,revitalize,revive,spruce,stimulate,transform
rearrangeverb change the places of things
rebuildverb restore
overhaul,reassemble,recondition,reconstruct,refurbish An American- financed project to refurbish the power station and upgrade the transmission lines is a development priority but work stopped last May when the area became too insecure.
一个由美国资助的项目旨在整修发电站及升级传输线,该项目得到优先发展,但已于去年夏天该地区变得很不安全时停工。 ecocn

But thanks to high oil prices and revolutionary solidarity, plans are now afoot to refurbish the rundown facilities and restock the zoo.
但是,得益于高油价和革命团结精神,重新整修和充实动物园的计划正在进行中。 ecocn

Critics accuse him of diverting those funds from existing schools: he has cancelled a big programme to rebuild or refurbish every secondary school in England.
批评者指责他从已建学校中夺走了这些钱:他取消了一个大项目,这一项目意在重修英格兰所有的中学。 ecocn

His plan, “ Carrefour Planet”, is to spend€1.5 billion $2.1 billion to refurbish and redesign500 hypermarkets around the world within two years.
拉尔斯的“家乐福行星”计划将斥资15亿欧元21亿美元,在两年内重新装饰并设计全球500家超级卖场。 ecocn

Housing Society volunteers refurbish the homes for the elderly.
房协的义工为长者粉饰家居。 tingvoa

However, the decision by Warner Bros to buy and refurbish the Leavesden studios in north London may help delay the descent of British cinema into a cottage industry.
然而,华纳兄弟购买和翻新位于伦敦北部的利维斯顿工作室的决定可能有助于延迟英国电影业下滑成小型产业。 yeeyan

I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening.
一天之内,读完失乐园、白鲸、大卫科波菲尔,剩下的时间,还够我将餐厅,装饰一新。 yeeyan

Most of that money will be used to refurbish a port that will be for India's use.
这笔钱的大部分将被用来整修一个为印度所用的港口。 ebigear

Nearly as healthy are the Department of Energy installations still used to assemble, refurbish and maintain the estimated10,000 warheads in the United States' nuclear stockpile.
几乎完好的是能源安装部门仍然使用在美国核子储蓄库中装配,抛光和维持估计的10,000个弹头。 cnufo

Scottish restaurateurs Catherine and David Gardner took three years to refurbish Villa Bordoni, a10-room villa in the Tuscan countryside.
在苏格兰餐馆老板 Catherine和 David Gardner花了三年时间去翻新Bordoni别墅,一个位于托斯卡纳乡村的10间房别墅。 yeeyan

The company has ambitious programs to expand into China, refurbish existing restaurants and add items to its menus.
其在中国正准备野心勃勃的计划,包括增加门店,装修门店以及革新菜单等。 yeeyan

This paper introduces the display RAM controller of terminals, which is designed with FPGA, and focuses on the development of direct refurbish controller of graphics display RAM.
本文主要阐述了用 FPGA设计显示终端的显示 RAM控制器的原理和应用模型,着重介绍图形显示 RAM的透明刷新存储设计方法和用 FPGA的实现技术。 cnki

We can repair or refurbish any instrument to a “ like new” condition.
我们可以将任何器械修理或抛光使其和新的一样。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

You can also refurbish suits and shirts by having cuffs repaired, buttons replaced and hem lines adjusted.
缝补袖口、钉上扣子、补好边缘,坏掉的套装和衬衫就可以继续穿了。 hjenglish

You can play the real estate market and refurbish your new, luxurious home.
你可以投身到房地产市场,还可以装修你的豪华新房。 joyen




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