

单词 refunded
释义 re·fund·ed 英'riːfʌnd美'riːfʌnd COCA⁷⁰⁰³¹BNC³⁶⁵²⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

repayment or reimbursement

vt. 归还,退还

pay back;reimburse

money returned to a payerthe act of returning money received previously
pay back;

Please refund me my money

refund mechanism退币机构claim for refund要求退款coin refund退币口general average refund共同海损退费…appropriation refund拨款退回procedure for refund退费手续refund gate退币口refund of fare退还价款,退还所付费…refund of tax退税refund the price照原价偿还,退还价款…refund key退币键lay up refund停航退费refund of duty退税water pollution charge refund返还排污费tax refund退税refund order退款单rate refund偿还税款
近义词 pay支付back后面repay偿还return返回restore恢复pay back偿还reimburse偿还repayment偿还give back归还recompense补偿compensate补偿compensation补偿reimbursement偿还
用作名词n.The customer loudly demanded a refund.顾客大声地要求退款。
He said that he needed to get his supervisor to authorize my refund.他说必须让主管人员批准我的退款。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.Tickets cannot be exchanged and refunded.门票不可退换。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.The hotel refunded him 100 yuan .旅馆退给他100元。
用作名词The residents made a claim for therefundof property tax.居民们要求发还物业税。
We insisted on arefundof the full amount.我们坚决要求全额退款。用作及物动词Needless to say, we shallrefundany expenses you may incur.不用说,我们将会偿还你所担负的任何费用。
We willrefundyou if the purchase has any quality defect.如果所购物品存在质量问题,我们将退款给您。
We willrefundyour money in full if you are not completely satisfied.如果你不是非常满意的话,我们会给您全额退款。adj.returned
同义词 acquitted,discharged,paid,reimbursed,repaidadj.placed on a new financial basis
同义词 borrowed,reconstituted,redeemed,reestablished,reissued,renegotiated,renewed,revised
paidadjective rewarded
repaidadjective reimbursed
compensated,indemnified,paid back,recompensed,refunded,remunerated,requited,restored
returnedadjective restored
brought back,exchanged,given back,reappeared,reboundedrecurredrefundedreoccurredrepaid,repeatedrestitutedreverberated,revolved And most important of all, all fees must be paid at the time of the booking, and will not be refunded under any circumstances.
最重要的一点就是,所用的费用必须在预订时全部付清,在任何情况下都不会退还。 wwenglish

Graduates who join the army or who take up jobs in poor, remote areas of western China will get their university tuition fees refunded by the government.
加入军队,或是到贫穷、偏远的中国西部省份就业的学生将得到由政府返还的学费。 yeeyan

No tuition will be refunded.
已缴学费不能退还。 iciba

Should the ship be lost or missing, payment of hire shall cease from the day when the ship was lost or last heard of. Any hire paid in advance shall be refunded in proportion.
船舶发生灭失或者失踪的,租金应当自船舶灭失或者得知其最后消息之日起停止支付,预付租金应当按照比例退还。 scientrans

The balance will be refunded back to you after we receive the items.
我们在收到退回货物后,会退回款项。 ebigear

The budget of a local government at any level includes revenues turned over by the governments at lower levels and revenues refunded or subsidies granted by the governments at higher levels.
地方各级政府预算包括下级政府向上级政府上解的收入数额和上级政府对下级政府返还或者给予补助的数额。 putclub

The Ceglias told the state troopers that the company did fulfill three orders and refunded10 to20.
切利亚告诉州警察他公司的确是履行了3笔订单,并且还退还了10至20笔。 ecocn

A few days later the club revoked the contract and refunded the advance.
几天后,这家俱乐部违反了合同并且提前支付了赔款。 yeeyan

All pending ad sales will be refunded at MY expense.
所有进行中的广告出售都将退回,代价由我支付。 iciba

Can it be refunded at your counter?
这件衣服能在你们柜台退吗? jukuu

Deposit will not be refunded if you breach the contract.
如果你违约的话,订金就不会被退还。 nciku

Fortunately, this was later refunded.
幸运的是,这笔钱后来退了回来。 yeeyan

If he cannot complete the agreement the payments are refunded, minus a service charge.
如果顾客不能完成协议,之前所付的货款将被扣除一笔服务费后返还。 ecocn

If no domain is registered, the money is refunded in full.
如果客户没有注册任何域名,那么保证金将全部返还。 yeeyan

If you are not completely satisfied, your money will be refunded.
如果您不完全满意,你的钱将退还。 diula

In the case of the winner, the amounts are refunded after a contract has been signed and the necessary performance bond is provided.
得标人的投标证金在签了合同和提供了履约保证后,也可退回。 http://dj.iciba.com

Taxes unfairly taken will be refunded, and a new system will ensure it cannot happen again.
不公平的税务将被退还,并且一个新的系统将确保这不会再次发生。 douban

The fee, intended to discourage frivolous claims that could overwhelm the authorities, would be refunded if the person were cleared.
这些罚款用来阻碍那些琐碎的令当局不安的主张,如果被控者被证明是清白的,罚款也将被退回。 yeeyan

They refunded us our money.
他们把钱退还给我们。 iciba

We do not accept merchandise for return unless items are defective, in which case they will be replaced, subject to availability, or refunded at buyers discretion.
若非商品瑕疵我们并不接受退货,而瑕疵品将依照您的意愿替换若尚有存货或是退款。 ebigear

When upgrading runs gotten in- game the cost of the old rune will now be refunded.
当升级游戏中取得的符石时,那个旧符石的花费点数将被退还。 iciba




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