

单词 reformulated
释义 reformulated ri:ˈfɔ:mjuleitid 高COCA⁴⁷⁵⁸⁷BNC⁴⁷⁹⁵¹iWeb⁴⁶²⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
v.再用形式表示reformulate的过去式和过去分词原型reformulate的过去式和过去分词 A magnetically stabilized bed reactor with amorphous NiREP alloy catalyst was used for the hydrogenation of light reformate to produce reformulated gasolineRFG.
采用非晶态合金催化剂和磁稳定床反应器,对重整轻馏分油进行加氢,以生产新配方汽油组分。 chemyq

And the GNCP is reformulated as unconstrained optimization problem.
然后建立了 GNCP问题的无约束优化问题的转化形式。 cnki

In order to solve financial crisis, enterprises must face the facts soberly, analyze the causes, and make a feasible financial reformulated plan;
化解财务危机,必须面对现实,分析原因,制定切实可行的财务重整计划; cnki

In this paper, beginning with the translational gauge theory, the teleparallel gravity is reformulated in the Lagrangian formulation.
着重指出该表述的主要特点,并进一步对比广义相对论,详细论述了平移引力中挠率相应的动力学作用。 dictall

Not at all: Instead of providing definitions of“ art, ” these theories have constantly reformulated criteria of artistic excellence, despite the intentions of their proponents.
不尽然,先抛开理论者的意图,这些理论已经不断地重构优秀的艺术标准,而不是要提供艺术的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn

The difference between reformulated gasoline and conventional gasoline as well as the impact of reformulated gasoline production on petroleum refining industry were introduced.
介绍新配方汽油与传统汽油的区别,以及新配方汽油的生产对炼油工业的影响; cnki

The formulated empirical equations are waiting to be reformulated.
已经公式化的经验等式正在等待被重新公式化。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn

The new model is composed of difference dynamic system and semi- smooth equations reformulated by NCP.
新模型由差分动态系统和非线性互补函数 NCP转换的半光滑方程系统构成。 fabiao

As new knowledge is won, old theories are to be reformulated, existing knowledge is both corrected and deepened.
当获得了新的知识,旧的理论应该重新系统地阐述,已经存在知识应该改正与深化。 mdgang

Five years after the infamous Coke fiasco, the Coca- Cola company tried to bring back the reformulated Coke.

In chapter 2, the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem GNCP defined on a polyhedral cone is reformulated as a system of nonlinear equations.
第二章主要是将求解定义在闭凸多面锥上的广义互补问题 GNCP转化为一个非线性方程组问题。 cnki

In Listing14 you can find first the original query followed be a reformulated one.
在清单14中,首先可以看到原有的查询,后面有一个重新构造的查询。 ibm

It is known that the VIP can be reformulated as an unconstrained minimization problem through the D- gap function.
我们知道,通过广义 D-间隙函数,可以将变分不等式问题转化为一个无约束极小化问题。 cnki

Many important problems of system and control theory can be reformulated as linear matrix inequality convex optimization problems, which is numerically tractable.
系统与控制理论中的许多问题,都可转化为线性矩阵不等式约束的凸优化问题,从而简化其求解过程。 cnki

The KKT system of the OPF is reformulated equivalently to a system of nonsmooth bounded constrained equations.
建立了与 OPF问题的 KKT系统等价的带界约束的半光滑方程系统。 cnki

Unilever reformulated its shampoo for India and ditched the conditioner.
联合利华为印度改变了洗发水配方并且抛弃了护发素的生产。 ecocn

Viruses change, or mutateSoso flu vaccines must be reformulated each year to target the most commonfreststhreats.
病毒变化或变异,因此流感疫苗也必须每年改变,以针对最普遍的流感预兆。 hjenglish

' We're used to flu vaccines being reformulated every year because new strains come along, ' said Dr Chris Scanlan of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, who led the research.
“因为我们每年都会因为有新的毒株出现而开发新的流感疫苗”,牛津大学生物化学系 Chris Scanlan博士说道,他领导了这项研究。 dxy

Last week, Snapple Beverage unveiled a reformulated line of drinks and an eight- figure marketing campaign emphasizing that its iced teas are made from green and black tea and “ real” sugar.
上周斯纳波饮料推出一系列了重新配方的饮品和一个8个指数的市场活动来强调他们所生产的冰茶是由红茶、绿茶和“真正的”糖做成的。 yeeyan

Responding to laws that went into effect in17 states in July, the nation’s detergent makers reformulated their products to reduce what had been the crucial ingredient, phosphates, to just a trace.
为了回应七月在17个州生效的法律,全国的洗洁精制造商都重新调配了他们的产品以使他们产品中的关键元素——磷酸盐降低到仅仅是微量的水平。 yeeyan




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