

单词 refund
释义 re·fund 英rɪˈfʌnd, ˈriːˌfʌnd美rɪˈfʌnd, ˈriˌfʌndAHDrĭ-fŭndʹ, rēʹfŭnd' ★★☆☆☆高六研IMT6COCA¹⁶¹⁵⁸BNC¹⁷¹¹²iWeb³⁰⁹⁶Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺


repayment or reimbursement

vt. 归还,退还

pay back;reimburse

money returned to a payerthe act of returning money received previously
pay back;

Please refund me my money

re-,向后,往回,-fund,流入,词源同 foundry,fusion.即流回,引申词义退款,返还。refund mechanism退币机构claim for refund要求退款coin refund退币口general average refund共同海损退费…appropriation refund拨款退回procedure for refund退费手续refund gate退币口refund of fare退还价款,退还所付费…refund of tax退税refund the price照原价偿还,退还价款…refund key退币键lay up refund停航退费refund of duty退税water pollution charge refund返还排污费tax refund退税refund order退款单rate refund偿还税款
非常记忆re热〖拼音〗+fund基金〖熟词〗⇒热门的基金不能退还词根记忆re向后+fund资金→退回资金→退款词根记忆re向后+fund资金→退回资金→退还re回来+fund流,倾泻→流回来⇒退还,偿还。re重新+fund钱⇒重新还回钱→退还近义词 pay支付back后面repay偿还return返回restore恢复pay back偿还reimburse偿还repayment偿还give back归还recompense补偿compensate补偿compensation补偿reimbursement偿还
用作名词n.The customer loudly demanded arefund.顾客大声地要求退款。
He said that he needed to get his supervisor to authorize myrefund.他说必须让主管人员批准我的退款。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.Tickets cannot be exchanged and refunded.门票不可退换。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.The hotel refunded him 100 yuan .旅馆退给他100元。Prefundment归还偿还Ppre-refunding预先再筹资金Prefundablea.可偿还的可归还的Prefunding以新债券偿还债务举债还债

用作名词The residents made a claim for therefundof property tax.居民们要求发还物业税。
We insisted on arefundof the full amount.我们坚决要求全额退款。用作及物动词Needless to say, we shallrefundany expenses you may incur.不用说,我们将会偿还你所担负的任何费用。
We willrefundyou if the purchase has any quality defect.如果所购物品存在质量问题,我们将退款给您。
We willrefundyour money in full if you are not completely satisfied.如果你不是非常满意的话,我们会给您全额退款。noun.returned money
同义词 allowance,compensation,discount,kickback,payment,rebate,reimbursement,repayment,restitutionacquittance,consolation,discharge,remuneration,retribution,return,satisfaction,settlementgive-up,giveback,money back
反义词 penaltyverb.return money;rebate
同义词 adjust,compensate,pay back,recoup,redeem,reimburse,relinquish,remit,repaybalance,indemnify,recompense,redress,remunerate,restore,reward,settlegive back,honor a claim,make amends,make good,make repayment,make up for
反义词 deprive,forfeit,hold,keep,lose,penalize,take
cashnoun money;assets
banknote,bread,buck,bullion,cabbage,chicken feed,coin,coinage,currency,dinero,dough,funds,green stuff,investment,legal tender,mazuma,note,payment,pledge,principal,ready assets,remuneration,reserve,resources,riches,savings,scratch,security,skins,stock,supply,treasure,wampum,wherewithal
compensateverb make restitution
atone,come down with,commit,guerdon,indemnify,make good,pay,pay up,plank out,pony up,recompense,recoup,refund,reimburse,remunerate,repay,requite,reward,satisfy,shell out,take care of,tickle the palm
make restitutionverb make amends
atone,compensate,make good indemnify,pay back,pay damages,recompense,refund,reimburse,repay,square
payverb give money for goods, services
adjust,bear the cost,bear the expense,bequeath,bestow,chip in,clear,come through,compensate,confer,cough up,defray,dig up,disburse,discharge,extend,foot,foot the bill,grant,hand over,handle,honor,kick in,liquidate,make payment,meet,offer,plunk down,prepay,present,proffer,put up,recompense,recoup,refund,reimburse,remit,remunerate,render,repay,requite,reward,satisfy,settle,stake,take care of
paymentnoun fee;installment of fee
paymentsnoun fee;installment of fee
acquittals,advances,alimony,amends,amortization,amounts,annuities,awards,bounties,cash,defrayals,defrayments,deposits,disbursements,discharges,downs,fees,hires,indemnifications,outlays,parts,pay-offs,payings,pensions,portions,premiums,quittances,reckonings,recompense,redress,refunds,reimbursements,remittances,remunerations,reparations,repayments,requitals,restitutions,retaliations,returns,rewards,salaries,settlements,subsidies,sums,supports,wages Check the change before you leave. No refund for tickets sold.
购票中请当面清点票款,门票售出,恕不退款。 hjenglish

The college refused to refund her tuition.
学校拒绝退还她的学费。 hjenglish

The notion that GE paid no taxes in2010, and even got a refund seems to have come from a misreading of its accounts.
通用电气被认为其在2010没有缴纳任何税款,甚至还得到了退税,但此观点似乎是源于其帐目误导了大众。 ecocn

Can I refund this ticket?
我可以退这张票吗? ebigear

Customers who have ordered the model could get full refund if they intend to return the car.
如果那些预定了这款车型的顾客们想退回这款车,那么他们可以获得全额退款。 cri

Failing that, I will have to insist on a refund in full of the price which I paid for it.
做不到这一点,我将不得不坚持要你们全额退还我所支付的全价。 iciba

For requests within10 working days of the test, there is no refund.
但如果在考前10个工作日之内接到的申请,我们将不退款。 edu.sina.com.cn

He eventually found a job, but without the help of ITS, and received a partial refund after threatening to report the company to the authorities.
他最终找到一份工作,但不是在 ITS的帮助下,并且说在要向相关部门报告后得到了部分退款。 yeeyan

I would, however, be perfectly satisfied if you would kindly replace the camera or refund my money, whichever is more convenient.
然而,如果你们能够给我调换一台相机或者是退还我钱的话,怎么方便就怎么做,我将十分的满意。 hjenglish

I contacted the customer service via e- mail and was told they would replace the camera or give me a refund for the purchase price.
我通过电子邮件联系了客户服务,他们告诉我说他们可以换一款新的相机给我或者将购物款退还给我。 yeeyan

If you're travelling to another country within the EU before you finally leave the EU, then you must show your goods and refund form to customs officials in that country when you leave it.
如果你去另外的欧盟国家旅游,在最后离开的那个欧盟国家,向海关人员提交你的退税申请表格,以及配合检查你购买的退税产品。 yeeyan

Instead of pleading with Microsoft for a refund, he just decided to purchase some new video games and a replacement controller with the points.
与其向微软提出退款,他决心还是用这些购物点数买一些新的视频游戏和一个替换手柄。 yeeyan

It emerged that George Soros is to close his hedge fund to outside investors and will refund up to $1 billion to those who have put in money.
出现索罗斯将要对外部投资者关闭它的对冲基金,并且将会对存入钱的投资者退还最多1百万美元。 ecocn

Most mainstream retailers promise a refund if the item goes on sale within a certain number of days after you buy it.
大多数主流零售商都是承诺如果在你买过商品之后的一定天数之内,那东西打折促销,是会退给你差额的。 marketerskill.com

Mr. Ma said that out of110 mainland students, only one has needed a refund, though two clients have been granted admission only if they pay full tuition.
马先生说,在110多个大陆学生中,只有一个将给予退款,还有其他两名学生只要付了全额学费就能拿到美国学校的录取。 yeeyan

Our research shows that a deposit refund scheme would reduce litter and increase rates of recycling, while at the same time reducing public sector spending on waste.
据我们的调查显示,押金偿还制度可以减少垃圾的产生,提高循环率,同时也可以减少政府在社会公共领域内对废弃物管理的支出。 yeeyan

She is due refund.




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