

单词 reframing
释义 reframing 英riːf'reɪmɪŋ美riːf'reɪmɪŋ 高COCA⁷⁰⁷⁹²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵²²³⁴
重新构想,重新构造原型reframe的现在分词 A new study finds that positive reframing—looking at a thing in a different light—and perhaps laughing about life’s daily small setbacks is an effective way to feel satisfied at the end of the day.
最新的一项研究发现,积极的重新审视——换种眼光看待事物——对日常生活中的小挫折付之一笑,是让人在一天结束后心满意足的好方法。 yeeyan

A series of dialogues between a novice and a master teacher, and between a new and a seasoned principal demonstrate how framing?and then reframing? challenges brings clarity.
阿之间的新手和硕士学位的教师进行一系列对话,与一个新的和经验丰富的主要演示了如何制定?,然后重新规划?挑战带来的清晰度。 ccebook.net

I am talking about blowing the doors off of conventional aging precepts and completely reframing the whole concept.
告诉大家把脑袋里有关衰老的传统观念清理出去,代之以全新的概念。 yeeyan

The key ingredient in reframing problems is the all important ability to wear many hats and speak the many different languages of business, marketing, design, engineering and manufacturing etc.
在重新规划方案的流程中,关键要素是需要一个多面手,能够处理商业,营销,设计,工程和制造等不同领域的问题。 yeeyan

Beyond self- binding, there are other ways to avoid dragging your feet, most of which depend on what psychologists might call reframing the task in front of you.
除了自我约束外,还有其它避免拖延的方法,大多都是依靠心理学家所称的“重新构造你眼前的任务”。 yeeyan




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