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词汇 refuges
释义 ref·uge·s 英'refjuːdʒ美'refjuːdʒ COCA²⁹³⁴⁰BNC³⁴³⁷⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
UC庇护所,避难处; 庇护,避难

a place that provides protection or shelter from danger

a safe place;

He ran to safety

something or someone turned to for assistance or security;

his only recourse was the police

took refuge in lying

a shelter from danger or hardshipact of turning to for assistance;

have recourse to the courts

an appeal to his uncle was his last resort

refuge, cover, protection, shelter

这组词都是指一处保护某人使不受袭击或伤害的地方,但含义有所不同:cover的意思是“隐蔽物”“躲避处”,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等; protection的意思是“保护物”“保护”,在这组词中,它的词义最笼统,用途最广,可指任何阻挡伤害或破坏的事物; refuge和shelter都用以指无家可归的人能够得到照顾和施舍的地方。例如:

Take cover in the barn as soon as you hear gun fire.一听见枪声就躲进谷仓里吧。
A strong defence system offers protection from sudden attack by the enemy.坚固的防御系统提供保护以防备敌人 的突袭。
The trees formed a shelter over our heads.这些树成为我们的庇护所。
He has found a refuge.他已找到一个避难所。protection,refuge,shelter





14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的refuge,意为躲避处;最初源自拉丁语的refugium,意为逃避的地方take refuge避难take refuge in 逃到在 … …women's refuge妇女避难所traffic island交通岛game refuge禁猎区refuge shelter避难所country of refuge避难国political refuge政治避难glacial refuge冰川残遗种保护区…refuge bay避车台seek refuge寻求庇护port of refuge避难港refuge platform避车台refuge harbor避风港refuge island避车岛wildlife refuge野生动物保护区…harbor of refuge避风带(避难所…
近义词 nest巢tower塔port港口fort堡垒haven港口harbor海港safety安全retreat撤退harbour港口asylum收容所fortress堡垒security安全dwelling住处covert隐蔽的recourse依赖shelter避难所sanctuary圣所habitat栖息地protection保护retirement退休concealment隐匿resort度假胜地bolthole联络小风巷
用作名词n.They found a refuge in a cave.他们避难于一个山洞中。
The travelers sought a refuge from the storm.游客们寻找到一个躲避暴风雨的地方。
They took refuge in a cellar.他们躲避到一个地下室里。
用作名词They tookrefugein a cave yesterday.他们昨天是在一个洞里避难的。
It is a classic sanctuary in which the rationalist fancy may takerefuge.这是一所古雅的圣殿,理性主义者可以躲在其中。
A small cave was the onlyrefugefrom the cold.小洞穴是唯一的避寒处。
They were forced to seekrefugefrom the fighting.他们被迫寻求庇护,以躲避战争。用作动词Drug traffickersrefugedin these border areas.毒品贩子在这些边界地区躲避。
The political defector wasrefugedin an embassy.那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难。
They tookrefugein a cave yesterday.他们昨天是在一个洞里避难的。
A major section of Nar Shaddaa became arefugefor Neimoidians in hiding.纳沙达的一个主要分区成了避难的内莫迪亚人的庇护所。 A space ark with a small population of refuges might be dispatched to find shelter on a moon of one of the system’s gas giant outer planets.
载着少量难民的太空方舟,可能被派往银河系的一颗巨大的气体外行星的卫星上寻找避难所。 yeeyan

At the moment many of the best refuges are to be found in corporate bonds.
现在最好的解决办法是企业债券。 ecocn

The Department of the Interior declined to appeal against a judge’s reversal of a policy that allowed people to carry loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges.
一位法官提出要取消允许人民在国家公园和野生动物庇护所带枪的政策,内政部拒绝对这位法官提起上诉。 ecocn

The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, a unit of Gateway National Recreation Area, is one of the most important urban wildlife refuges in the United States.
属于盖特韦国家误乐区的牙买加湾野生动物保护区是美国城市野生动物保护区最重要的一部分。 xitek

According to the health ministry, more than 13,000 were killed in animal refuges last year, more than one in three of the country's37, 000 strays.
根据卫生部统计,去年一年,在比利时的动物收容所就有一万三千只猫被杀死,占全国流浪猫的三分之一。 iciba

An emergency response effort is under way to stop the flow of oil and contain the existing slick before it reaches wildlife refuges and beaches in Louisiana and Mississippi.
一个应急救援行动,正在紧张地堵塞涌出的石油和遏制现着之前泄露出的浮油滑向野生动物保护区和路易斯安那州和密西西比州的海滩。 yeeyan

Great whites rarely enter kelp forests, and fur seals seek them out as refuges from their arch nemeses.
大白鲨很少进入巨藻丛,而海豹把海藻当作避难所来逃避大白鲨血盆大口。 cnnas

In fact, this ruling may not have been an altogether bad thing because the Belgian Congo had just erupted into civil war and Kigoma was filled with refuges.
事实上,这种管制并不完全是坏事,因为比利时的殖民地刚果刚刚爆发了内战,基戈马充满了难民。 yeeyan

In so doing, she dismissed her responsibility to so much as warn returning refuges about the extreme security threat.
在这种情况下,她只向返回的难民警告极端的安全威胁就算完成其职责。 yeeyan

It will be difficult to expand other refuges because rhinos and rice flourish in the same kinds of places.
难以扩大其它的保护区,因为犀牛和稻子生长在同类地区。 jukuu

Only about3,700 people out of11, 400 in this area had sought shelter in makeshift refuges.
该地区约1.1万人中仅有3,700人选择到灾民收容所避难。 putclub

Our homes are popular refuges for a number of animals.
我们的家是许多动物最爱的藏身处。 com

Rare eagles, seabirds and marine mammals live along its cliffs and coastline; inland, bear, reindeer, moose and wolf roam natural parks, preserves and refuges the size of European countries.
在山崖和海岸生活着珍稀的鹰,海鸟和海鲸;在内陆,国家公园、自然保护区和动物保护区面积有欧洲国家那么大,里面熊,训鹿,野鹿和狼等动物咆哮奔腾,生生不息。 yeeyan

Some refuges should be close to shore, to protect coastal species; others must be large and offshore, to shield oceanic fishes.
有些庇护所应靠近海岸,以保护沿岸物种;其馀的应要大范围且位于远海以保护海洋鱼类。 iciba

Such refuges are few and far between.
这样的避难所寥寥可数。 yeeyan

The amendment would bar the Interior Department from prohibiting individuals from legally carrying firearms inside national parks and wildlife refuges.
该修正案将禁止内政部从法律禁止个人在国家公园和野生生物保护区内合法携带枪支。 yeeyan

The important meaning, basic principles, main requirements and important standards of planning and constructing urban seismic refuges for evacuation are studied.
探讨了规划建设城市地震避难疏散场所的重要意义、基本原则、主要要求与重要指标。 cnki

The300-member force will be deployed mostly around the Sundarbans mangrove forests, one of the last refuges of the tigers.
这支三百人的部队主要将部署在孙德尔本斯红树林,这里是孟加拉虎最后的栖息地之一。 yeeyan

Therefore the area was bases of numerous ambitious militaries and refuges of Chinese governments throughout history.
因此该地区成了众多雄师的军事基地,并一度是历史上中国政府的庇护所。 tdict




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