

单词 reformations
释义 reformations ˌrefəˈmeɪʃənz COCA²⁰⁸⁸²⁷BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.改进;改革;改善reformation的名词复数原型reformation的复数 It is the end purpose of the whole reformations to lead the competition into the railway industry to increase its efficiency.
为铁路运输业引入竞争以提高其效率,是一切改革方案的最终目的。 dictall

The application of multimedia network leads composition teaching profound reformations in the fields of thinking concept, teaching method and teaching design.
多媒体计算机网络技术的应用,导致作文教学的思想观念、教学方法和教学设计的深刻变革。 cnki

The economic level, the political system and the legal tradition of a country have remarkable influences on the system reformations of patent.
国家的经济水平、政治体制和法律传统对专利制度改革具有显著影响。 cnki

The implementing of quality education requires reformations in the teaching of political theory subjects, thus urging us to explore new approaches and methods to improve the teaching effects.
实施素质教育必须重视政治理论课教学的研究和改革,积极探索新途经、新形式,切实提高教学效果。 cnki

The scientific research institutes envisage actively to reformations.
科研单位应以积极的态度面对机构改革和改制。 cnki

All of these reformations are not merely the change of salt system itself, they also changed the status and fate of merchants, which are closely related to the reform of salt system.
所有的这些变化并不仅仅是盐法自身的变化,它也引起了与明代盐法变化密切相关的商人的地位与命运的变化。 cnki

At present the puzzled problems are what are setup in China higher medical schools and which reformations of teaching method are to be realized.
医科大学计算机教育应设置什么内容、教学方法可以实现哪些改革,是目前困惑的问题。 cnki

At the beginning of the Revolution, the Feuillants initiated reformations in the field of trade, tax system and finance.
君主立宪派在大革命初期进行了贸易、税制和金融方面的改革。 cnki

By mastering such restrictions and fixed limits, we can actualize the reformations, innovations, and inventions symbolized by Uranus.
借由控制这些约束及被确定的限制,我们可以实现天王星所象徵的改革、创新与发明。 blog.sina.com.cn

Considering a series of reformations conducted in recent years, it can be predicted that higher education in Japan will develop towards a direction of more diversities.
结合近几年来日本在这方面的一系列改革尝试,我们可以看出日本高等教育将朝向更加灵活多样的方向发展。 cnki

Current“ Western Economics” course exists many problems, we should carry out the reformations in textbooks and teaching methods to fix in with the need of economic development.
现行“西方经济学”课程存在许多问题,应该在教材和教学方法上进行改革,以适应经济发展的需要。 cnki

From the point of practice, the effects of the auxiliary reformations are directly connected with the development and success of the reformation of rural tax and fee.
从实践来看,配套改革的绩效直接关系到农村税费改革的深入和成败。 cnki

In order to improve the performance of algorithm, a lot of reformations have been proposed.
为了提高算法的性能,前人提出很多算法的改进。 fabiao

In various rural reformations, the orientation of political system reformation is to carry out democratic autonomy and bring about a prosperous rural economy and cultural cause.
在农村政治经济体制各项改革中,政治体制改革方向是推行民主自治,以繁荣农村的经济、文化事业。 cnki

The research shows: making reformations on agricultural extension course system to innovate agricultural extension education is available.
本研究结果表明:通过农业推广教育课程体系改革来创新农业推广教育模式是可行的。 cnki

The reformations in China should rely on Words of God.
中国的变革要靠改变人心的上帝的道。 blog.sina.com.cn

The reformations of audit department, training the auditors and the fulfill of audit tasks will be propitious to the development of the institute.
机构的改革、审计人员素质的提高和审计领域的推广,将有利于体院内部审计发挥更大的效能。 cnki

This article analyses the present status of the tutor team, and introduces mechanism reformations of being elected and appointed tutor in order to break tutor lifetime.
本文分析了当前研究生导师队伍的现状,提出改革导师选聘制度,打破“导师终身制”。 cnki

To adapt to the variety of environment, the teaching of clinical practice must face some innovations and reformations in the contents and methods.
临床实习教学将面临着一系列的教学内容和方法上的创新和改革,以适应变化的环境。 cnki

With the changes and development of factors affecting university curricular reformations, problems also arise increasingly in the process of university curricular reformation in China.
随着影响高校课程改革因素的变化发展,我国高校课程改革过程中出现的问题也日益突出。 cnki

With the development of the reformation of rural tax and fee, some new problems hold up the development of the reformation, so we need to carry out some auxiliary reformations accordingly.
随着农村税费改革的深入,产生出一些影响改革推进的新问题,需要进行相应的配套改革。 cnki




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