

单词 reformer
释义 re·form·er AHDrə̇ˈfȯrmər,rēˈf-,-ȯər ★★☆☆☆高T八COCA⁹⁵⁶⁵BNC¹⁸⁴⁵⁵iWeb¹⁴⁴⁶⁵Economist⁷⁴⁷³

a disputant who advocates reforman apparatus that reforms the molecular structure of hydrocarbons to produce richer fuel;

a catalytic reformer

来自 reform,改革,改正。naphtha reformer石脑油重整器…gas reformer煤气体转化器…naphtha reformer stripper石脑油重整的汽提塔…cat reformer催化重整器aromatics reformer芳烃重整装置…catalytic air-steam reformer空气-蒸气催化转化装…catalytic reformer催化重整装置,催化重…reformer改革家
蒋争熟词记忆reform改革;革新-er者⇒改革者;革新者reform改革;革新-er者⇒改革者;革新者近义词 improver改良者agitator鼓动者campaigner从军者activist活动分子crusader十字军战士reformist改革主义的meliorist社会向善论者…social reformer社会改革家

用作名词He became an active socialreformer.他成了一位积极的社会改革家。
The politician was a famous socialreformer.那位政治家曾是著名的社会改革家。
He has projected himself as areformerin the presidential campaign.他在总统竞选中以改革者的姿态出现。as in.inciter
同义词 advocate,agent,anarchist,champion,demagogue,dissident,fighter,firebrand,fomenter,heretic,incendiary,instigator,leftist,malcontent,mover,partisan,propagandist,provocateur,pusher,rabble-rouser,radical,reactionary,rebel,revisionist,revolutionary,ringleader,troublemaker,zealotdisrupter,sparkplug,wave maker
反义词 moderate,peacemakeras in.radical
同义词 agitator,anarchist,extremist,fanatic,firebrand,insurgent,leftist,militant,progressive,rebel,renegade,revolutionary,rioter,subversiveavant-garde,freethinker,iconoclast,insurrectionist,left-winger,mutineer,nihilist,nonconformist,objector,pacifist,secessionistrevolter,ultraist
反义词 conservative,moderate
inciternoun agitator
advocate,agent,anarchist,champion,demagogue,disrupter,dissident,fighter,firebrand,fomenter,heretic,incendiary,instigator,leftist,malcontent,mover,partisan,propagandist,provocateur,pusher,rabble-rouser,radical,reactionary,rebel,revisionist,revolutionary,ringleader,sparkplug,troublemaker,wave maker,zealot
radicalnoun person who advocates significant, often extreme change
agitator,anarchist,avant-garde,extremist,fanatic,firebrand,freethinker,iconoclast,insurgent,insurrectionist,left-winger,leftist,militant,mutineer,nihilist,nonconformist,objector,pacifist,progressive,rebel,reformer,renegade,revolter,revolutionary,rioter,secessionist,subversive,ultraist At the least, Europeans advise, the US should wait until after the election, especially if a reformer is chosen president.
欧洲人建议,美国至少应该等到选举之后再说,特别是如果一位改革者当选总统的话。 yeeyan

The electorate, we hear, wants Barack Obama to be more of an economic populist but less of an ambitious reformer.
我们听到选民们要求奥巴马做一个经济上的平民派,而不是雄心勃勃的改革者; yeeyan

The president also has a perfect issue on which to try to reinvent himself as a reformer with results: immigration.
总统也还有一个绝佳议题,即:移民,处理的结果或能试图使布什重塑自我成为一位改革者。 ecocn

And it is a beneficiary, a participant and a reformer of the current international political order, but restrained by rules formed and enforced by Western countries.
作为现代国际政治秩序的参与者和改革者,中国也是受益人,但是又受限于改革后的体制和西方国家的压制。 yeeyan

But I am no reformer.
我不是个改革者。 cri

But if he is to prosper as a reformer, he will have to break Mr Ozawa’s grip on the party.
但是如果他想要以改革者的身份取得成功,他就必须打破小泽对于政党的控制。 ecocn

He also has the most valuable resource of any ambitious reformer—a close bond with the president.
他也拥有了任何雄心勃勃的改革者最宝贵的资源——与总统密切的关系。 ecocn

He inherited his father's position in 2000, portraying himself as a reformer but failing to deliver.
2000年,他继承了他父亲的位置,本想以一个改革者的姿态出现,但未能实现。 yeeyan

He may look like a reformer, but he owes his job to the army from which he hails.
他看起来像是一个改革者,但他如今的地位却仍要归功于他曾经为之效力的军队。 ecocn

He typifies the uncompromising reformer.

I mention it only because it would be folly to call for a reform of our schools without taking account of the corrupt resistance which awaits the reformer.
我提到这一点只是想说,要是改革者不考虑前方腐朽的抵抗力量而妄谈学校改革,这是十分愚蠢的。 yeeyan

In office, Mr Zhu had a reputation as a blunt, honest reformer.
在官方,朱先生有一个直率的诚实的社会改革者的尊称。 yeeyan

Moreover, his appeal has always been as a reformer.
另外,改革家一直是萨科齐的魅力。 ecocn

Mr Abhisit says he is a reformer, who will heal divisions.
阿披实说他将会是一个弥合分歧的改革者。 ecocn

Nonetheless, there is some evidence that he is a committed reformer.
尽管如此,他仍不失为一个尽心尽力的改革家。 yeeyan

Perhaps, now that he is rid of most of his legal troubles, he can start to think more about a place in history as a great reformer and less about staying out of jail. It's possible.
也有这样的可能,既然贝卢斯科尼已经摆脱了官司困扰,他可以开始多动脑筋在历史上留下大改革家的美名,少花心思在如何逃脱牢狱之灾上了。 ecocn

Private television is still dominated by Mr Berlusconi. He is still Italy's richest man, still beset by conflicts of interest, still unfit, even if he were a great reformer, to rule Italy.
贝卢斯科尼仍然控制着私人电视,他仍然是意大利的首富,他仍然因政企利益冲突问题被围攻,即使他将来是大改革家,他也还是没有资格治理意大利。 ecocn

The governor must also do much more to be a true reformer.
要成为一个真正的改革者斯皮策必须做得更多。 ecocn

The notion of the president as a centrist reformer may look fairly unlikely.
总统的见解如中立的改革者,可能看起来简直不太可能。 ecocn

The regime surely did not fear Mousavi, who is a pretty tame sort of reformer, or even his formidable wife.
这个制度肯定没有使得穆萨维害怕,他是一个相当温和改革家,甚至他那位令人生畏的妻子。 yeeyan

This is a risky strategy for Mr Assad, who is held up as a reformer by his domestic supporters.
对于阿萨德而言,这是一个冒险的策略,他向来被国内支持者当作改革家来追捧。 ecocn

We cannot evaluate a reformer based on what he says or even on what he does.
我们不能以一个改革者的言论甚至行动来评价他的政绩。 cri

Zhou is considered a reformer on currency and other financial policies, but his is a minority voice.
周被认为是个在货币政策和其他金融政策的改革者,但他是少数派的声音。 yeeyan




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