

单词 reflating
释义 reflating riˈfleitɪŋ BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
v.美;使通货再膨胀reflate的现在分词原型reflate的现在分词 Policy- makers have so far relied more on the easier path of reflating domestic demand via monetary policy easing and fiscal expansion.
到目前为止,亚洲决策者一直侧重于依靠货币放松和财政扩张来刺激内需。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn

The rich world needs reflating but the world economy also needs rebalancing.
发达国家需要通货再膨胀但是世界经济不需要再平衡。 yeeyan

During this period, Japanese policymakers have attracted criticism from among others Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, for their gradualist approach to reflating the economy.
在此时期之内,日本的政策制定者们受到了众多批评,批评者中就包括美联储主席伯南克在内,他指责日本在对经济的渐进主义者式的通货再膨胀。 remword

Fisher wrote that it was“ always economically possible to stop or prevent such a depression simply by reflating the price level up to the average level at which outstanding debts were contracted.”
费雪写道,“只需靠再次通货膨胀来终止或防止这样一个衰退---把价格抬高到未偿债务合同签订时的平均水平,从经济学上来说这是可行的。” yeeyan

Indeed, such“ quantitative easing” is an augury for the option to be tried in extremis: reflating the economy by printing money to finance budget deficits.
事实上,像这种“定量宽松型”货币政策预示着极端的选择:为弥补财政赤字,增印钞票,引发经济通胀。 bullock




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