

单词 refracted
释义 re·fract·ed 英rɪ'frækt美rɪ'frækt 高COCA⁶¹¹¹³BNC⁷⁰⁰⁸⁸
subject to refraction;

refract a light beam

determine the refracting power of a lensrefracting telescope折光式望远镜…
近义词 bend弯曲alter改变divert转移detour绕路deflect使偏斜change course改变路线

Light isrefractedwhen passed through a prism.光线经过棱镜时产生折射现象。verb.bend
同义词 angle,arch,bow,buckle,camber,careen,circle,contort,crimp,crinkle,crook,crouch,curl,deflect,deform,detour,double,droop,flex,genuflect,hook,incline,incurvate,lean,loop,pervert,round,spiral,stoop,swerve,tilt,turn,twist,veer,verge,warp,waver,wilt,wind,yaw,zigzagangle away,angle off
反义词 beautify,rise,smooth,straighten It is also found that the ratio between the two in the refracted light is monotone increasing.
对于折射光来说,平行入射面的光振动与垂直入射面的光振动振幅之比是单调上升的。 cnki

It should ensure that the times of first breaks of most traces are correct while picking up times of refracted first breaks, that can ensure the subsequent processing to meet the demand.
在拾取折射初至时间时,必须确保大部分道的初至时间是正确的,才能保证后续处理符合要求。 cnki

The emerging sunspot region seems to boost the local speed of sound, thereby hastening the refracted return of sound waves passing through that part of the solar interior.
浮现的黑子区似乎能使当地的声速增加,从而使声波更快地通过这个区域。 yeeyan

The light reflected and refracted several times by a droplet and then finally returned to the observer is therefore white.
光由粒子反射和折射数次,最后到达观察者,所以是白色的。 kuenglish

The mirror glass carrier has the light refracted and affects the catoptric imaging of the light onthe reflection plane.
镜子的玻璃载体对光产生折射作用,它对光在镜子反射面的反射成像产生了影响。 dictall

They think that a stick refracted in the water is therefore a crooked stick.
诗人甚至不能理解折射,还认为从水面上看,水中的木棍儿显得弯曲是因为它就是弯的呢。 v.163.com

A common desert phenomenon is the mirage, an optical illusion caused when lights waves are bent or refracted by layers of air that are different in density.
海市蜃楼是沙漠里一种常见现象。它是光波在遇到不同密度的空气层而发生折射时引起的一种光幻象。 scientrans

Also, the relationship between eunuchs and Buddhism refracted that among eunuchs, those of eunuchs to the imperial family, to courtiers and to the society etc.
同时,宦官与佛教的关系中又折射着宦官之间、宦官与皇室、宦官与朝臣以及宦官与社会等等关系的因素。 cnki

At last, this part expounds the spirit of traditional culture refracted by serenity theory.
最后,在前面基础上揭示“静穆”说所折射的中国传统文化精神。 cnki

At the moment, the only data on the Earth's interior are the paths of earthquake waves that are reflected and refracted by the various layers of the planet's interior.
目前,地球内部的仅有数据就是地震波的射线路径;该路径由地球内部不同层圈反射和折射。 ecocn

For most of human history, the phrase“ light pollution” would have made no sense. Now most of humanity lives under intersecting domes of reflected, refracted light.
在很部分的人类历史上,要说起“光污染”是没有任何意义的。但是现在,绝大多数的人都生活在有光的反射和折射的环境之下。 cnnas

From Hales method, reversed refracted wave method shows accuracy and efficiency in detecting the thickness of remained coal seam.
以哈尔斯法为例,将相遇折射波法用于剩余煤厚探测中,具有精确、高效、快速的特点。 cnki

Instead of relying on how X-rays are absorbed by different materials, they have instead focused on how they are diverted or refracted as they pass through different substances.
这个团队不是研究 X光射线如何被不同的材料吸收,反而是关注 X光射线如何转向或者当 X光射线穿过不同物体时如何折射。 yeeyan

More computer animation than pinhole camera, in other words, though using real light refracted through a lens rather than the virtual sort.
与针孔摄像头相比电脑动画更多地一个用此技术,换句话说,虽然通过镜头使用真实的光线,但产生的不是虚拟的折射效果。 ecocn

Most of this refracted light is in the red part of the spectrum and as a result the moon, seen from Earth, turns a reddish, coppery or orange hue, sometimes even brownish.
这些折射的光线大多数处于光谱的红光区域,因此,从地球上看来,月球变成了红色、黄铜色或者橙色色调,有时甚至会变成褐色。 yeeyan

Of course, the television debates have been refracted through tweets and e- mails, just as they have been dissected by newspapers.
当然,正如这些电视辩论被各大报纸所剖析的那样,其也已经通过 Twitter和邮件为人所了解。 ecocn

Of or relating to light emitted from a point source and reflected or refracted from a curved surface.
由一个点光源发出并从曲面反射或折射的光的或关于这种光的。 ebigear

The fact that light can be refracted has led to the invention of lenses that can control the bending of light rays to suit man's purposes.
光会发生折射这个事实,导致透镜的发明,透镜可以控制光线的折射程度,以便为人类服务。 blog.sina.com.cn

This article introduces that the amplitude and intensity of refracted light are more than those of incident light, and demonstrated the cause.
本文介绍了折射光振幅、光强大于入射光振幅、光强的情况,进而阐明了其产生的原因。 cnki

When a radio signalan electromagnetic wave propagates into the ionosphere, it might be absorbed, attenuated, refracted, or it might shoot right through and out into space.
当一个无线电信号电磁波传播进入电离层时,它也许会被吸收、削弱、折射,或者会穿透并进入太空。 kuenglish




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